Assessment of the Mixed Ownership Form of Enterprise, 2014
Can China's Rise Continue?, 2013
The Current Economic Crisis in the U.S.: A Crisis of Over-Investment, 2013
Social Structures of Accumulation, the Rate of Profit, and Economic Crises, 2012
Why Did Transition Happen?, 2011
The Demise of the Soviet Union and the International Socialist Movement Today, 2011
Over-Investment and the Economic Crisis of 2008, 2011
Changes in the Postwar Global Economy and the Roots of the Financial Crisis, 2010
The Dependence of China's Economic Growth on Exports and Investment, with Andong Zhu, 2010
Marxist Crisis Theory and the Severity of the Current Economic Crisis, 2009
A Re-conceptualization of Social Structure of Accumulation Theory, with Martin Wolfson, 2009
The Financial and Economic Crisis of 2008: A Systemic Crisis of Neoliberal Capitalism, 2008
What Economic Structure for Socialism?, 2008
Financialization and Neoliberalism, 2008
Global Neoliberalism and the Contemporary Social Structure of Accumulation, with Terrence McDonough, 2008
The Capital-Labor Relation: Contemporary Character and Prospects for Change, 2007
Crisis Tendencies in Two Regimes: A Comparison of Regulated and Neoliberal Capitalism, 2006
Socialism and Capitalism: Are They Qualitatively Different Socioeconomic Systems?, 2006
Institutional Structure or Social Structure of Accumulation? 2006
The Erosion of Non-Capitalist Institutions and the Reproduction of Capitalism, 2006
The "Uzbek Growth Puzzle" and the Washington Consensus, 2004
Deja Vu All Over Again: The "New Economy" in Historical Perspective, with Martin Wolfson, 2004
Neoliberalism and the Social Structure of Accumulation Theory of Long-Run Capital Accumulation, 2003
Neoliberalism and the U.S. Economic Expansion of the 1990s, 2003
Socialism and Global Neoliberal Capitalism, 2003
The U.S. Economy in the 1990s: A Neoliberal Success Story?, 2002
Globalization and Neoliberalism, 2002
Socialism and Innovation, 2002
System Change and State Disintegration in the Demise of the Soviet Union, 2001
Is Russia Becoming Capitalist? 2001
The State, Globalization, and Phases of Capitalist Development, 2001
Socialism and Innovation (Long Version), 2000
Socialism and Capitalism: Lessons from the Demise of State Socialism in the Soviet Union and China, 2000
Lessons from Economic Transition in Russia and China, 2000
Russia's Financial Crisis: The Failure of Neoliberalism? 1999
Sustaining Socialism, 1998