Lab group visits the UMass TMNT statue (red eared slider turtles!) in 2023
Sahara mustard invasion in the Sonoran Desert
Cheatgrass invasion post-fire

October, 2024 Posted by Bethany

What's New:

 A recent paper by lab member Matt Fertakos investigates the role of propagule pressure in plant invasion and shows that propagule pressure increases the likelihood that introduced plants will establish, but does not increase the likelihood that they will invade.

About the spatial ecology lab

Spatial ecology and biogeography use geographic patterns of species across landscapes and regions to uncover patterns that help us understand what influences distribution. We focus primarily on non-native invasive plants, with a goal of better understanding the geographies of invasion risk. Our research investigates how global change interacts with species invasion to affect native ecosystems. The above image highlights potential hotspots of introduced plant invasion with climate change. Adapted from Allen & Bradley 2016