ûL ©1707-8. Cotton, Josiah. Vocabularyª [Pilling 95ab] Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, series 3, vol. 2 (1830), 147-257 /*************************************************************************/ /* The text is transliterated using the full ASCII character set, as far */ /* as possible literally. There are the following divergences from that */ /* state: */ /* 1. The double overdotted (umlaut, diaresis) characters are used for */ /* characters with a macron. Lower case forms are substituted where */ /* necessary. */ /* 2. Where an overdotted character occurs in the original, a backslash */ /* is used as an escape character. */ /* 3. Where circumflexed characters do not exist in the ASCII set, a */ /* postposed caret ("^", ASCII 94) is used. */ /* 4. A postposed "at" character ("@", ASCII 64) is used to render the */ /* breve of the original. */ /* 5. Eliot's doubled o character is rendered as the infinity symbol */ /* ("ì", ASCII 236). */ /* Lines are separated by the standard end-of-line character(s), but no */ /* attempt is made to enforce an eighty character line. */ /* Line-final hyphens are removed, the hyphenated word being brought */ /* over to the first line. The lineation of the original is otherwise */ /* kept as far as possible, except in the texts (dialogues and sermons). */ /* Here the English and the Massachusett are given roughly a sentence */ /* at a time, as the punctuation allows. This occasionally leads to a */ /* minor misplacing of the page numbering. */ /* The columnar structure of the original is given by means of a single */ /* tab character (ASCII 9) between the English and the Massachusett. The */ /* Massachusett portions are, in addition, put between paired forward */ /* slashes. */ /* The interpretation of Cotton's punctuation is not always clear, and */ /* so there is a certain amount of clumsiness and indecision or incon- */ /* sistency in the treament of glosses that contain several distinct */ /* English and/or Massachusett forms. */ /* The page references to the original manuscript have been removed to */ /* the left margin. */ /* The pagination of the printed text is given between angle brackets. */ /*************************************************************************/ <147> VOCABULARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS (OR NATICK) INDIAN LANGUAGE. BY JOSIAH COTTON. ADVERTISEMENT. THE following Vocabulary of the Indian Language, in the Natick or Massachusetts dialect, is faithfully copied from a manuscript compiled by the Hon. Josiah Cotton, a respectable inhabitant of Plymouth, who died in 1756, aged 77. He was the second son of the Rev. John Cotton, pastor of the first church in that ancient town twenty-eight years, from 1669 to 1697. Josiah Cotton was graduated at Harvard College in 1698. His early years, after his leaving College, were spent in Marblehead, where he was employed as a schoolmaster; his studies in the mean time were principally in theology. He was never settled, however, in the ministry; but, returning to his native town early in the last century, after some years of occupation in that place as a schoolmaster, he devoted himself to agricultural pursuits and to the discharge of several civil offices which he sustained. The offices which he held successively or in conjunction, were those of Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, Justice of the same Court, Register of Probate, and Register of Deeds. In the latter office he was succeeded by his son, John Cotton, who was succeeded by his son, Rossiter Cotton, the present worthy occupant of that office, to whose kindness this Society and the friends of ancient lore are indebted for a communication of this manuscript, and of other documents eminently useful and acceptable for the elucidation of our early history. This respectable family derives its origin from the celebrated John Cotton of Boston. Josiah Cotton as well as his father, in addition to their other employments, performed the duties of missionaries to the Indians at Plymouth and other places in that vicinity. The father was eminently skilled in the Indian language, of which there are many testimonials; the most conspicuous <148> is Eliot's Indian Bible. In the accomplishment of that laborious work Mr. Eliot acknowledges his obligations to Mr. Cotton, especially in the preparation of the second edition. Josiah Cotton, besides the advantages of much personal intercourse with the Indians, had the benefit of his father's information; and his long continuance as a religious instructer to the natives, with the ready use of their language, of which he left numerous specimens in writing, may reasonably induce a reliance on the correctness of the present Vocabulary which he compiled. A copy of some of his other specimens will be found subjoined to the Vocabulary. J.D. Notice of the Manuscript; with Remarks on the Author's Orthography and the Pronunciation of the Language. 1. Of the Manuscript. The MS is of the small quarto size, and consists of sixty leaves composing the body of the work, with two other leaves containing a portion of an imperfect Index of English words, which occur in it. The volume is principally in the handwriting of the author himself; but there are numerous additions and corrections in the handwriting of his father. It bears the date of 1707 and 1708, in two or three different places. In the present edition the paging of the MS is preserved in the margin; by which means, if at any time it should be wished, recourse may be readily had to the original. 2. Of the Orthography and Pronunciation. The orthography adopted by the author is, doubtless, the same with that used by the venerable Eliot in his Indian Bible and Grammar. The editor has therefore thought, that it might be, useful to collect, in this place, all the observations of Eliot upon that subject. They are extracted from his Indian Grammar, and are as follows: "I therefore use the same Characters which are of most common use in our English Books; viz, the Roman and Italick Letters. "Also our Alpha-bet is the same with the English, saving in these few things following: <149> "1. The difficulty of the Rule about the Letter {c}, by reason of the change of its sound in the five sounds, {ca ce ci co cu}, being sufficiently helped by the Letters {k} and {s}, we therefore [p.2] lay by the Letter {c}, saving in {ch}; of which there is frequent use in the Language. Yet I do not put it out of the Alpha-bet, for the use of it in other Languages, but the Character {ch} next to it, and call it {chee}. "2. I put {i} Consonant into our Alpha-bet, and give it this Character {j}, and call it {ji} or {gi}, as this Syllable soundeth in the English word {giant}; and I place it next after {i} vocal. And I have done thus, because it is a regular sound in the third person singular in the Imperative Mode of Verbs, which cannot well be distinguished without it: though I have sometimes used {gh} instead of it, but it is harder and more inconvenient. The proper sound of it is, as the English word {age} soundeth. See it used Genes, i. 3, 6, 9, 11. "3. We give {v} Consonant a distinct name by putting together {£f} or {uph}, and we never use it, save when it soundeth as it doth in the word {save}, {have}, and place it next after {u} vocal. Both these Letters ({u} Vocal, and {v} Consonant) are together in their proper sounds in the Latine word {uva}, a Vine. "4 We call {w}, {wee}, because our name giveth no hint of the power of its sound. "These Consonants {l, n, r,} have such a natural coincidence, that it is an eminent variation of their dialects. "We Massachusetts pronounce the {n}. The Nipmuk Indians pronounce {l}. And the Northern Indians pronounce {r}. As instance: We say {An£m} ({um} produced)) } Nipmuk, {Al£m} } A Dog. Northern, {Ar£m} } So in most words. "Our Vocals are five, {a e i o u.} Diphthongs, or double sounds, are many, and of much use. {ai au ei ee eu eau oi ì}. "Especially we have more frequent use of {o} and {ì} than other Languages have: and our {ì} doth always sound as it doth in these English words, {moody}, {book}. "We use onely two Accents, and but sometime. The [p.3] Acute (`) to shew which Syllable is first produced in pronouncing of the word; which if it be not attended, no Nation can understand their own Language: as appeareth by the witty Conceit of the {Tityre tu's}. <150> "{¢} produced with the accent, is a regular distinction betwixt the first and second persons plural of the Suppositive Mode; as { Naumog, If we see: (as in Log.) { Naum¢g, If ye see: (as in Vogue.) "The other Accent is (^), which I call Nasal, and it is used onely upon {“} when it is sounded in the Nose, as oft it is; or upon {ƒ} for the like cause. "This is a general Rule, When two (o o) come together, ordinarily the {first} is produced; and so when two (ì) are together. "All the Articulate sounds and Syllables that ever I heard (with observation) in their Language, are sufficiently comprehended and ordered by our Alpha-bet, and the Rules here set down. Character. Name. Character. Name. a n en b bee o c see p pee ch chee q ke£h d dee r ar e s es f ef t tee g gee as in geese u h v vf i w wee j ji as in giant x ex k ka y wy l el z zad." m em Remark. The venerable author above quoted observes, that "all the articulate sounds and syllables," that he ever heard "(with observation) in their language, are sufficiently comprehended and ordered by our Alphabet and the Rules here set down." Every one who studies the several dialects of the family or stock to which the Massachusetts language belongs, that is, the Delaware or Len pe Stock, will be surprised, that Eliot says nothing of any guttural or strongly aspirated sound in the language of his day. A question then arises, whether the Massachusetts language had the guttural, or aspirate, which is found in the modern dialects of that family. In the Delaware language, for example, the word {nooch}, my father (as written by the German missionaries), is a guttural or strong aspirate; and so in the Mohegan, in which Dr. Edwards writes it, according to the English, or rather Scottish orthography, {nogh}. in Eliot's and Roger Williams's Vocabularies, we find the corresponding word written <151> {n“sh} or {noosh}. Now from the difficulty which the English always find in expressing foreign gutturals or aspirates, and from their common practice of corrupting this sound into that of {sh}, it is probable, that the words of this class in Eliot and the other old writers were in fact gutturals. If so, we shall, by attending to this circumstance, be able to trace out affinities between the ancient and the existing dialects, which would otherwise elude observation. J.P. <153> TABLE OF CONTENTS. (BY THE EDITOR.) [The paging here referred to is that of the margin of the work.] ®TS30¯ Of Arts. Page 3 Of Beasts. 