Stephen DeStefano

USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit

University of Massachusetts, Amherst




Since 1999, I have been engaged in several different research projects in New England under a few broad categories: urban and suburban wildlife, forest wildlife, and human-wildlife interactions.


This research has been conducted through the U. S. Geological Survey's Cooperative Research Unit Program, specifically the Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, in collaboration with the following agencies:


Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation

Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

U. S. D. A. Forest Service, particularly the Northeastern Research Station


The following major research activities are on-going:


Moose ecology, movements, and forest relationships . . . read more HERE.


Beaver demography and ecology along an urban-rural gradient . . . more to come.


Effects of disturbance to breeding common loons . . . more to come.


Movements, landscape use, and human interactions of urban and rural black bears . . . more to come.



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