Chapter 13 Translation Practice


1.&æ9;Til biþ se þe his treowe gehealdeþ.


2.&æ9;He for to Rome and þær gesæt, ond his lic liþ on Sancta Marian circean.


3.&æ9;Wearþ þa fordrifen on an iglond ut on þære Wendelsæ.


4.&æ9;And þonne he his byrnsweord getyþ and þas world ealle þurhslyhþ.


5.&æ9;Hi þa somod ealle ongunnon cohhetan, cirman hlude ond gristbitian.


6.&æ9;Ge ealdras tonymaþ þa gatu, and up ahebbaþ þa ecan gatu.


7.&æ9;For þon þu us þus dydest, we hit þe forgyldaþ.


8.&æ9;Nu ge þus feor hider on urne eard in becomon.


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