4 Of Birds. 4 Of Rational Creatures. 5 Of the Human Faculties. 7 Of Fish. 9 Of Garments or Clothing. 9 Of Herbs and Flowers. 10 Of Husbandry. 10 Of an House. 10 Of Household stuff. 11 Of Meat. 12 Of Metals. 13 Of a School. 13 Of the Senses. 14 Of Ships. 14 Of Time. 15 Of Trees and Shrubs. 16 Of Virtues and Vices. 16 Adjectives, alphabetically arranged. 20 Numbers. 32 Pronouns. 33 Verbs, alphabetically arranged. 35 Colloquial Phrases. 86 Participles, alphabetically arranged. 87 The Creed. 99 A Talk between two. 100 Adverbs, alphabetically arranged. 103 (See also p. 109.) Pronouns (repeated in part.) 107b. Colloquial Phrases. 107c. A letter in English and Indian. 108 Adverbs, additional list. 109 (See also p. 103.) Conjunctions. 110 Interjections. 110 Prepositions. 111 Sentences. 113 A Dialogue, between an Indian and the Author of the Vocabulary. 118 A second Dialogue; on learning the language. 122 <155> VOCABULARY. [The two first pages of the MS are wanting.--The asterisks denote a deficiency in the MS, and the Roman letters between brackets are supplied by conjecture.] [p.3] Of Arts. An art, arts, /Nehtoht”onk, -ash./ Divinity, /Manittìe kuk ** himwehteaonk:/ or /Wuttinsue manittìonk/ A comedy, or witty thing, /Waantamunneunkquat./ A tragedy, or sad thing, /Kittumunkeneunkquat./ An act, /Pogkodcheteoonk, pohkonchumoo”nk./ A history, /Pahke, Woshwunumì"onk./ Astronomy, or skill about the stars, /Nehtuhtoonk papaume ann”gsqs./ Heaven, heavens, /Kesuk, kesukquosh./ The highest heaven, /Anue quan”nkquohk kesuk./ The starry heaven, /Ann”gsse kesuk./ Heavenly, /Kesukque./ Hell, /Chepiohk”muk./ The misery of hell, /Awƒkompanaonk chepiohkomuk./ A number, /Nutteassìonk,/ (my company.) Melody, /Wunontoowƒonk./ A trumpet, or music, /Puhpeeg./ A secretary, /Wussìhquo@hhamwa‰nin./ A smith, /Mìoshogquehtea‰nin./ Predestination, /Nego@nne kuhquttumooonk./ Inspiration, /Wunnashanittassuonk./ A divine ordinance, /Manittooe kuhkìwƒonk./ Glory, /Sohsumìonk./ Heathenish gods, /Penìwe,/ or /Penìwohteaog manittìog./ An idol, /Ninnuk“ntonk./ An idolater, idolaters, /Ninnukontonkoh, waussumont./ The state of innocency, /Pahketeahae wuttinniye@u./ Felicity, /Wunniuonk./ Psalmist, /Psalmehchaenin./ Homage, /Ompeh * * * aonk/, an old Indian word, that signifies obedience by giving any * * * * Author of life, /Pomantam * * *./ <156> [p.4.] Of Beasts. Living creatures, /Pomantamì@e, oowaasineg./ A labouring beast, beasts, /Anakausu@e puppi¤shum, -wog./ Cattle, (how many do you kill,) /Netassuog/ (/tohtohsoog kunnish./) A hide, a horn, /Osk¢n, weween./ A tail, /Wusskquin./ A hoof, hoofs, /Moohkos, -sog./ A bear, honey, /Moshq,/ /honne./ A sting, a worm, /Chohkhhì,/ /oohke./ Bees, worms, /Ohkeommìsog,/ /oohkqu„og./ Flesh, a fox, /Weyaus,/ /wonku@ssis./ A beaver, beavers, /Tu@m£nk, -quaog./ A cat, cats, /Poopohs, poohpoohsuog./ A deer, a dog, dogs, /Attk,/ /ann£m, -wog./ A flea, fleas, /Poppek, poppequog./ A frog, frogs, /Tinnogk”hquase, -suog./ A grasshopper (jumps,) /Chƒnsops,/ (/quì"shau./) A bull, cow, /Nompashim netas,/ /ushquashimwe netas./ A horse, /Nahnaiyeum•oadt,/ or `a creature that carries'. Wool; a snake, snakes, /Weshaki@nash;/ /askook, -og./ A squirrel, squirrels, /Mish„nnek, -wog./ A toad, toads, /Tinnogkohteas, -suog./ Wolves, a wolf (kills,) /Nattoohqussog, mukqu@isshum;/ /nusshau./ Of Birds. A bird, birds /Psukses, Pissuksem‰sog/ (/Psuksog./) A goose, geese, /Wompo@htuk, -quaog./ A duck, /Sesep,/ or /qunu@sseps./ A hen, a cock, /M“nish,/ /nƒmpash./ A wing, wings, /Wunnppoh, -whunash./ A feather, feathers, /Meegk, meekqui@nog./ * * * * eagle, /Wewes, wompsukook./ [p. 5.] A brant /Menuks, -sog./ A crow, /Kongkont./ An egg, eggs, /Wou, wowa@nash./ A shell, /Wohhogke,/ (a body,) or /Anna./ A quill, quills, /Pohque@mek, -qunog./ A nest, nests, /Woddish, woddi@shash./ A fowler, fowlers, /Adchƒ‰nin, -nuog./ Of Rational Creatures. A man, a woman, /Wosketomp,/ /mittamwo@ssis,/ or /eshqua./ A boy, /N“nkup asuh, nonkumpaes./ <157> A girl, /Wusskennin, wisskisqua, nonkkishq./ A young man, /Wu@skenin, nunkomp./ A child, children, /Wunnechanyog, mukkoies, mukkoi‰sog./ An old man, /Kehchius, nukkonne wosk./ An old woman, /Pƒpequanne mohtunt./ Childhood, manhood, /Mukkoiesonk,/ /wosketompì"./ A body, a soul, /Mo@hh¢g,/ /ket‰ahogkau./ Thy body, my body, /Kohhog,/ /nohhog./ Our bodies, /Nohhogan“nog./ The seed, (issue,) of the woman, /Mittamwoss‹sse,/ /ìsk„nneem./ A testator, /Aynskottum./ A witness, /Wƒwa‰nin./ A nation, /Wuttohtimoin./ People, /Missinnin,/ or /Missinninnuog./ A great skin, /Mutt¢nnonquat, wah¡hquep./ Corrupted flesh, or rotten, /Pussoqua weyaus./ Corruption of the flesh, /Weyausue aninnì"onk./ Incarnation, /ìweyausue, nemunumìon[k]./ A broken bone, /(Wishkon) pooksha weshkeen./ The marrow of divinity, /Ween wutch manittooo[nk]./ The hair, the eye, /Mesoak,/ /musk‰suk./ The ear is nigh the forehead, /Mehtouog passìche„hta misk***/ [p.6] A nose, a cheek, /Mutch“n,/ /wonnnou./ A most handsome face, /An wunaissue muskesuk./ A lip, a tongue, /Missu@stoon,/ /m‚nan./ A language, /Unnontìwƒonk./ A tooth, a mouth, /Meepit,/ /muttìa./ Neck, /Missittei@ppeg./ A shoulder, an arm, /Mittik,/ /m‚hp¡t./ A finger, fingers, /Muppuhkukquanitch, -eash./ Head, belly, /Muppuhkuk,/ /misshat,/ (/misshƒt./) Skull, /Muskonontip./ Elbow, hand, /Meesk,/ /menutcheg./ The right } hand, /Unninuhk”e/ } menitcheg. The left } /Men„tche/ } Wrists, /Missippuskunni@cheg./ The breast, and bosom, /Mohpƒ¤neg,/ and /uppìche@nou./ The back, /Muppuskq./ A big belly, /Misshititchƒonk./ A crooked knee, /Wonke, kittuk./ A knee, /Mukkttuk./ A leg, a shin, /Muhkont,/ /mississi@kkoshk./ A foot, a toe, /Mi@sseet,/ /muppuhkukquaset./ The great toe, /Keehchukqu„set./ A rib, bowels, /Meipeteak,/ /muanogs./ A hip, a thigh, /Oƒpwas,/ /mehquau./ A heel, a chin, /Mogqu¢n,/ /mishoon./ <158> A throat, /Munn„onk, nashƒoak./ Brains, /Met—ppe@ash./ A wise brain, /Wƒƒntam wuttup./ A stomach, /Muppìchi@nau./ A weak stomach, /Nìchim-winneauw„onk./ A womb, /Wuttont“mu@kqut./ * * * * * * * /Miskodtu@kqut./ [p.7] North, south, /Nannumi@yeu,/ /sowani@yeu./ Pleasant } /Wunnohquat./ Warm } /Wekeneankquat./ Fair } weather, /Weeko@hquat./ Calm } /Auweppo@hquot./ Cold weather, /Tohkoi./ A southerly storm, /Sowan‹sshin./ A tempest, or northerly storm, /Uhqu”hquat,/ /nashquittin./ Cold, /Sonkqueu./ Wind, winds, /Wƒpan,/ /mishet„shin./ East wind, /Wutchepwoshe wittin./ A shower, /Neepƒnon./ A shower of rain, /Nogkosse, sìke@non./ Rough, /Koshhesu./ Slippery ice, /Toonukquesu@e, kuppat./ Dew, snow, hail, /Nehchi@ppag,/ /koon,/ /missegkon./ Thunder, /Nimian, padt”hqu”hhan./ Lightning, or thunderbolt, /Ukkitshƒmun./ Earth, earthquake, /Ohkee,/ /quequan./ A mountain, pl. /Wadchu@, -ash./ A valley, valleys, /Oonouwohk”ai, -yeuash./ Dirt in the street, /Pissugk ut toam„yog./ Dust, rocks, /Pupp‹ssi,/ /qussuk, -anash./ A bank, a way, /Wussƒppinuk,/ /may. Of the Human Faculties. Of the understanding, { Wutchwƒtamì"onk,/ /wohwoetamì@onk,/ Will, and affections, { /unatamì@onk,/ { /Unnitteah„onk./ The soul, /Keteahog"kau./ Reason, /Unn”mmai, ennomaiyeuon[k.]/ A reason, (of a thing) /Wunnomwahiteoonk, wutcheaiyeuash./ Appetite, or desire, /Kodtehteamìonk, kodtantamì@oak./ Faith, wisdom, /Wunnamptamì@onk,/ /waantam[ìonk.]/ Judgment, a mistake, /Wussittumì"onk,/ /puhtantant * * */ [p.8] Loathing, /Jishontamì@onk./ Love, hatred, /Womoni@ttonk,/ /sekeneadtonk./ Joy, their joy, /Wekontamì@onk,/ /ìwekontamìongannì./ <159> Joy, or gladness /Miskouantamì@onk./ Sorrow, /Unkquanumìonk./ Sadness, mourning. /Kittu@mongkeneunkqu@ssonk,/ /m“onk./ Fear, our fear, /Wabe@sonk,/ /nìwabe@suonka@nun./ Boldness, /Kenompƒn, unkqu@ssonk./ Trust, /Papahtantamì@onk./ Hope. /Anno“ssu@onk./ Anger, /Mosquantamì@onk./ Despair, /Mat-annìosuonk, wuttamantamì@onk./ Pleasure, /Tapeneamìonk./ My pleasure, /Nuttƒppeneamì@onk./ Thy pleasure, /Kuttappeneamì@onk./ His pleasure, /Wuttappeneamì@onk./ Our pleasure, /Nuttappeneamì"oaka@nun./ Your pleasure, /Kuttappeneamìonkanì./ Their pleasure, /Wuttappeneamìonganì./ My pleasures, /Nuttappeneamì“ngash./ Thy pleasures, /Kuttappeneamì•ngash./ His pleasures, /Wuttappeneamìongash./ Our pleasures, /Nuttƒpeneamìonganun“nash./ Your pleasures, /Kuttƒpeneamìonganunn“nash./ Their pleasures, /Wuttƒppeneamìonganì“ash./ Our own pleasures, /Nehenwonche, nuttƒppeneamìonganunn“nash./ Thy own pleasures, /Nehenwonche, kuttƒpeneamìongash;/ {et sic deinceps.