Seth Cable Professor Department of Linguistics University of Massachusetts Amherst Integrative Learning Center, Room N426 Email:
Curriculum Vitae Research Selected Courses Formal Semantics (Spring 2025) Graduate Field Methods (Kazakh; Fall 2023) Semantics and Generative Grammar (Fall 2023) Semantics of Tense and Aspect Across Languages (Fall 2021) Undergraduate Seminar in Advanced Semantics (Fall 2020) Watch that Attitude! Current Attitudes on Attitude Verbs (Semantics Seminar; Spring 2020) From Logic to Montague Grammar (Fall 2019) Undergraduate Introduction to Semantics (Fall 2019) *A Generic / *The Generic / Generics are Puzzling: Issues in the Semantics of Generics and Habituals (Semantics Proseminar; Fall 2018) Introduction to Linguistic Theory (Spring 2018) Graduate Field Methods (Yalálag Zapotec; Fall 2017) Undergraduate Field Methods (Kalmyk Language; Spring 2016) Semantic Variation in Tense and Aspect (Semantics Proseminar; Fall 2015) Current Issues at the Semantics/Philosophy of Language Interface (Semantics/Philosophy Seminar; Spring 2015) [with Alejandro Pérez Carballo] Distributivity, Pluractionality and Reciprocity Across Languages (Semantics Seminar; Spring 2012) Plurality Across Languages (Semantics Proseminar; Fall 2010) Languages of the Pacific Northwest (Fall 2008) Non-Academic Writing
Selected Courses