Shughni language page
Shughni is an endangered
Pamir language spoken in
Ethnologue entry for Shughni Wikipedia entry for Shughni
This page contains Shughni language information, student papers and audio samples collected in the spring term of 2007
in connection with Ling 404, an undergraduate field
methods course at the
under the direction of Ellen Woolford.
Our Preliminary Descriptions of Aspects of
Shughni Grammar:
Shughni Vowels and Consonants (Compiled by James Arno)
Shughni Dictionary (Compiled by Tea Mancino)
Shughni Word Order (Compiled by Sarah Occhino)
Particle Um (Compiled by Ginny
Shughni Verbs and Tense (Compiled by Mayumi Oiwa)
Wh-Words and Questions in Shughni (Compiled by Sarah R. Watsky)
Shughni Binding (Compiled by Greg Griffith)
Pronoun Forms and Case in Shughni (Compiled by Lisa Steventon)
Double click on the link below to hear a
Shughni Language Audio Sample: summary recording of the examples we elicited
in one class
sound files previously available are now unavailable at the moment due to a server
Download the free Voice Walker transcriber
To use the Voice
by clicking on and opening the file as you would with a word processor.