} Shame, /Ogkodchuonk./ Envy, /Sekeneƒdtonk./ Mercy, /Ummonanitteƒonk./ Of Fish. [p.9] Fish, fishes, /Nƒmƒs, namassìog./ A fisherman, -men, /Nattìhquinnua‰nin, -nuog./ A net, nets, /Ashƒp, ƒshƒp"pog./ A line, /Peminneaht, ome./ A hook, hooks, /Uhqu”^n, -quƒnash./ Codfish, an eel, /Anisha@mog,/ /queques, nequtti@ka[t]/ An oyster, /Chnkì, apwonnah./ A whale, whales, /Pìtab, pootabaog./ A sturgeon, /K“pposh, kasko@hat./ A bass, an herring, /Qunnammag,/ /“mmis, -sog./ A hadduck, a trout, /Pƒkonn“tam,/ /mishqshkou./ Clams, /Su@kkissu@og./ Of a Garden. A garden, gardens, /Tannohketeaonk, -ash./ <160> A bank, /Wussappi@nuk, -quash./ A wall, /Quissukquanntonk./ A hedge, a fence, /Chippinntunk,/ /w“kì"nìs./ An orchard, /Ahte@uk, metukque./ Of Garments or Cloathing. A dress, /Wƒw„mek./ A garment, /Aukìonk./ Linen cloth, /M“nak, ashupp„neg./ The thread of life, /T£ppun pomantamìonk./ An hat, stockins, /Onkqueekhì,/ /muttassash./ An iron chain, /Mowƒshak sausakkintumuk./ An English shirt, /Choquog wittishatƒneck./ A thin pair of breeches, /Wussƒppineesuog petappiya‰o***/ A coat, a neckcloath, /Petushquish„onk,/ /kehkishin***/ Shoes, a shoe-string, /Mohkissonash,/ /mattokqu”nnape./ [p.10] Of Herbs and Flowers. An herb, /Ahketeamuk, moskeit./ A flower, /Upp‰shou./ Watermelon, } { /Ohhosketa@muk./ Cucumbers, } or a raw thing, { /Mìnosketa@muk./ Muskmelon, } { /Quinosketa@muk./ A rose or lily, /Kossep‰shou./ Of Husbandry. Imployments, /Uppissaiyeuonganoooash. Work, (or office,) /Anakausuonk./ Recreations, /Uppompooongunoooash./ A laborious husbaudman, /Anakausu@e ohkehtea‰nin./ Ground, soil, /Ohk‚,/ /ahteuk./ A field, fields, /Ahte@uk, ahteukko@nash./ Dung, a meadow, /Ann”hke,/ /w”sso@skeht./ Grass, hay, /Oskosk,/ /mosketu@ash./ Seed, harvest, /Wuskannemi@neash,/ /kepenumì"onk. Stubble, rubbish, /Sequss“nkash,/ /anosketu@ash./ A whip, a barn, barns, /Sauw„pponk,/ /mechimukk”muk, -wosh./ Straw, chaff, /Seekpoghonkash,/ /wasadteaminash./ Bread, corn, /Petukquineg,/ /eachimmineash./ An Indian bean, /Kehtohteae m“nasqu‹sseet./ Of an House. A spacious house, /Wunneno@nkquat wetu./ A little house, /Peukkomukquem./ <161> A meeting house, /Maeyeakomuk./ A stone, a wall, /Hoss£n,/ /nutonk, mat sampwi./ A door, doors, /Usquont, -t„mash./ Out of doors, /En poquatchit./ A chamber, /Chippik”mmuk./ [p.11] A cedar post, /Utchikppemis appas./ A window, windows, /Kunnatequanick, kenag'ki@nneg, -ash./ A glass window, /Kenagki@nneeg./ A tower, towers, /Qunnuhquek”muk, -qash./ An high tower, /Quinuhquik”muk./ A board, a tavern, /Passì"nog,/ /wuttattamwak”muk./ A shop of goods, /Momachiuk”muk./ A shop, and goods, /Momachiukk”muk,/ and /momachiash./ Of Household Stuff. /Wetoaomwe, Auwohteaongash./ A chair, or stool, /Apponk,/ /quenapponk./ A seat at the table, /Ahpappu@onk ut taspìonganit./ A chest, a hand basket, /Puppoohkshog,/ /sogkiss„^nute./ A vessel, /Weaskq./ A smoaky chimney, /Quosoht wannachk‰mmuk./ Soot, an oven, /Penoht,/ /auhtanneeshn‹mmuk./ A kettle, knives, /Ohkuke,/ /eteaussonkash./ A ladle, or spoon, /Kuhpohhonk,/ /quonnam, kunnƒm, koppodheeg./ A broom, an ax, /Checonnachat“onk,/ /togkong./ A bed, a mat, /Appin,/ /matasquas./ A key (my), /Nuppohquashadtikquontonk./ A bottle, powder, /Qu nìwask,/ /sabuck./ A blanket, /Pinaquet, qunnƒnnonk./ A light, or candle, /Wasƒquonƒne@tick./ A candlestick, /Wequ nƒnetekonn„uhtuk./ My cup, cups, /Nootamtamwaetch, -uash./ A dish, or tray, /Wunnonk, mìnaeech./ A needle, or pin, /Ohhomaquesuuk./ A sharp knife, /Keenneehquog./ A rasour, /Chequƒdweehquog./ Publishment, /Tohquinn‹ttue, wetanatue wussuhqhonk./ [p.12] Of Kindred. /Papaume Ouwatonk./ A marriage, /Wetouatu@onk./ A good condition'd husband, /Womƒse ouwase@kk‹en./ A family, a wife, /Chashiyeonk,/ /mittumwu@ssis./ Your family, /Kutteashinnu@nn‰onk./ A virgin, /Penomp./ Our virgins, /Nuppenompomunn”nog./ A wooer, /Kodtouseentamwa‰nim./ <162> A great portion, /Onkqua@ttonk, missi chippohtoonk./ A widower, a widow, /Mohkodta‰nin,/ /seka@uishq./ A kind heavenly father, /Wom“se kesukque wuttìshi@mau./ Thy father, fathers, /Koosh, kooshshooog./ Her mother, /W£tch‰hwau./ A mother, a son, /Wuttook„sin,/ /wunnaumonien./ My daughter, /Nutt“nnees./ A daughter, a brother, /Wuttonnin,/ /oowema@ttin./ Your son, thy sons, /Ken“mon,/ /kenaum”^nog./ A sister, /Wetompasin, asuh netat./ A grandfather, /Wuttì@tchi@kki@nneasin./ A grandmother, /Wuttìkumm‹ssin./ An uncle, a cousin, /Ooshesin,/ /wodtonkqsin./ Ancestors, forefathers, /Kehche,/ /negonne wutchett—onga@nog./ First parents, /Nìchettuonganunn“nog./ Posterity, /Wunnechanoouh, pometi@i@onk./ A bastard, /Nanwete./ Of Meat. Comfortable food, /Winne metsìonk./ Fastings, /Mat metsuongash./ An high table, a trencher, &c. /Quinuhqu¡ auhottashpu@muk./ Bread, crust, /Petukqui@neg,/ /koshki@ttake./ Milk, flesh, /Sogk”donk,/ /weyaus./ [p.13] Pipes and tobacco, /u@hpuìnkash/ and /u@hpì"onk./ The elements in the sacrament, /Woskech‚yee./ Subsistence. /Wutteagueyenooonk./ Oyl, a dinner, /Pumme,/ } /Pohshequ„e metsuonk./ /Sammee,/ } Breakfast, supper, /Nompo„e metsuonk,/ /wunnonku@pp”onk./ The Lord's supper, /Sontimoe mishadtupp”onk./ Of Metals. Metal, metals, /Unnehtchoo”kkod, -ash:/ A digger of gold and silver, /Natoohtehash,/ or /nahnatoohttea@hhog./ Mines, /Miss‚hchì@og./ Of a School. /Auhtonnetontomuck./ A schoolmaster, /Kuhkìtumwehtea‰nin./ A scholar, /Kodnehtuhto./ Learning, teaching, /Kodnehto@hto”nk,/ /ku@hkìtu@mwehteaonk./ A little book, /Peawussukhonk./ A pen, a letter or word, /Meek,/ /kuttooonk./ The word of institution, /Kuhquttìmooe wuttinnìwaonk. <163> God's word, /Wuttinnìwaonk God./ A sentence, proposition, /Pogkodtittummooonk./ A command, /Annìteamìonk./ An hard lesson, /Siokke kodnehtantìonk./ Rule, rules, /Kuhkehheg, kuhkehhegash./ An exercise, pl. /Kuhkìtumwehteaonk, -ash./ Proverb, proverbs, /Nupw“waonk, -ash./ A story, stories, /Unnehtongquat, -ash. Sense or meaning, /Nauwuttamìonk./ A prophet, /Quoshodtumwaen./ Degrees, /Chippaiyeuut, chipp‚nukkenoonash./ [p.14] Of the Senses. The sight of the eyes, /Naumì@onk muskesu@kquash./ A quick hearing, /Ti„tche nìtamu@onk./ Smell, taste, /Munnauntamìonk,/ /qutchehtamooonk./ A fine taste, /Wesku@ppehteamì@onk./ The touch, /Missinumì@onk./ A colour, a stink, /Unnissu@onk,/ /machmonquat:/ A sweet smell, /Wechimìquat,/ or /wetimunkqut./ A sound, /Wuttitchunkquontoowƒonk./ A loud sound, /Mushontu@wou./ A pleasant laughter, /Winne tahansha,/ or /ahansh„onk./ A weeping, a sigh, /Mìonk,/ /mishannaumì@onk./ A strong fancy, /Menuhki tunnantom,/ or /unnantamì@onk./ A good memory, /Wunnegen mehquontamu@onk./ Much sleep, /Mìche@ke kau‰onk./ Long watching, /Seepee askìwheteƒonk./ A dream, /Unnukquamì@onk./ Of Ships. A vessel, or ship, /Kehtìnog, -wash,/ pl. A boat or canoe, /Peont„em, mussho@an./ A sail, a mast, /Sepakhunk,/ /quonnohtake./ An anchor, a cable, /Kussuppanunkquank,/ /pea@menyaht./ Head, stern, /Neg”nut,/ /wutch‹tut./ A pilot, or master, /Monchahitea‰nin./ A passenger, passengers, /Nìttohtamwa‰nin, -nuog./ A ship carpenter, /Kehtìnogquehtea‰nin./ Mariners, /Pu@mmuhshottoeninuog./ Prosperity, /Wenawetuonk./ [p.15] Of Time. Time, times, /Ahquompi, -yeuash./ Opportunity, /Wunnupkomiyƒonk./ <164> A quarter of an hour, /Yauwe chippag hour./ A day, days, /Kesu@kod, -ash./ Daytime, /Kesu@kkƒttae ahquompi./ Next day, or two days hence, (or ago), /Nesqunnoh, nesu@kquin”gkod./ Three days hence, /Nishikqunnohquod./ Four days hence, /Yauukqunnohquod./ Tomorrow, /Saup./ (Vide page 102.) Seven days hence, /Nesasuk tashikqunnohquod,/ &c. Break of day, /Pìtouw„shƒ./ Market day, /Oattehchae ukkesukodum./ Our days, /Nukkesukodtumunn“nash./ All the day long, /Mamusse quinne kesu@kod./ Sun rising, /Upposhpishaonk nepaz./ Sun setting, /Oowayaonk nepaz./ Morning, noon, /Nompoae,/ /pohshequae./ Night, nights, /Nukkon, -ash./ Afternoon, /Quƒttuhqu@ohquƒ./ A week, or one part of a month, /Nequt chippi pasuk keessoocht./ Lord's day, /Sontimìe kesukod./ Sunday, Monday, /Assanni@tta,/ /nesikqui¤shunk./ Tuesday, Wednesday, /Nishikquini@shonk,/ /yauqu‹nishonk./ Thursday, /Napannatashikquin‹shonk./ Friday, /Nequttatashikquin‹shonk./ Saturday, /Nesasuk tahsheke s[]kod./ [sic] A year, years, /Pasukkodtummo@, -ash./ Ages, spring, /Ahontseongash, s‚quan./ Fall, summer, /'Ninnauw„et/, /nepinn„e./ Winter, childhood, /Popona@e,/ /mukkiesoonk./ Old age, an age, /Kehch‰hi,/ /mohtontamì@onk./ A month, /Nepauz./ [p.16] Of Trees and Shrubs A good plant, /Neahkete„muk./ A tree, trees, /Mehtuk, mehtukwash./ Wood, woods, a log, /Touohk”muk, -qut,/ /qutt”w./ A bough, boughs, /Pohch„tuk, -qui@nash./ A leaf, leaves, /Wunn‰pog, -wosh./ The bark of a tree, /Mehtkque wunnadteask./ The root, /Wutch„ppehk/ or /wottapp./ The fruit, /Mehtukque mechummoonk./ A nut, nuts, /Annahchim, -inash,/ Walnuts, /Wussoohquatt“mi@nash./ A strawberry, /Wuttahminneoh./ A blackberry, pl. /Wuttohkohkìminne”nash./ Wood, /Wuttoohqnash,/ or /mishash./ Oakwood, /Wesokknk./ White oak, red oak, /Pohkuhtimis,/ /wesattimi@s./ A walnut tree, /Wussìhquattomis./ Cedar, pine tree, /Utchukku@ppemis,/ /kìwƒs./ <165> Of Virtues and Vices. Virtue, virtues, /Podgodchewunne@gen, -ash./ Religion, /Peantamì@onk./ Grace, /Kittummateanutteaonk./ Vice, /Omppuwussu@eonknunkquat./ Wickedness, sin, /Matchetì"onk,/ /matcheseonk./ Transgression, /Matcheneheƒonk./ Iniquity, /Panneusseonk./ Sobriety, civility, /Maninniyeu@onk,/ /umukquomp“onk./ Valour, chastity, /Kenomp„onk,/ /kohkonantamì@onk./ Temptations, /Qutchuhu@wa“ngash./ [p.17] Justice (done by a private person), /Wussampweusseonk./ --- (-- by a magistrate,) /Sampwewussittamì@onk./ A justice, justices, /Nanauunnua‰nin, -nuog./ Modesty, or shamefacedness, /Unninanumì"e,/ /maniinissu@onk./ Humility, truth, /Hohpoìonk,/ /wunnomwaonk./ Liberality, or bounty, /Nan„uwe, aninumoadtonk./ Industry, or diligence, /Menehkenitteae, wowuttìu@ssu@onk./ Duty, or obedience, /Nìswetamìonk./ Patience, constancy, /Maninnissonk,/ /nagwutteaey‰uonk./ A friend, friendship, /Netomp,/ /oowetompooonk./ Communion, /Wetommmuƒonk./ An enemy, /Matwau./ Peace, pity, /Wunnohteaonk,/ /nohteonteanittonk./ Mercy, /Monane@teaonk./ Mercifulness, /Kittumonteanittonk./ Thankfulness, /Tƒbƒttoiantamo”onk./ Godliness, un- /Manittì"onk,/ /mat- ^*/ Honesty, /Papohtanumukqussonk./ Charity, /Mishe womosonk./ Folly, /Tohnoocheyeonk./ Craft, or guile, /Aiontogkoie, ompuwussu@onk./ A knave, knaves, /Aiontogkomp, -aog./ From a knave, /Wutchiyeuì, aiontogkomput./ Pleasure, /Tapeneamì@onk,/ (Vide, p.8.) Gluttony, /Wussomuppo”onk./ Drunkenness, /Wussomsippamì"onk./ Adultery, /Mƒmosue, nanwunnìdsquƒw„onk./ Fornication, /Nanwunnìdsquƒw„onk./ A whore, whores, /Nanwunnìtsquƒwa‰nin, -nuog./ ^* /Mat/ is equivalent to the negative {un}, in the English column. Edit. <166> [p.18] A lie, lies, /Pannìw„onk,-ash./ A liar, liars, /Pannìwa‰nin,-nuog./ Sauciness, /Eiiske,/ or /wussame kogkehtiimau./ A busybody, /Weogkehtenkik onkatoh unniyeonk./ Thriftyness, /Wenauwetu@e, unuhkommi„onk./ Prodigality, /Mogke, mogkìe pomantamì@onk./ Covetousness, /Aiahchìƒntamì@onk./ Rashness, /Tiadche uss‰onk./ Madness, /Kogkeaonk./ Cowardice, /Sohquompooonk./ A coward, /Sohquompooo./ Slothfulness, /Sƒsekeneamì@onk./ Inconstancy, /Mat-nagwutteanumì"onk./ Stubbornness, /Menuhke cheketamìonk./ Souldiers, /Aiyeueteaog./ War, wars, /Aiyeutiionk,-ash./ A drunkard, pl. /Kogkesippamwa‰nin, -nuog./ A thief, thieves, /Kummìtowa‰nin, -nuog./ In God's behalf, /God ne papaume./ Ordinary generation, /Wosketompae wunnaumoniyeuonk./ Image, /Wuttinnussu@onk./ A mystery, /Si”gkok, -kish./ A lawgiver, /Naumatuonganehtea‰nin./ In the power, /Ut menehkesuonganit./ Protection, /Nanauunnittuonk./ Institution, /Kuhquttumooonk./ Tradition, /Menaonchummooonk./ Judaism, /Jewse-as‰chek./ A notable mean, /Papane anwohchaonk./ Circumstanstials of our life, /Pomantamooonkane, nuttisseonkanunnonash./ Every minute, /Nishnoh chohki./ Controversy, /Puss“matiionk./ [p.19] A sabbath-breaker, /Poohqunnussabbath daenin./ Adversaries, /Aiyeuukonukqhetti@cheh./ Conversation, /Wosketompae pomu@sha”nk./ A covenant of works, /Anakausuongane wunnìwaonk./ Conversation, or behaviour, /Wuttunniyeuonk./ Event, /Ushpunnaonk./ Example, /Us-huw„onk, usseonk./ On the cross, /Pummetunkapunnegk„nit./ The distance, /Pehteohkoadt\onk./ <167> A right end, or purpose, /Sampwi natwontamì@onk./ Our interest, /Nutchippiyeumun./ Mankind, /Wosketompae unnissuonk./ A mediator, /Wunnohteahawa‰nin./ Nature, /Wuttinnepomantamì@onk. Power of the sword, /Menuhkesu@onk togkod tega@ne./ Provision, supply, means, help, /Aninumoadtonk./ Snares, /Ahpehheonooash./ A sign, or seal, or character, /Kuhkinneasuonk. Workmanship, /Ukkezteauoh./ My servant, my servants, /Nuttinninnuum, -og./ Thy servant, servants, /Kuttinni@nnume, -og./ His servant, pl. /Wuttinninnu@moh, -mog./ Our servant, /Nuttinninnmun./ Our servants, pl. /Nuttinninnumunn“nog./ Your servant, pl. /Kuttinninnum, -og./ Their servant, /Wuttinninnumì./ Their servants, /Wuttinninnumo”og./ A servant, /Wuttinninmin./ A trick, /Nehhittu@onk./ An head, or point (in a sermon,) /Mupphkuhk,/ or /chippi./ One, or a person, /Howannooonk./ Sports, /Kussouosoo@e puhpoo@onkash./ Several violations, /Monatash poohqunnumooonkash./ Covenant of grace, /Monanteae wunnìwaonk./ [p.20] Adjectives. Almighty, /Wame manehkesit./ Absolute (natural,) /Wuttinne pomantamìongane./ Actual, all, /Usseae,/ /wame./ Let me alone, /Ahqhhe./ Alone, /Webe./ All alone, /Nomsiyeu‰, wukse./ I was alone, /Nunnƒnsiup./ Another man, or house, /Onkatog wosketomp,/ /asuhwetii./ Any body, /Nanwe, howan, auwon./ Any man, any wood, /Nanwe wosketomp,/ /nanwe mishash./ Antient times, /Negonne-quompiyeuash./ Approved, /Winne./ Approved of God, /God ìwowen“muh./ Too apt, apt, /Wekonche./ Squint eyed, /Pƒnikquƒ./ Awry, or crooked, /Wonhk‰sì./ A bad, or evil sign, /Matchit kuhkinneasuonk./ A bad man, /Matche wosketomp./ A bald head, /Musantip./ Baldness, /Mosanupaonk./ <168> Bald, /Mìsi./ Barren, base, /Mehchey‰ue, matche./ /wenushaonk/, subs. A begging fellow, /Weensh„‰ pukkiska@ttees,/ Below, beyond, /OhkeiŠu, onkko@ue./ Big with young, big, /Wompe@quo, mishee./ Bitter (moan) /Weso@gke mìonk./ Bitter water /Wesattippog./ Black wolf, /Mìi/ or /m“wesì mukqui@shshum./ Black face, /Moannequau./ Blind wretch, /Paukinnumì@e kittmonkiese./ Blue, /Peshai./ Blue colour, /Peshƒnno@quat./ Boiled meat, /Ke@st„e weyaus./ Both, /Naneeswe./ Both parts, /Neesìog chippissu@og,/ Bowed or bent, /Wonkkinnosonk, sauappin“su./ Bountiful friend, /Womƒse netomp./ Bright shining sun, /Pahke, wossumì"e nep„z./ [p.21] Broad, /Wahwame, kishki@./ In brief, /Tiohque niss¡m./ Brute, beast, /Mat watƒmoe, puppinanashim./ A calm season, /Auwepu@e ahquompi./ A certain, /Ai„noe./ Careful persons, /Nanauantamo@e missinnog./ Chaste spouse, (chast,) /Pogkodche womonneg./ Peaceable, /Oggossoadtii./ Cheap, cheerful, /Wunno„dtu@e,/ /wekontamoe./ Chief, churlish, /Negonne,/ /chenau”su@e./ Civil, clean, /Pissaumatue,/ /pohkoiye@ue./ Clear, /Pahtipnipp•g„dte/, or /pakkeyeu@e./ Common people, /Nanwe missinninnog./ Convenient, /Wunnohteashae./ Covetous lord, /Aiahchuontamo@e sontim./ Crafty or cunning counsels, /Waantam, wunnupwowae kenosìw„onk./ Crooked, cross, /Wonkoi,/ /chenauosu@e./ Cruel tyrant, /Onkque neunkque ayeutea‰nin./ Curled locks, /Wutchipattkque, m‰sunk/ Courteous dame, /Wunnenehh„e, sonksq./ Dainty victuals, /Wekonne metsuonk./ Dark, /Pohkunni./ Dark night, /Pohkintippo@hkod./ Deaf ear, /Kogkops„e, mehto@uog./ Dear, loving, /Wohquonumukqussie./ Dear price, /Mishoadtue./ Deep well, /Quinono@gkod wuttohho@mong./ Delightful place, /Wunnegin aiyeuonk./ <169> Different tempers, /Chagchape nitteahhaongash./ A diligent workman, /Menehteantamo@e anakausua‰nin./ Distinct, /Chadchaubenumìe./ Diverse sorts, /Mìch‰ke chippe niyeash./ Doubtfull matters, /Chƒnƒntamo@e teagwassinish./ Dreadfull, drunken, /Oukqueneunkquat,/ /wussomsippamo@e./ Dry, dumb, /Nunnƒpi,/ /mat kakittìe./ Dirty sluts, /Nishkeƒˆ nattuppooaenuog./ Dutiful, /Nìswetamo@e./ [p.22] Each part, /Naneeswe, chippag./ Each others, each other, /Nishnoh pƒsuk, a@ause./ Early ripe, /Kenuppe kesannì"ta./ Earnest in business, /Chekeantam ut anakausuonganit./ Easy disposition, /Wunne maninissu@onk./ An easy lesson, /Nikkumme nuhtuhtoonk./ Ecclesiastical persons, /Moeuwehkomungane nƒnƒnuwacheg./ Elect, election, /Pepenauitcheg,/ /kesantamìonk./ Eloquent, eloquence, /Tappeneunkqussu@e, -onk./ Empty, /Mohchiy‰e./ Empty handed, /Mohchiyeue menitcheg./ Endued with wit, /Mechimuhkonittii, nashpe nehtoantomì"onk./ English, /Chokquog, chogqussuog, pl./; /watƒhkì@nog,/ `such as wear coats'. Envious fools, /Ishkauaussue, nisquetu@e mƒttamm„gwog./ Equal sides, /Tatupp‚yeu aeto@uw‚./ Especial occasion, /Pƒpƒne wutcheaj./ Everlasting, eternity, /Michemohtae,/ /michemeyeuooonk./ Every one, or man, /Nishnoh pasuk,/ or /wosketomp./ Every thing, /Nishnoh teag./ Evil (substantially,) /Machuk./ Exact, right, /Piuhsukke./ Faint, /Sohqutteahhaonk./ Faint hearted, /Sohqut teahhaue./ A fair girl, /Wunnetu@e nonksqua./ Faithfull, false, /Papohtanumukqussue,/ /assookekodteamì@e./ Famous for goodness, /Wunnissu wutch wunneto@onk./ Far, fatherly, /Nauwut, noadt,/ /wuttìshimmauwe./ Fat cattle, /Wunnogque netassu@og./ Fat ground, /Wenouohkomuk./ Few such, /Ogkossì@og netatu@ppe./ Filthy communication, /Matche keketìk„onk./ Firm trust, /Menuhke annunohqu‰onk./ Fit for any thing, /u@nauw”hkon, nanweteag,/ <170> [p.23] Flat nosed, /Nen‰que mutchan./ Fond, /Sohqutte…hae./ Foolish whelp, /Assìtu@e wuskosshum./ Forcible, or violent, /Chekewe./ Former chapter, /Negouneyeue cap./ Former doings, /Chenohkome usseongash./ Foreign news, /(Nussitongquot) nowadtit wuttissitt”ngquot./ Foul, or dirty, /Nishkeneunkquat,/ or /ukkohkeai./ Free, liberty, /Nanauwe,/ /nanauweyeuonk./ Free born, /Chippinninne netu, -onk./ [sic] Frequent, fresh /Nagwutteae unninuhpkquan (namas.)/ A fruitfull summer, /Mussegkitte”e kissittoì"./ Full, /Numwae, pahshanne./ A full barn, /Numwametchmu mechimukk”muk./ A man full of envy, /Wosketomp numwae ishkauussu@onk./ A house full of goods, /Wetu numwohta momatchiash,/ Fullness, /Wunnumwohtoonk./ Gentle or tame, /Nonnausuì"onk./ A gentleman, /Wenauetu‰nin./ General, /Nanwe mamusseyeue./ Glad enough, /Wekontamìonk tƒpi./ Glorious, godly, /Sohsumooe,/ /manittìe./ Good men, /Wunnetoue wosketompaog./ A good house, /Wunnegen,/ (or) /wunne wetu./ Good commandments, /Annìteamìongash wunnegu@nnash./ It is all for good: subst: /Ne wame wutche wanegkuk,/ (or) /wanegik./ He is gray before he is good, /Noh wompequau, asqunwunnetookup./ Let your speeches be good, /Kuttinnohquƒtumooongash wunnegenna./ Good, better, best, /Wu¤ne, auwannegen./ ------ /Wunnit (things.)/ ------ /Wunnissu (persons.)/ Gray headed, gray, /Wompontuppƒonk,/ /wompishocki./ Great God, /Mussikkenì@e God./ [p.24] Greatest evils. /Mohsag (sing.)/ /mogakish matchukish./ A great estate, /Mussi wenauwetu@onk./ A great man, /Missugken wosketomp./ A great beast, /Mishee puppunnasshim./ Greatness, weightiness, momentou[s]ness /Missugkenìonk./ Greedy gut, /Wussomupp”e menogks./ <171> Green apron, /Askosque attoh./ Gross, or horrible, /Nishkeneunkkque,/ Guilty, /Pohquinum”e, keessantamo@e./ Hairy bear, /Ukkeessh„e moskq./ Half a bushel, /Pohshe quttohhumìonk./ Happy, happiness, /Wunniyeu,/ /-onk./ Our happiness, /Nooniyeuonkanunn“nash./ Hard, or difficult, /Siokke./ A hard stone, /Menuhki qussuk, (huss£n.)/ Haughty, or proud, /Quinuhqui metah, petuanum”e./ High, and mighty, /Quinuhqui,/ and /menehke@su./ An high house, /Quinuhqui wetu./ An high man, /Quinukque@su wosketomp./ Hoarse, /Nohtoommuo”onk./ A hoarse voice, /Tanne ontowƒonk./ An hollow thing, /Puppuhke teag./ Holy exercises, /Wunn‚tupantamwe wogkoue@onk./ The holy bible, /Manittìe wussukwhonk./ Holy, or religious seeds, /Peantamwe usseongash./ Holy rest, /Wunnetupantamwe anwohsinnooonk./ Consecration, or making holy, /Wunnetupantamwahettuonk./ Honest labour, /Sampwe anakausuonk/ Honourable, /Quttiant„mwe./ How many men, /Tohtohsìog wosketompaog./ How many days, /Tohtohshinnash kes„k”dash./ How great, how good, /Uttoh missi,/ /uttuh en wunnetoo./ Humble beggars, /Hohpìe wenshaeninu@og./ Ignorant, /Asìkitcheg./ [p.25] Imperfect creatures, /Mat pahkesu@e oƒasineg./ Imperfections, /Mat panuphettuonk./ Impossible, /Noskonongquot./ Immortal, /Mat nuppìe./ Industrious, /Wuttìantamwe./ Infallible, /Matta assìkekedteamo@e./ Infinite, /Matta wehquishinnì@e mat, wohku@kqu”shik./ Inward delight, /Unno@mutteah„e wekontamìonk. Intire, or whole, /Yìwame,/ or /mamusse./ Joyful feast, /Miskouant„moe mishodtuppì"onk./ Irreconcileable, /Mat wunnohteae./ Just, just so, /Sampwi,/ /tatu@pp‚yeu./ Kind husband, /Wunnene@hhu„e wasu@kkien./ A knowing ladd, pl. /Wƒtƒmo@e wuskenin, wuskene[s, pl.]