Jamie T. Mullins

Jamie T Mullins

Associate Professor

Department of Resource Economics

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Office: 205D Stockbridge Hall

Phone: (413) 577-0975

Email: jmullins@umass.edu

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Department of Resource Economics
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Stockbridge Hall
80 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA 01035


  • Ph.D. Economics – University of California, San Diego – 2015
  • M.A. Economics – University of California, San Diego – 2012
  • B.S. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research - University of California, Berkeley – 2006

Research Interests:

Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Climate Change, Air Pollution, Environmental Risk, Mental Health


Jamie earned his PhD in the Department of Economics at the University of California San Diego. He served as a Pre-Doctoral Fellow with the Center on Emerging and Pacific Economies, a 2016 Lone Mountain Fellow with The Property and Environment Research Center, and a Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury in 2023. His research is focused primarily on applied topics in Environmental and Health Economics, with current work related to human physical and mental health, the perception of environmental risks, and climate change adaptation.

For more information, please see the Research Page.