QFS98 -- Invited Speakers:

The International Committee has to date identified approximately fifty candidates for invited presentations at QFS98, a number which exceeds the number of invitations which can be accommodated. From this list and other names to be added later, we have begun to invite some speakers to make presentations at QFS98. We plan to issue a number of additional invitations, and will reserve some spots for invitations to be issued in the late winter and early spring. There will also be some oral presentations offered on the basis of the contributed abstracts. The majority of presentations will be in poster format. Speakers invited to make presentations at QFS98 are listed below. Listed speakers have accepted invitations, except for those marked (*) for whom confirmation is not yet available. This list is presently incomplete, and will grow further as time passes. The most recent update was done on 5/21/98. Invited speakers should pay their banquet fee along with the payment form, but banquet speakers will receive a banquet refund at the time of conference check-in.
Guenter Ahlers
Hikota Akimoto
Sebastien Balibar
Barry Barker
Eric Cornell
Seamus Davis
Shaun Fisher
Andrei Golov
Hidehiko Ishimoto
Wolfgang Ketterle
Eckhard Krotscheck
Paul Leiderer
John Lipa
Richard Packard
Francesco Pedervia
John Reppy
Michel Roger
Etienne Rolley
Alexandr Safonov
Sandro Stringari
Dwight Whitaker
G.E. Volovik

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