/ A lame creature, /Quinnukquesukekeshkhoowae „”as./ Last year, /Ney„nat./ This year, /Kakod./ <172> Large, late, /Mummeshki,/ /nauohq“mptumu@kup sha\‹./ Latter part, /Momiches, chippi./ Late at night, /No uttippo@hkod./ Lawful authority, /Nƒmatue nƒnƒwnunìwaonk./ Lazy folks, /Segeneamo@e missinnin./ A lean person, /“nauwussu@e missinnin./ Learned physicians. /Nohtohtogik pouƒskehtuaeninu@og. A thing left, /Neteag nogkodtmuk./ Left handed, /Nummatchu./ Light heeled, (or footed,) /Nonkke@ sittont./ A light burden, or heavy, /Nonkke weƒnun,/ or /tuhk‰quan./ Like men, /Wosketompaut./ Like-unto, like, /Tatu@ppe,/ /tatu@ppeneankquat./ They are made like, (conformable, /Tahi@ppeyeu, -oog./ And the like, /Kah nish ne annakisk./ Limber cloth, /Noohkie monage./ A little lisping, /Ogkosse sekontì@wau./ A little man, /Peasissu wosketomp./ A little house, /Peak”muk./ Little, least, /Peawe,/ /nanpehpeawag./ Your little legs, /Papewe kuhkonttash./ [p.26] A little heaven, /Peamese kesuk./ A little time, /Tiahqui ohquompi./ A little trouble, /Ogkuhse wuttamehpunn„onk./ A very little bird, /Nanpeh peississu pussuhkis./ Loathsome hole, /Nehehanumkquat wonog./ Long legged, /Quinukkont„onk./ Long time, /Quinni/ } /ahquompi./ /Seeppe/ } Long experience, /Seeppee pahkontamìonk./ Long way, /N”adit may./ Lonely town, /Nonsee ootan./ Loose tongued, /Puppogque m‚nan./ Low barn, /Ti¢hquohque wechumkkomuk./ A low man, /Ti¢hquohqassu wosketomp./ Lowest, /Netachquohquohk, tiohqu“nkquat./ Lusty and tall, /Papassununkqu@ss, quinuhqu@ssu./ Mad, maimed, /Kogkeae,/ /nìchi@mwe./ Malitious, /Nishkeneunkque./ Manifest folly, /Watouwahau tohnìcheye@uuk./ Many men, /Monaog wosketompaog./ Many deaths, /Monatash nuppìongash./ Many bears, /Monaog moshquog./ Mean parentage, /Kittum”ngke wutchiye@uonk./ Mere dunce, /Webe,/ or /papaquanne assìtii./ A meet season, /Wunnohkommi„‰ ahquompi./ <173> Merciful, middle, /Monanitteae,/ /nanasshowe./ A mild speaker, /Maninnekek kuttìhka‰nin./ Mindful of sin, /Nanauantamooonk matches‰onk./ Mindful be of the, /Nanauantash wutche ne./ Miserable, /Kittumongkeneankquat./ Modest, /Maninissish./ Moral, /Mat “soowunnamìe./ Much, more, most, /Mìche@ke,/ /kìche,/ /anue./ Most of the things, /Anue mìcheke teaguassinish./ Too much, so much, /Wuss“mme,/ /tohshe./ How much shall I give you, /Toh kitteashshinnmau@ish./ Much longer, /Kooche wonk./ [p.27] Narrow compass, /Tott”dchi aiyeuonk./ Naughty, near to, /Matche,/ /passìcheyeu-ut./ Death is near, /Nuppìonk passwappu./ Neat manners, /Wunnequttianumìonk./ Necessary, /Quenauhikkìe, quenauok./ Beings, or things necessary, /Teanteaguassinish,/ /quenauhuagish./ Neither he, nor she, /Mattanoh./ Neither of them, /Matta nag pasuk./ New, news, /Wuske, u@nnuhtamìonk, achmìwonk./ Newness of life, /Wuske pomautamìonk./ Next, /Neanak./ Noble man, /Nummeskƒntamo‰nin./ None, nothing, /Matta pasuk,/ /monteag./ Obscure, or hidden, /Piussu@kke,/ /attohtossu./ Other, or another, /Onkatog, onkatogig, pl./ Other men, /Onkatogig wosketompaog./ Another way, /Onkatog may./ Often, /Mìche@kit, n“mpe./ Old ways, /Nukkonne mayash./ Old birds, /Nukkonni@shƒog./ Original, outward, /Nukkonne,/ /woskeche./ Original, pagan, /Wadchaubukke,/ /matta peuhtamwe./ Pale, a pale man, /Wompekishee„e wosketomp./ Particular, adj. /Nanasiyeue./ Perpetual motion, /Nagwutteanum”e wogkou‰onk./ Plain way, /Wunnummay”gkod./ It is plain, or manifest, /Pahke unni./ The thing is very plain, /Ne pogkodche pahkneunkquat./ Pleasant company, /Wunn‰gen wechiyeumi@tchik./ Pleasant weather, /Wunnohquot./ Pleasant walking, /Kissontommosh„onk./ Plentiful harvest, /Misshimmechi@me kepi@numìonk./ A plentiful table, /Mishimmechumì"e tashpooonk. <174> Poor, poverty, /Matcheku@e,/ /kittumungeneyeuìonk./ Present trouble, /Poswohtae wuttamantamìonk./ [p.28] Present to, /Anaquabhettit,/ Pretty well, /Anukkowewunnegen./ A pretty fellow, /Wunnissu@e missinnin./ A pretty thing, /Mosunnoquat teag./ Principal, /Negonneyeue negonneyeuuk, pl. negonneyeuìgish./ Secret } revenge, /Keme annot„onk./ Private } Prodigal son, /Mohtompashaeninne wunnaumonien./ Profane villain, /Papaquanne aiontogomp./ That is proper, or right, /Wunnohteai,/ (or) /ne u@nni@./ Prosperous gale, /Wunnopkomm‹ae wuttin./ Prosperous men, /Wunnohkommiae wosketompaog./ Proud rogues, /Pehtuanummoe aiontokkoiog./ Publick, /Pohquae, pahpeq„ont„muk./ Pure trade, /Wunne teagwassi@nnu./ Quick, /Tiadche, a kenuppe./ Quick witted, /Kenpantamo‰nin./ Quarrelsome, /Penuanitteae./ Rare apples, /Wunnemechimmonk./ Rash talk, /Chitchikque kuttìonk./ Raw as a piece of meat, /Askin neane kodch£khi weyaus./ Ready to do good, /Pahts wunnenchhuo@nat./ May be prepared, or ready, /Woh quaquashweeog./ Reasonable, rebellious, /Enomaiyeue,/ /cheketamo@e./ Red, regular, /Mishque,/ /kuhkuhheg„ne./ Religious administration, /Manittìompae usseonk./ Resolute, /Pogkoda@ntam./ The rest of the men, them that /Sequishonchik woske@tompaog./ are left with some gone, Restless, /Matta anwosunì"e./ Rich, right, /Weenauwetu,/ /nenih,/ (or) /sampwi./ Right handed, /Kuttinnohk“ne menitcheg./ Ripe soon, /Kesannì"hta teanuk./ Roasted round. /Apw”su, petukqui./ Rude behaviour, manner, } /Ponniye@ue u@nniye@uonk./ way, state, condition, } /Nutti@nni@yeuonk, nuttinohkommiaonk./ [p.29] Sad, sorrowfull, /Nìwontamì@e./ Safe, or secure, /Nannauwiyeuonk./ The same, /Nena@n, nnih, nont nee./ Savage, heathen, /Matche missinnog./ Saucy, seasonable, /Mat quaqutt„mmì,/ /wunne./ Security, /Anwohsinnooonk./ Severe master, /Onkeneunkque sontim,/ <175> Shallow, shamefaced, /Pongqui,/ /akodchu@e nissuonk./ Shameless, /Mat akodchu@e, keni./ Short breeches, /Tiohqui,/ or /tiohkìsu@e ogkì./ In short, /Nuttiohquem,/ or /Hì@wam./ A short man, /Tiohkoosue wosketomp./ A short day, /Tattauyu, kukesukod tattauyuquiyeuash kesukodtash./ A shrill tone, or noise, /Sashkontoow„onk./ Very sick, /Poketche m“chnog./ Sinfull, slavish, /Matcheseae,/ /missinnìe./ Well situated, /Wunnummahteaponk./ Soft, soft wool, /Noohkie,/ /noohkeshaka@nash./ Small, /Pe„sik, peawy./ Solemn assembly, /Qushae/ or /miyae ({all}) moeonk./ Some men, some stones, /Nawhutche wosk/, and /qussukqua@nash./ Sound wind and limb, /Mat woskesu@onk, mat chenesu@onk./ Sovereign, sovereignty, /Wussontimì@e,/ /sontimì@onk./ Sour beer, /Seane wuttattamì@onk./ Spiritual, /Keteahogkoune, nƒashanittiie,/ Spreading sail, /Sepakinnumì@onk monag./ Special, still, /Nanahsiyeue,/ /aspeh./ Stooping for age, /Coski@nuk mohtontamì"onk./ Straight path, /Sampwiyeue may./ A strange thing, /Wu¤noh ne teag./ A stranger, /Penìwohtea./ Strong, and subtil, or cunning, /Menehkese, wunninnu@pwoo./ Our strong arms, /Menuhke nuhpittenonnonash./ Such glory, /Neƒnag sohsumì"onk./ Such differences, /Neana@gish chadchaboaongash./ Such, as such men, /Neane, ne nˆane@sitcheg wosketomp./ Such a man, /Neahan‹ssit wosketomp./ Such a day, /Ohunnag kesukod./ In a man, /Peenì@nonku@ssaonk./ Sudden change in a man, /Peenìnonkssuonk./ [p.30] Sudden change in a thing, /Tiadche penì@adt. Superstitious, /Mat annìteamì@e./ Sure or certain, /Mat chanantamo@e, wunnamuhktee./ Certainty, assurance, /Wunnamuhkutteyeuuk, pahkontamoe annìsooonk./ Surviving, sweet, /Menehteantamhae,/ /wekonne./ Swift feet, or men, /Kenu@pshae misseet. Tall, and tender, /Qunnohquat/ and /nìchu@mwi./ Temporal, /Muhhogk„e./ Terrible thunder, /Unkquinneunkque pattohqohhon./ <176> Thankfull for any thing, /Tabattƒntamìe, wutche nanwe, teag./ Thick, thin air, /Kohpoghi,/ /wussƒppi woppinnok./ Torn coat, /Tannoghi, petasqu ishaonk./ Treacherous dealers, /Wnno@mpukohteae onnaquissh”nchik./ Trembling joynts, /Ninukshae, onaquesuongash./ True, trusting unto, /Sampwee,/ /papahtantammun./ A twin, /Togquos, ogquos, -suog./ Vain endeavours, /Tahnìche, missontamìongash./ Valiant, /Kenomp„e./ Visible representations, /Nogqu@sse, ogqueneunkqussuongash./ Unable, and unwilling, /Mat tappinummì, /mat wekonta@mì./ Universal, /Wameyeue./ Unmarried, man, /Mat mittumwussi@suenin./ --- woman, /Wetouadtead, enin./ Unsavory talk, /Mat wetimunkque kekittìka“nk./ Unsearchable, /Mat pakodtattinnekontamìe./ Upwards, heavenwards, utterly, /Kesu@kquiyeu,/ /papƒquanne./ Uttermost, or utmost, /Tohahhinikqu@iquinitteaonk./ Wandering wanton, /Wƒw“nchik,/ /poniyeue./ Weak, /Nìchimìe./ Wealthy citizens, /Wenouwetu@, wuttìtannieog./ Weary travellers, /Sauwinumoe pomi@sshaenog./ Weighty matters, /Missiyeue pissaumatuongash./ Wet and stormy, /Wuttapo@hquot/ and /nashquittin./ What manner, /Uttoh unni./ Whether, or no, /Utt”kau,/ /asuh matta./ A white wall, /Wompi sassuppok”muk./ Whole time, /Mami@sse ahquompi./ Without, within, /Poquatchimi@yeu unnommi@yeu./ Wholesome, /Pap„ne./ Whosoever, and whatsoever, /Tokod, howan,/ and /uttohkodteag./ Wicked, wide, /Matchetou,/ /kishkoi./ Wicked men, /Matchetìwog, matchet£keg./ Wild, pl. /Chatchepi@ssu./ Wise, and witty, /Waantam,/ and /wowunnohteawau./ Wonderfull counseller, /Mohtchantamwe kenìsìa‰nin./ Worse than the other, /Mat chit onk onkatog./ Worse, /Anue matchit./ Worshipfull, /Wowussummu„e, qutt\‹antamwe./ Worthy, /Tapinumoe, tapenieunkqussu@e./ Worthy receivers, /Quagquashwehtamwe, attumunukoog./ Wounded in fight, /Noochimwuttohwhu@ssu, ut ayeutiionganit./ Yearly payment, /Kogkodtumwae, oadtehtea@onk./ <177> Young, /Wusk“ntam;/ /wusketo,/ a creature not a man. Rulers in an inferior capacity, /Nanƒwinuaeninuog nag ohkeiyeu apitcheg./ Loose principles, and practices, /Piahchummìe unnantamog,/ and /usseog./ A fancy, /Unnantamooonk./ Antipathy, /Kussasekinnamìonk./ A rack, /Tannauwohkumpunnƒonk, auwohkompanaonk./ [p.32] Numbers, /Unnogketamìonkash. Unity, one, first, once, /Pasukìonk,/ /pasuk,/ /nequt,/ /negonne paskqut;/ /pasuk ann,/ `one time'. Two, second, twice, /Nees,/ /na@hoht”eu,/ /nesit./ Second persons, causes, /Nahohtoeu howanìongash,/ /ennomaiyeuash./ Three, third, thrice, /Nish,/ /nishwe,/ /nishwut./ Three commandments, /Nishwe annooteamìongash./ Four, fourth, four times, /Yau,/ /yau‚,/ /yauwut./ Four houses, /Yauunash wetuomash./ Five, fifth, five times, /Napanna,/ /napannaut,/ /napannatashut./ Six, sixth, seven, /Nequtta, pl. nequttatassuog;/ /nequttaut,/ /nequttatashut,/ /n‰sasuk./ Eight, eighth, eight times, /Shwosuk,/ or /nishw“,/ /nishw“sut./ Nine, ninth, /Pa@skìgit,/ or /paskìgun/ /paskìgitut./ Ten, tenth, /Piog,/ /poioggut./ Ten commandments, /Piogquttash annooteamìongash./ Eleven, twelve, /Piog nabo nequt,/ /piog nabo nees,/ &c. Twenty-one, thirty-two, &c. /Neesneechag nequt, mees,/ &c. The twentieth company, /Neesneechagehtunk wechiyeutiionk./ Thirty, forty, /Nishwinnechak, pl. suog,/ /yauwinnechak./ Fifty, sixty, /Napannatashinnechak, pl. suog,/ /nequttatashinne@chak./ Seventy, eighty, /Nesasuktasshinnechak,/ /nishwotasshinnechak./ Ninety, /Paskìgit tasshinnechak./ One hundred, /Nequt passu@koo,/ or /passu@koog./ One thousand, /Nequt muttannonganog./ One hundred houses, /Nequt pasu@kìash wetuomash./ One hundred men, /Nequt pasukìog wosketompaog./ Ninety men, /Paskookin tasshinnechakodog woske./ Ninety houses, /Paskookin tashinnechakodash wetuomash./ <178> The fifth particular, /Napannant chippag./ The sixth, /Nequtta ut,/ &c. [p.33] Pronouns. I, thou, he, him, /Nen,/ /ken,/ /noh,/ /nƒgum./ We, us, ye, you, /Nenauwun,/ /kenau./ They, them, /Nag,/ /nahog,/ or /nagumau./ These men, these things, /Yeug,/ /yeush, nish./ This man, this thing, /Yeuoh,/ /yeu./ In him, with him, her, /Ut noh,/ /nashpe nagum./ My, mine, /Ne,/ /neen./ My God, my friend, /Nuk Godum,/ /netump./ My house, my grass, /Neke,/ /nummosketiimash./ Thy, thine, your, yours, /Kenayeu,/ /yeu kenau./ His, hers, whereby, /Nohne,/ /nish,/ or /yeu nashpe,/ Our, ours, /Yeu, nenauun./ Whomsoever, /Howƒn ƒnantam./ Which, /Uttuh, /utt‹yeu,/ sing. /uttiyeusk,/ pl. That house, /Ne wetu./ That man, /N“ wosketomp./ Whose son is that, /Howan wunnaumonut yeuhoh./ Who, /Howan./ Who are you, /Howan ken./ I love God whose commandments are good, /Nìwaman God noh,/ or /neg wuttannìteamìongash wunnegu@nnash./ Whose, or of whom, /Howanikyeu,/ or /wutchehowan./ Whose book is that, /Howan ootuhguohhonk ne./ What you think, /Toh kuttinantam,/ (when a man does not speak.) What manner you think, /Teagua kuttinƒnkam,/ (to know a man's opinion.) What life do you live, (how,) /Toh kuttinne poma@ntam./ What trade are you of, /Toh kittinanokautuaena./ What do you want, /Teag kukquenauehhik./ What is your name, /Toh kittistooes,/ What do you say, /Toh kittinnoowam./ What did you hear, /Toh kuttonenohtam./ Thy self, him, herself, /Piuhsu@kkeken,/ /piuhsu@kke nƒgum./ Our selves, /Nuhhogkan”^nog./ Your selves, /Kuhhogkawoog./ [p.34] Themselves, your self, /Wuhhogkawoh,/ /kuhhog./ I my self, /Nen nuhhog./ You your selves, /Kenau kuhhogkawo@og./ He himself, /Noh woh”guh./ Their goods, /Momatchiash wutche na@hog./ Their own, /Wunnehenwoncheyeumoo./ For his own, /Nehenwonche wuttahtoonk./ The kingdom thine, /Ketassìtamì"onk kutahtauun./ <179> [p.35] Verbs. I am able, /Nuttƒppi@num./ Thou art able, /Ken kuttƒppi@num./ He is able, /Nagum tappi@nnum./ We are able, /Nuttƒppinnumu@mun./ Ye are able, /Kuttƒpinnumumwì./ They are able, /Nƒg tƒppinumwog./ I was able, thou wast /Nut,/ /kuttƒppinmup./ We were able, /Kutt apinnumumumi”nup./ Be thou able, /Ken tapinish./ Let him be able, /Nok tapinetch./ Let us be able, /Tapinumuttuh./ Be ye able, /Tapinnum”ok./ Let them be able, /Tapinnumhittich./ Art thou able, /Sun kuttapinnum./ To be able, /Tapinnumunat./ Endued him with ability, } /Tappenumwaheau, aiyeuwantapinnumun./ or made him able, } I abound, thou, /Nummìchu@kkohtou,/ /kum-./ To abound, /Missegkinneat./ I did, we did abound, /Nummis,/ /nummissetimunonup./ I adorn, we adorn, /Noossin,/ /noottinnuontamumun./ He adorneth, /Noh wussinnu./ To adorn, or make handsome. /Wussinnu,/ /wussinninneat./ To be adorned, /Wussinnuontamunat./ I will give an account, /Nont nissampoowaontam./ You must give an account, /Nont pish kissampoowamwoo./ To give an account, /Wunnompagunumnate,/ (reckon when in debt.) I advise, or did, I well consider, /Nìnatwontam,/ /-up./ We advise, /Nenauun nunnatwontamu@mun./ To advise, /Wunnatwontamu@nat./ Advice, /Kogkahquttìonk./ To be advised, /Kogkahquttinneat./ I afford, /Nuttinne, magun./ We afford, * * * * * To afford, /Enummƒgunat./ I did, we did afford, /Nen nummag/ /nummagumun”nup./ Dispensation, /Ummogìonk./ [p.36] I affright, or did, /Nikkitcheesahteam, -ap./ We affright, /Nenauun nikkitchesshateamun./ To be affrighted, /Kitchesshanittinneat./ I am afraid, or I fear, /Nìw„bes./ We are afraid, or do fear, /Nìwapantamu@mu@n,/ or /nowabe@sumun./ To be afraid, or to fear, /Wabesuonn„onk./ God can make us afraid, /God woh noowabesuwahikqun./ I amend, /Nupp‰nì@wunenkus, usseonk./ <180> We amend, /Nuppenìwununkqussmun./ To amend, (/Sampweteauunat,/) /Penìwunu¤kquat./ I am angry, /Nummosquƒntam./ We are angry, /Nummosquantammun./ To be angry, /Mosquantamunate./ To make angry, /Mosquantamhuonat./ Dont be angry with me, /Ahque mosquanumeh./ I am angry with you, /Kummusquƒmmush./ I am angry with him, [sic] /Kummosquanum./ His slow anger, /Ummanu@nnee musquanittamìonk./ Here the prefix /Um/, is removed from the Substantive to the Adjective. His anger, /Ummusquani@tammìonk./ [sic] Our anger, /Nummusquƒtamìonganun./ Their anger, /Ummusquantamìonganì/ I anoint, /Nussissegquin./ We anoint, /Nussissegquinnuamun./ To anoint, /Sussegquinuonat./ To be anointed, /Sissequinnittinneat./ I answer, or did, /Nummampì"ham./ We answer, or did, /Nunnamppìhumu@mun./ To answer, /Namppìhumunat./ Why dont you answer me, /Toh wutch mat nampìhumoog./ To be answered, /Namppoohumoadtinneat./ I appear, we appear, /Nunnogquis,/ /-su@mun./ To appear, /Nogquissinneat./ Appearance, or looks, /Nogqu@ssuonk,/ A pretence, /Woskeche nogqu@ssuonk./ [p.37.] How does this appear, /Yeuoh toh unnoow„sheau./ I appease, or did, /Nummahtteƒnum./ We appease, or did, /Nummaptteanummun./ [sic] To appease, or pacify, /Mahtteƒnumunat./ To be appeased, /Mahttennittinneat./ I arise, (numos,) /Nuttomuhkem,/ or /nìw„beem./ We arise, to arise, /Nuttomukk‰mun,/ /omuhkenate./ I arise out of my bed, /Nuttomuhkem wutch nuttappinneat./ God arises me from sleep, /God nuttomuhkinuk wutch kaueonk./ I arrive, to arrive, /Nootuhtohkom,/ /wuttuhtuhkomunat./ I am ashamed, /Nutƒgkodch./ To be ashamed, /“gkodchinat./ Make me ashamed, /Nutogkodch‰hhit./ I was ashamed, /Nutogkodchup./ It ashameth me, /Nutƒgkodcheh‹kqun./ It makes them ashamed, /Wuttakodchuwahikkoounneau./ <181> I ask nothing, /Nunnattìtumwehteam monteag./ Thou askest, /Kenattìtumwehteam./ He asks, he did ask, /Nonatt”otumwehtean, -up./ We ask, ye, /Nunnattìtumwehteamun./ They ask, /Nattìtumwehteaog./ To ask, /Nattìtumwehkonat./ I assure you, /Kuppohkontamwahhinnumwoo./ To assure, /Pƒhkontamunat./ I attempt, to attempt, /Nen nukkodu@ssep,/ /kodussenat./ To avouch, /Wanw”nat./ I awake, we awake, /Nuttì"hk‰m, un, nuppagi@s./ To awake, /Toohk‰nat./ To be awake, I did awake, /Pagwissinneat./ I aim at, /Nummissantamun./ To aim at, /Missƒntamunat./ I bargain, to bargain, /Nutomattinneat./ We have bargained, /Nummahttommattimun./ We bargain, /Nuttommattimun./ [p.38] To bark, /Wohwokk”nnat./ The dog barks, /An£m wohw”hteau./ To be, that is, /Aiinneat,/ /nenih./ I be, thou art, he is, /Nen nont,/ /ken nont,/ /nohne./ We are, ye are, they are, /Kenauun yeu,/ /kenauna,/ /nƒg, na./ He is my friend, /Nohnoowetompiin./ Let him be my friend, /Unnannumnoh moowotompainne./ Let us be friendly, /Oowetomp„‰ { unniittuh { titteauh. He was, we were, /Nagum nont,/ /nenauun nee./ Ye were, they were, /Kenau ne,/ /nƒg ne./ As they were before, /Nish neƒnakup./ Oh that we were, /Napeh nont ne u@nnioog./ I beat, /Nen nuttatta@gkom./ I am beaten, /Nen nuttattogkomut./ We beat, to beat, /Nuttattƒdteƒmun,/ /tadtƒgk”nat./ To be beaten, * * * * * A stick, /Muhtìkoomes./ I am become a man, /Nìwoskeetompa./ I am become, we are become, /Nuttinni,/ /yumun./ To become, /Unniinat./ I beget, we beget, /Nìnaumoni-yeum,/ /yi-mun./ To beget, /Wunnaumoniyeuonk./ To be begotten, /Wannaumonyemuk./ I begin, we begin, /Nenkitche, nukkittcheu@ssem,/ /-un./ I did begin, /Nukkitcheussep./ Do thou begin, /Kittcheusseish./ Let us begin, /Kitcheussetuh./ To begin, /Kitcheussenat./ To be begun, * * * * * I behold, we behold, /Kussehnunnƒum,/ /nunnaumu@mun./ <182> I believe, or did, /Nìnamptam,/ /-up./ We believe, /Nìnamptamu@mun,/ /wunnamptashken./ To believe, believe thou, /Wunnamptamunah,/ /wunnamptash ken./ To be believed, /Wunnamptoadtinneat./ [p.39] Faith, Infidels, /Wunnamptamì@onk,/ pannoowohtogig./ Infidels, /Mat wunnamptoggeg./ Believers, /Wunnampuhtogig./ Hereticks, /Mat wunnamptoggeeg,/ /neƒnak wussukwhongane,/ /wunnomwayeuonk./ To bellow, or make a noise, /Nishkìwaunat./ I bend, we bend, /Nìwonku@num,/ /-un,/ or /nìn“w„num./ To bend, bending, /Wonkunumunat,/ /nìwanumìonk./ To be bent, /Wonkkenittinneat./ I beseech you, /Kìwequetummƒush./ I beware, we beware, /Nun nunnkqus,/ /-sumun./ To beware, /Nunnukqussinneat./ Beware of men, /Nunnukqusuoat wosketompaog./ Beware of the sea, /Nunnukqussuontash keitah./ He was betrayed, /Wanassì"mit./ I bind, we bind, /Nukkishpi@nn“,/ /-mun./ To bind, /Kishpinnauu@nat./ To bind, or engage us, /Nukkishpinnukqunat./ Obligation, or binding, /Kishpissuonk,/ or /mohttomattuonk./ To be bound, /Kishpissinneat./ I bite, we bite, /Nen nussogkepì@wam,/ /-un./ To bite, /Sogkepìonate./ I blame, we blame, /Nen nìchum,/ /ì"mun./ To blame, /Wutchumonate./ To be blamed, /Wutchittinneat./ I bless, we bless, /Nen nìnƒnum,/ /nìnƒnummu@mun./ To bless, /Wunnaunumonat./ To be blessed, /Wunnani@ttineat./ To blot out, /Jishkhamunat,/ /jeshkhash nummatchseonk./ I blow, we blow, /Nuppìpootonto@wam,/ /-un./ To blow, /Pìtontouunat./ Bellows, /Popìpìtauwana@muk. The wind bloweth, /Waban ootshon./ I boil, /Nunnummattchkuhquam./ To boil the pot, /Nepattohku@hqu”nat./ [p.40] Midwife, /Nìchkuwaenin./ I am born, /Nummahche neetti./ <183> We are born, /Nummahche nettimun./ To be born, heirs, /Nekinneat,/ /ayuskottumauomukkeeg./ To bear a child, /Nechanat mukkoies./ To brag, or swagger, /Mishìw„nat./ I break, we break, /Nuppìku@kkom,/ /-u@mun./ To break, /Poohkukkomunat./ To be broke, /Pookkukkasinneat./ I break a law, /Nuppoohqun naumattuonk./ A law is broken, /Naumatuonk po@hchokossu./ To break a limb, /Pohchohkomu@nat, pohch„tuk./ I breathe, or did, /Nen nunnƒssham,/ or /-nont./ We breathe, or did, /Nunnasshì"mun,/ /-nont nunnash./ To breathe, /Nahnash„nat./ I bring, or did, /Nen nupp„tton,/ /-up./ We bring, or did, /Nuppattoman n”^nup./ To bring, /Pattouu@nat./ To be brought, /Pasoowitti@nneat./ Bring him with you, /Noh pasoo nashpe ken./ Bring my coat, /Patauish nuppeto@hkos./ Bring thou, bring ye, /Patunishken,/ /patoooook./ Let him bring, /Pattauitch nagum./ Let us bring, /Patauttuh./ Let them bring, /Neg patauehhittich./ Dost thou bring, /Sun ken kuppato./ Dost he bring, [sic] /Sun noh patou./ Do we bring, or not, /Sun nuppat”mun asuh mat./ To bring thee, /Patauunat. To bring up any thing from a place. /Patchippoht‹nat./ To be educated, /Wunne nehtuhpe@kheonat./ I build, or did, /Nìweki@tteam,/ /nìwekitteop./ We build, or did, /Nìwekitteamun,/ /n”nup./ To build, to be built, /Wekukkonat,/ /wekukkoadtinneat./ [p.41] I burn, or did, /Nutchikkos,/ /nutchikkossumup./ We burn, or did, /Nutchìikkossu@mun,/ /-nonap./ To burn, /Chikkossumu@nat./ To be burnt, /Chikkossinneat./ I bury, or did, /Nuppìsu@kin,/ /-nop./ We bury, or did, /Nuppìsekinnuw”mun,/ /-n”nup./ To bury, /Poosekinnuwonat./ To be buryed, /Poosekinnittinneat./ I buy, or did, /Nuttotto”wam,/ /nuttottowap./ We buy, or did, /Nuttaphumumun,/ /-nonup./ To buy, /Taphumanate./ To be bought, /Attowonnittinneat./ Redemption, /Manìwhƒonk./ I call, or did, /Nìwe@qu@tteam,/ /-up./ <184> We call, or did call, /Nìwequtteamumu@n,/ /-n”nup./ To call, /Wequtteamu@nat. To be called, /Wequttinneat./ What you call Table, /Toh katussìwetam Table./ What you call a Wolf, } /Tohkitteuhin nattoohqus ut Indianut./ in Indian. } Called, /Assìwesit./ Calling, /Wehkomƒonk./ I do care, /Nen nunnanauantam./ I dont care, /Mat tohnittintupantnmoo./ To care, /Wuttanantamunat./ I carry, we carry, or did, /Nuttƒshun,/ /-nuwamun,/ /-n”nup./ To carry, /Tashinnekonat./ To be carried, /Pumminnegkonittinneat./ I carry a man, /Nukknnum (nukknun) wosketomp./ I carry a stone, /Nappummunneeteam hussum./ Do thou carry me, /Kenpumminnegkosseh./ I will carry thee, /Pish kuppumminnegkonish./ Do thou carry him, /Ken pumminnegkos noh./ Do ye carry us, /Kenau pumminnegkoshinneat./ I cast, we cast, /Nussohwhoteam,/ /-un./ To cast, or be cast, /Sohwhok”nat./ [p.42] I catch, or did, /Nuttohquinmmun./ We catch, or did, /Nuttohquinummun,/ /-nonup./ To catch, /Tohquiunmunat./ To be caught,. /Tohquinnittinneat./ I cease, or did, /Nummahteaim,/ /-ep./ We cease, or did, /Nummahteaemun,/ /-nonup./ I charge (a gun,) /Nummechimmuhkonte./ We charge, /Nummeechumuhkonomun./ To charge, or order, /Mechumuhk”nat./ I am charged much, /Nuttassìwnum./ I charge thee, /Kummechumahkonish./ I change, we change, /Nuttassìweennis,/ /-sumun./ To be changed, to look after another manner, /Penoowinneunkqusspinneat./ Change thou, change ye, /Penoowinnunkqusish,/ /-seg./ Let us change, /Penoowinnunkqussittuh./ I chastise, or did, /Nussohsama@toh./ We chastise, or did, /Nussohsamatohwh„mun,/ /-nonup./ To chastise, /Sohsamatohhìonat./ To be chastised, /Sasamatahwhittinneat./ I cheat, or did, /Nuttassìkekodteam./ We cheat, or did, /Nuttassìkekodteamumun./ To cheat, /Assìkekodteamunat./ I chuse, or did, /Nuppepenam./ He has chose, /Mahcheepepenam./ Choose thou, /Pepenash./ <185> To cherish, or to nourish, /Sokkommìsìw”onat./ I cherish, or I nourish, /Nussohkommoosì@wam./ To be cherished, or nourished, /Sohkommoonittinneat./ I chide, or scold, /Nen nunnishqu‰wam./ We chide, or did, /Nunnishquewamun./ To be chid, /Nishquemittinneat./ I am choked, or was, /Nuppashoon,/ /-nup, (wutche weyaus.)/ We are choaked, or were, /Nuppasshoonu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To be choaked, /Passho”nninnneat./ { /Nukkechi@quabes peminneat./ [p.43] I am choaked, with an halter, { /Nukkech‹quapi@nit peni@nyoh./ I claim, or did, /Nuppehchenu@nnam./ We claim, or did, /Nuppehchenunnamumun./ To claim, /Nunpƒmu@nat./ I clap, /Nutchogkoshkeehtham./ To clap, /Chogkoshkittohhamunat./ To be clear, or manifest, /Pahh‰si@nneat./ To be cleared, or acquitted, /Pohquohwhunnitti@nneat./ I cleave to, we cleave to, /Numm“sogquetam,/ /-umun./ I climb, /Nuttohkoos./ To climb, /Sohkìsinneat./ I cloath, /Nut¢gquannehhuam./ To cloath, /Wuttogquannehhu”nat./ To be cloathed, /Wuttogquannehhittinneat./ I am cold, or was, /Nukquosquatch,/ or /nussonkques./ We are cold, or were, /Nukquosquatchumun,/ /-nonup./ To be cold, /Quosquatchinat./ The dog is cold, /Ann£m quosquatchoo./ The earth is cold, /Ohke sonkqui./ I do come, or did, /Nuppeyom,/ /nuppeyop./ We come, or did, /Nuppeyƒmun,/ /-nonup./ To come, /Peyƒnat./ Thou comest, ye come, /Kuppeyam,/ /-wì./ He comes, they come, /Peyau,/ /peyauog./ Thou didst, he did come, /Nont kuppey“mp,/ /peyop./ Ye did come, /Nont kuppeyamwop./ They did come, /Pey“panneg./ I would come, /Woh nuppeyom./ When did you come from home, /Tohhunnì kìm kekit./ Men come, /Wosketompaog peyauog./ The goods are come, /Momatchiash peyomìash. Come in, come hither, /Peetitteash,/ /nauwin./ Come, /Peyosh./ Future, or to come, /Paomì@onk./ [p.44] The comforter, /Tapehoowaenin./ I comfort, or did, /Nuttappeh,/ /-heomp, neƒwau./ We comfort, or did, /Nuttappehu„mun,/ /-n“nup./ <186> To comfort, /Tappehhu”nat./ To be comforted, /Taphitti@nneat./ Consolation, /Wekontamwahettonk./ I command, or did, /Nuttannìteam,/ /-up/ We command, or did, /Nuttannìteamumun,/ /-n”nup./ To command, /Annìteamwinneat,/ He commands you, /Kutannìnuk./ He commands me, /Nutanìnuk./ He commands him, /Wutanìnuk./ He commands us, /Nutanìnukqun./ He commands you, /Kutanìnukì./ He commands them, /Wutanonuk neh./ Command your man, and do the thing your self, /Annoos kittinninnum,/ and /ne teag usish ken./ I commit, or did, /Nuttohtossoowam,/ /-wap,/ We commit, or did, /Nuttohtossìwa@mun,/ /-nonup./ To commit, /Ahtossooonate./ I commit evil, /Nuttissem machuk./ To commit to prison, /Ahtosoowonat en kuppishshagkinnittuonk./ To compass sea, and land, /Pannupsh”nat kehtoh, kah ohke./ I compass, /Nuppannppushsham./ I compell, or did, /Nutchekeye@uwae./ We compell, or did, /Nutchetimwamun,/ /-nonup./ To compell, /Chetanuwonat./ To be compelled, /Chekeittinneat,/ I complain, or did, /Nìtì@wam,/ /nìtowap,/ We complain, or did, /Nìtowamun,/ /-nonup./ To complain, /Wuttoo@nat./ Did you complain of me, /Sun kootoowam nuhhog/ [p 45] I condemn, or did, /Nupgogkodtowam,/ /-wap./ We condemn, or did, /Nuppogkodtowamun,/ /-nonup./ To condemn, /Pogkodchummu”nat./ To be condemned, /Pogkodchittinneat./ I confess, or did,- /Nussƒmpìwam,/ /wap,/ /nussampìwauun nuhhog matches./ We confess, or did, /Nussampoowamun,/ /-nonup./ To confess, /Samppoowonat./ I sick, /Nuhbog chippohtooonk./ I consume, /Nummahcheem,/ or /nummohtupaeem./ We consume, or did, /Nommohtupaemun,/ /-nonup./ To consume, /Mohtupaenate./ To be consumed, /Mohtupanittinneat./ I am convinced, I acknowledge, /Nummahche, wunnomwahit./ I convince, or convinced, /Nuppogkodchum,/ /-omp./ We convince, or did, /Nuppogkodchumomun,/ /-nonup./ To convince, /Pogkodchummu”nat./ <187> I cover, or did, /Nuttonkhmun nuhhog,/ /nupputtogkoo@hhum./ We cover, or did, /Nupputtogkoohhumumun./ To cover ones nakedness, /Puttoghumunat poshkissonk./ I counsell, or advise, /Nukkogkahqu@tteam./ We will counsell you, /Nont kukkogkatimumun./ Thou shalt counsell me, /Nont kukkogkahti@mme./ Counsell, or advice, /Kogkahquttìonk./ A counseller, /Kenìsìa‰nin./ To create, /Keshito\unate./ To be created, /Kezhittinneat./ I creep, or did, /Nuppummìtasshom./ We creep, or did, /Nuppumì"tashomun,/ /-nonup/ To creep, /Pummootash”nate./ I cry, we cry, /Numm“me,/ /numm“mun./ I did cry, we did cry, /Nummoup,/ /nummomunn“nup./ To cry, /Momuttamwinneat./ [p.46] I curse, or did, /Nummattanni@tteam./ We curse, or did, /Nummattannitteamun./ To curse, /Mattannisk”nat./ To be cursed, /Mattannittinneat./ A curse, /Mattannuttuonk./ I cut, or did, /Nuttummi@ssum,/ /nuttummissup./ We cut, or did, /Nuttummissimumun,/ /-nonup./ To cut, /Tummussumu@nat./ Cut thou me, /Tummutcha@swe./ I dance, or did, /Nuppmu@kkom,/ /p./ We dance, or did. /Nuppapomukko@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To dance, /Pumukk”nat./ Dont dance, /Apque matwƒkesh/ I dare, we dare, /Mat nìwapsu mun./ To dare, /Mat quttamìunat./ I deceive, or cheat, /Nattassookekoditeam, kommoo./ We decieve, /Nuttassìkekodteamun./ To deceive, /Assìkekogkonat./ Dont you decieve me, /Ahque assìkekomme./ To dedicate, /Magunat en Godut./ To be dedicated, /Magittinneat en Godut./ I defend or did, /Nukkinh„^mom,/ /p./ We defend, or did, /Nukki¤hamomun,/ /-nohup./ To defend, /Kinnohkomonat. Defend thou me, /Kinnohhamah./ I defile, or did, /Ninnesketeoh,/ /-up./ We defile, or did, /Ninneskete“mun./ To defile, /Nisketeouunat./ To be defiled, /niskenunkqussinneat./ I delight, or did, /Noowekontamìontam,/ /-up./ We delight, /Noowekontamìontamumun/ To delight, /Wekontamìontamu@nat./ <188> To be delighted, /Wekontam“oonittinneat./ [p.47] I deliver, or did, /Nupp”hquohuhusswam; nuppohquohwhuttoom momatchiash,/ (from). We deliver, or did, /Nuppo@hquohwhussuwamun./ To deliver, /Pohquohwhussìonat./ To