CV: pdf or html

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David E. Huber 

      2023-         U of Colorado: Psychology and Institute of Cognitive Science

      2013-2022 U of Massachusetts, Amherst: Psychological and Brain Sciences

Associate Professor

      2009-2013 U of California, San Diego: Psychology

Assistant Professor

      2006-2008 U of California, San Diego: Psychology

      2003-2005 U of Maryland : Psychology and Neuroscience and Cognitive Science 

Postdoctoral Research

      1999-2003 U of Colorado: Psychology and Institute of Cognitive Science
PhD: 2000
- Indiana University : Cognitive Science and Cognitive Psychology
BA: 1991
- Williams College Psychology and Physics

Cognitive Experiments Models and Neuroscience Lab

Research in CEMNL focuses on human perception and memory from a broad-based, computational perspective. To shed light on these basic cognitive processes, we find converging evidence from behavioral studies and neurophysiological measures in combination with neural network and Bayesian modeling. Ongoing research topics include recognition/recall memory, testing effects, metamemory, letter/word perception, face perception, semantics, and shifts of attention.




This website is no longer updated. Professor Huber’s Lab has moved to the University of Colorado and the new lab website is found here


Software and demos

TopoToolbox (Tian, Poeppel, & Huber, 2011)

ROUSE Matlab routines (Huber, et al., 2001)

SDRM Matlab routine (Jang, Wallsten, & Huber, 2012)

Integration/Separation demo (Huber, 2014)


PLOS ONE article reporting a new statistical effect: 'Compensatory Selection'

What is a Compensatory Selection Effect? An example application with standardized tests

Discover Magazine (Oct. 6, 2021)


Office: 425 Tobin Hall

Office Phone: (413) 545-1559

Fax: (413) 545-0996


Mailing Address

David E. Huber

Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Tobin Hall

135 Hicks Way

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Amherst, MA 01003