Harris Research Site
• Search Anglo-Saxon Corpus
• Old English Parser
• Anglo-Latin Authors Database
• ASPR word frequencies
• Beowulf Student Edition
• Old English Flash cards
• Spot the OE Quote
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• Grade Calculator
Search is not the same thing as research!
Stephen J. Harris
Dept. of English, South College
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Amhert, MA 01003 |
This site has three main sections: classes, resources,
and grammar.
In classes
you will find your course syllabus, readings, and links. Resources
includes a very limited help section. Handouts has most of my course handouts, charts, and pre-publication articles in one spot. The grammar section
includes Professor Michael Drout's King Alfred's Grammar, an
on-line introduction to Old English. There is also a detailed grammar
chart, and
the beginnings of a Natural
Language Parser for Old English.
In all cases, this website
is an integral part of your classes. If you cannot regularly access the web, please let me know. Please read this warning if you are taking a course from me.
material is © Stephen J. Harris 2022–23 unless otherwise noted. The image above is part of a wall chart of the history of the English language by Jennifer Goodheart. These pages do not reflect the views nor is their content the responsibility of
the University of Massachusetts.
"There is nothing which can better deserve our patronage than the promotion of science and literature. Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness." —George Washington, Address to Congress, 8 Jan 1790
• Why Go To College?
• Why Study English?
• English and Marketing
• Rhetoric Handout
• Medieval Certificate
• UMass Library Guides
• Electronic Beowulf
• Exeter Book
• 360° Tour of Jane Austen's house
• Academy of American Poets
• Poetry Foundation
• Poetry Interational
• Norton Anthology texts
• Myth of Learning Styles
• Other classroom myths
• Neuroscientists vs. learning styles
• Why study lit?
• Why study lit 2 (NYT)
"Gleawe men sceolon gieddum wrixlan"
-- Maxims I 4a
"Ic on flette mæg þurh runstafas rincum secgan, þam þe bec witan"
-- Exeter Riddle 42
"Tout le malheur des hommes vient d'une seule chose, qui est de ne pas savoir
demeurer en repos dans une chambre."
-- Pascal
HEL anomaly:

From an 11th-century manuscript.
"Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally, he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses in order to justify his logic."
-- Dostoevsky, Notes from the Underground
"Hypothesen sind Wiegenlieder, womit der Lehrer seine Schüler einlullt; der denkende treue Beobachter lernt immer mehr seine Beschräkungen kenne, er sieht: je weiter sich das Wissen ausbreitet, desto mehr Probleme kommen zum Vorschein"
-- Goethe, Nachlass