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1996 Gloria Russel, "UMass Faculty Members Practice What they Preach," Springfield Sunday Republican, April 28, 1996
1991 Bruce Mielke, Integrated Computer Graphics, West Publishing Company, St. Paul, 1991, my drawing "Religion" is pictured on page 3
1990 Renee LeWinter and Cynthia Baron, "Artistic Challenge: Establishing aesthetic standards in computer art," Computer Graphics World, Volume 13, Number 2, February 1990, two of my collage/drawings were pictured on page 50
Computer Graphics ,Volume 24, Number 1, January 1990, invited cover image
1987 "In and Out of Production," The Independent, NYC, May 1987, page 31
Gene Youngblood, "Art and Ontology: Electronic Visualization in Chicago,"
The Event Horizon: Essays on Hope, Social Space, and Media(tion) in Art, edited by Loren Falk and Barbara Fischer, Coach House Press, Toronto, Canada, 1987
1986 Roberta Williams , The Artist and the Computer - III, Louisville Art Gallery, Louisville, KY, 1986, exhibition catalog
Rick Manning, "61 Works of Art That Compute," The Louisville Times, Sept. 27, 1986
Computer Graphics 1986, Golden Turtle Press; Fields #3 included in this calendar
Nadia Magnet-Thalman, Computer Animation Theory and Practice, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986, LIS31 is produced on page 34
David Prescott, "Festival Theme Cross-Cultural," Chicago Tribune, March 7, 1986
Sharon Barrett, "Festival Celebrates Women," Chicago Sun Times, February 28, 1986
1985 Mark Wilson, Drawing with Computers, Putnam Publishing, New York, 1985
William Paterson, "Painting by Computer," The Sunday Star Ledger, October 1985
Melvin Prueitt, "Michelangelos of the Micro Chip," The Science Teacher, Vol.52, No.4, April 1985
Ben Templin, "Museum of Monitor Art," Computer Entertainment, August 1985
1984 Roy Riverberg, "Painting by Pixel," HARDCOPY, September 1984
Annabel Jankel and Rocky Morton, Creative Computer Graphics, Cambridge University Press, London, 1984
"The Way for New Designers," Mellon Magazine, Tokyo, Japan 1984
Melvin Prueitt, Art the Computer, McGraw-Hill, 1984
Steve Ditlea, editor, Digital Deli, Workman Press, 1984
"Computer Art: A New Direction," Valley News Dispatch, PA, 1984
Dan Cody, "Creating Computer Art," Delta Airlines Sky Magazine, January, 1984
1983 "Computer Art Comes to Louisville," Louisville Times, Louisville, KY, December 10, 1983
Diane Heilenman, "Review of Louisville Gallery Show," Courier Journal, December 1983
"Show Screens of Computer Art, "Louisville Cardinal, December, Vol. 55, No. 16, 1983
"Art Gains New Look, Thanks to Computers," Record Courier, June 25, 1983
Patrice Wagner, "Digital Portfolio," Computer Graphics World, September, 1983
1982 "Video On," Boston College Review, November 8, 1982, review of show and seminar at BFVF
Lucinda Furlong, "Color My World": Chicago Video/MOMA," AfterImage, October 1982
Grace Guleck, "Forays into Sound and Videotape," New York Times, June 13, 1982
1981 Yochiro Kawaguchi, Digital Image, ASCII Publishing, 1981