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This first large-scale Chandra survey of the Galactic center region consists of 30 spatially-overlapped observations with exposure of about 11 ksec each. All these observations were taken in July, 2001. The arc-second spatial resolution and sensitivity of this survey is more detailed and complete by nearly two orders of magnitude than previous imaging in the 1-10 keV range. The survey allows, for the first time, a clean separation of the diffuse and point-like components of the X-ray emission, leading to a comprehensive characterization of high-energy activities in the region.

Press coverage:


"X-ray Thread G0.13-0.11: A Pulsar Wind Nebula?
Q. Daniel Wang, Fangjun Lu, & Cornelia C. Lang, 2002, ApJ, (Dec. 20)

"Chandra observations of the bursting X-ray transient SAX J1747.0-2853 during low-level accretion activity''
Wijnands, R., Miller, J. M., & Wang, Q. D., 2002, ApJ, 579, 422

``A {\it Chandra} observation of GRO J1744--28: the bursting pulsar in quiescence''
Wijnands, R., & Wang, Q. D., 2002, ApJL, 568, 93

"A Faint Source Origin for the Highly Ionized Iron Emission from the Galactic Center Region, Q. D. Wang,   E. Gotthelf, & C. C. Lang, 2002, Nature 415, 148

A Nature news and review article by Andreas Eckart on the results

An updated version of the paper can be found at

A poster presented by C. Lang, D. Wang, E. Gotthelf at the AAS meeting can be found here

A poster presented by E. Gotthelf, D. Wang, and C. Lang  at the AAS meeting can be found here

Daniel Wang Astronomy 100