Random Walk Assignment


1)   Fill in the skeleton code, ebrw.m, to implement the EBRW (Nosofsky and Palmeri, 1997).

a)    Assume the category assignments from Figure 3.

2)   Run ebrw.m with the following parameters (from Table C2)

a)    c = 2.196

b)   w1 = 0.716

c)    alpha = 0.242

d)   A = 5

e)    k = 125.07

f)    mu = 491.07

g)   do_plots = 1

3)   Turn in

a)    The 12 graphs. 

b)   Explain in one or two sentences what the graphs are plotting.

4)   Now run ebrw_simulations.m with the same parameters

a)    Turn in the 12 Category A predictions and the 12 mean reaction times.

i)     (DonŐt worry that the predictions are bad.)

b)   Which 2 stimuli

i)     Have the longest RTs and lowest proportion correct?

ii)   Why?

iii) Relate this to the graphs from part 3.a.