be delivered, /Pohquohwhunnittinneat./ Delivered, or spoken, /Mussohhomu@nnap./ Deliver me good Lord, /Pohquohwhusse wunneton sontim./ I demand, /Nunnohnattittum./ To demand, /Nohnattittumunat./ I deny, or did deny, /Nukquenì@wam,/ /nukquenìwap./ We deny, or did, /Nukquenìwamun,/ /-nonup./ To deny, /Queenìwonat./ To be denyed, /Quen“onittinneat./ Deny if you dare, /Quenoowash mat quaquˆtam”o./ I depart, or did, /Nuttamƒeem./ We depart or did, /Nuttamaemun,/ /-n“nup./ To depart, /Ama‰nat./ Dont depart, /Ahque amaehtash/ or /amaish./ It dependeth not, /Matta kenantamoomoonoo./ I deserve, or did, /Nuttƒppe@hko@m,/ /-up./ We deserve or did, /Nuttƒpehkomumun,/ /-nonup./ To deserve, /Tƒpehkomunate./ I desire, or did, /Nukkodtƒntam,/ /-up./ We ---- /Nukkodtantamumun,/ /-nonup./ To desire, /Kodtantamunat./ To be desired, /Kodtannittinneat./ I despise, or did, /Nutjishƒntam./ We despise, or did, /Nutjishantamumun,/-nonup./ To despise, /Jishantamunat./ To be despised, * * * * * I cannot devise what to do, /Mat nunnattìontamoouttuh woh as‰e./ To devise, /Natwontamunat./ I, we devour, or did, /Nummahchip pumun,/ /-up./ To devour, or t“ be devoured, /Matchipwittinneat./ [p.48] I shall dy, /Pish nunnp./ You must dy, /Nont pish nunnuppmun./ [sic] We must all die, /Nont wame nenuppumun./ He died last week, /Noh nupwoi ut natteƒ weekqsi./ He died for me, /Noh nunnappoonuk./ I make hole. /Nukktham./ I dig, or did dig, /Nìwonteam,/ /nìwonteap./ We dig, or digged, /Nìwonteamun,/ /-n“nup./ I did dig, /Nont noowonteap./ To dip, /Qupagkinumnat./ To dispatch, /Mohtshodtouu@nat./ <189> I dispatche /Nummohtshattauun, anakansuonk./ I dissemble, or did, /Nuttompuwus,/ /-sup./ How do I dissemble, /Uttuh nittinomppuwissin./ We dissemble, /Nuttompuwussumun,/ /-n“nup./ To dissemble, /Ompuwussunate./ To be dissembled, /Askookekattinneat./ A pretence, /Webe oqquenunkqussina./ I divide, or did, /Nutchadchapu@num,/ /-up./ To be divided, /Chachapenat./ To divide, /Chippunumunat./ I do, or did, /Nuttussen,/ /-up./ We do, or did, /Nuttussemun,/ /-nonup./ Thou doest, or didst, /Kuttussen,/ /-nap./ He doth, or did, /Nƒgum, wuttoussen,/ /-nap./ Ye do, or did, /Kutussemwoo,/ /-wop./ They do, or did, /Nag wuttussenna@og,/ /-op./ I have done, /Nummahche ussem./ To do, to be done, /Uss‰nat,/ /kod-uss‰nat./ My doing, /Nuttusseonk./ I dote, or grow foolish, /Nutassookenunkqe./ To dote, /Assìkinneat./ I doubt, or did, /Nutchƒnƒntam,/ /-up./ We doubt, or did, /Nutchanantamu@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To doubt, /Chunantamu@nat./ To be doubted, /Chananittinneat./ I draw, or did, /Nìtonchi@ttom,/ /-up./ We draw, or did, /Nìtonchitto@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To draw, /Wuttonchittonu@nat./ To be drawn, /Wuttontonchittinneat./ To draw out, /Sohwhotonchittonu@nat./ I drink, or did, /Nìtƒttam,/ /nìtƒttammup./ We drink, or did, /Nìtattƒttamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ Thou drinkest, or didst, /Kìttattam,/ /-u@nap./ He drinks, or did, /Nagum wuttƒttam,/ /-up./ Ye drink, or did, /Kìtƒttamumwoo,/ or /-wo./ [sic] They did drink, /Nag wuttattamup„nneg./ I would drink, /Nen woh noota@ttam./ Drink no more, /Ahque wonk wutta@ttash./ To drink, /Wuttattamunat./ To be drunk, /Wussaumsippaminneat,/ or /kogkeho¢p¢nat./ Dont be drunk, /Apque kogkesupamwish./ I ease myself, /Nuttannu@wossumweh nuhhog./ To ease a man of his Burden, /Nonketeauun wosketomp ìweƒnun./ I eat, or did, /Nummechin,/ /-nap./ We eat, or did, /Nummechi@mun,/ /-nonup./ To eat, /Mechi@nat./ <190> Eat heartily, /Meneehtipwish./ I embrace, or did, /Nukkehchi@kquan,/ (I hold by the throat). We embrace, or did, /Nukkehchquannuwamun./ To embrace, /Kehchikquannuw”nat./ I empty, /Nussekqu@nnum,/ /nìtattamwaetch./ To empty, to be empty, /Sekqunumunot./ I encourage, or did, /Nen nìtìƒntam,/ /-up./ Thou encouragedst, or did, [sic] /Ken kìtìƒntamhuam./ We encourage, or did, /Nìtìantamhuw„mun./ To encourage, /Wuttìantamhu”nat./ To be encouraged, /Wuttìantamhittinneat./ Encouragement, /Tapeneauwahtuonk./ [p.50] I endure, or did, /Numme@nehteantam,/ /-up./ We endure, or did, /Nummenehteantamu@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To endure, /Menehteantamu@nat./ To be endured, /Menehteantamhittinneat./ I enjoy, or did, /Nìwekontƒmìontam,/ /-up./ We enjoy, or did, /Nìwekontamuontamu@mun./ To enjoy, /Weekontamìontamunat./ To be enjoyed, /Weekontamìonittinneat./ I enquire, or did, /Nunnattìtumwehteam,/ /-up./ We enquire, or did, /Nunnattìtumwehteamun,/ /-nonup./ To enquire, /Nattìtum£hk”nat./ To be enquired after, /Nattootumooonittinneat./ Questions, /Nattìtumwehteaonk,/ /-ash./ I enter, or did, /Nuppetittea“ntam,/ /-up./ We enter, or did, /Nuppetittea“ntamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ Enter if you dare, /Napeh petitteash./ I entice, or did, /Nìwowet\‹mmam,/ /-ap./ We entice, or did, /Nìwowetimmuamun,/ /-nonup./ To entice, /Woweekkìw”nat./ To escape, /Pohquohhamunat./ I establish, or did, /Numme@nehkehhu@am./ We establish, or did, /Nummenehkehteomun./ To establish, /Menehkehteauu@nat./ To be established, /Menehhittinneat./ I esteem, or did, /Nìtìontam,/ /-up./ We esteem, or did, /Nìtìontamu@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To esteem, /Wuttìontamu@nat./ To be esteemed, /Wuttooanittinneat./ He esteems him, /Ootoanu@muh./ I esteem you, /Kìtooanu@m£numwo./ Let him be esteemed, /Wuttoanumnach./ I excell, or did, /Nummishƒnumhqus,/ /-up./ We excell, or did, /Nummishanumuhqussimun./ To excell, /Mishanumukquissinneat./ He exposeth, he supposeth, /Noh unqutamup./ <191> [p.51] I fall, or did, /Nuppini@sshom,/ /p./ We fall, or did, a fall, /Pinissh“nat, penushaonk./ To falter, or fail, /Nìni@nn£w”nat./ I begin to falter, or fail in my understanding, /Nunnìche nooninnuwam ut noowatamooonganit./ I fasten, or did, /Numme@nehkeehteo,/ /-up./ We fasten, or did, /Nummenehketeomun./ To fasten, /Menuhketeouu@nat./ To be fastened, /Menuhkehittinneat./ I favour, or did, /Nukkitteamonteanum./ We favour, or did, /Nukkitteamonteanum”mun./ To favour, /Kittu@monteanittineat./ I fear, to fear, /Nìwabes,/ /wabe@sinneat./ I will make them to fear, /Pish noowabteauaheaog./ Dost thou fear him, /Sun kukquish noh./ To feign, to dissemble, /Ompuwussu@e unnissu@onk./ I feed, or did, /Nussohkomìsìwam,/ /nuttonnees./ --- Cattel, /Nutt”hsan netassuog./ We feed, /Nuss¢hkomoosìwamun./ To feed, /Sohkomìsoo”nat./ To be fed, /Sohkomoonittinneat./ I feel, or did feel, /Nummattamƒttam,/ /-up./ We feel, or did, /Nummattamattamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ They feel, /Matt„mmatt„mwog./ To feel, /Ammattƒmu@nat./ I fetch, we fetch, /Nunnemskom,/ /-u@mun./ To fetch, to be felt, [sic] /Neniskomu@nat./ I fight, or did, /Nummekuhteam,/ /-up./ We fight, or did, /Nummekuhteamun./ To fight. /Mekuhk”nat./ To be fought, /Wuttooamontamunat./ To fill, [sic] /Nu@nnumwamechimechteam./ We fill, or did, /Nunnumwamechimehteamun./ To fill, /Numwamechimehk”nat. To be filled, /Numwamechimehkonittinneat./ Let be filled, /Nummohtaj./ [p.52] I find, or did, /Nunnƒmeehteo,/ /-ooup./ We find, or did, /Nunnƒmehteomun,/ /-n“nup./ To find, /Namehteonu@n„t./ To be found, /Namehhittinneat./ I finish, or conclude, /Numohtanhkus./ I flow, or did, /Nuttamogkonehiteam./ We flow, or did, /Nippe tƒmogkon nuttamogkonehteamun./ To flow, /Tƒmoganehk”nat./ I fly, or did, /Nuttìwen,/ or /nuttisshom,/ We fly, or did, /Nuttìw‰mun,/ /-n“nup./ To fly, /Toow‰nat./ I flatter, or did, /Noowauwnonukì"wam./ <192> We flatter, or did, /Noowaunonukìwamun/. To flatter, /Waunonuhkoow”nat./ To be flattered, /Wauwunnonuhquttinneat./ To fold a cloth, /Wewhepunumu@nat./ I follow, or did, /Nuttassì@hkos,/ /nuttassuhkou./ We follow, or did, /Nuttassuhkon”mun./ To follow, /Assuhkou”nat./ To be followed, /Assuhkoattinneat./ Cause them to follow, /Nag assuhkosh‹ttich./ I forbid, or did, /Nukqueehti@tteam,/ /-ap./ We forbid, or did, /Nuhquehtitteamun,/ /-n“nup./ To forbid, God forbid, /Quehtehk”nat,/ /God quehtehchaj./ To be forbidden, /Quehtinnittinneat./ He forbiddeth, /Noh quehtehteuu./ I forget, or did, /Noowanƒntam,/ /-up./ We forget, or did, /Noowanantamu@mun./ To forget, /Wanantam–nat./ Make, or cause us to forget you, /Wanantamwahhi@nnean kenau./ To be forgotten, /Wananittinneat./ To fullfill, /Panuppe, uss‰nat./ To forswear, /Pannìwae, chachekeyeu”nat./ To be forsworn, /W“konnusunuhk”nat./ To fortify, to be fortified, /Menehkehiìttinneat./ [p.53] I gape, or did, /Nuttoiw„nneem,/ /nutt“anep./ We gape, or did, /Nutt“ƒn‰mun,/ /-nonup./ To gape, /Toan‰nat./ I gather, or did, /Nummukknum,/ /-up./ We gather, or did, /Numukkinumu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To gather, /Mukkinumu@nat./ To be gathered, /Mukkinittinneat./ A congregation, /Mukkinn‰onk./ I get, or did, /Nuttahchuehteo,/ /-up./ We get, or did, /Nuttahchìehteomun./ To be gotten, /Ahchupittinneat./ I give, or did, /Nuttinu@nmau,/ /-omp./ Thou gavest, or didst, /Kuttin£nmau,/ /-omp./ He gave, or did, /Noh ununumaau./ We give, or did, /Nuttinunumauoumun,/ /-nonup./ Ye give, or did, /Kittinunumauwomwoo./ They give, or did, /Nag ununumauau./ Give thou me, /Ken ununu@mah./ Let us give, /Ununumano¤tuh./ To give, /Ununumauwonate./ To be given, /Ununumauattinneat./ I am glad, or was, /Nìwek”ntam,/ /-up./ We are glad, or were, /Nìwekontamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To be glad, /Weekontamu@nat./ I was made glad, /Nooweekontamwahittea[n]./ <193> We were made glad, /Nooweekontamwahitteamun./ He was made glad, /Noh weekontamwaheoppan./ They were made glad, /Neg weekontamwaheoppanneg./ Try to make me glad, /Qutche weekontamw„ke./ Gladness, cheerfulness, /Wekontamì@onk,/ /taphettaonk./ I go, or did, /Nummoncheem./ I go on, or did, /Nummoncheontam,/ /-up./ Perseverance, /Nagwuttcacyeuooonk./ [sic] [p.54] How do you go, /Uttuh kittinnemonchem./ We go, or did, /Nummonchi@mun,/ /-nonup./ To go, or walk, /Moncheenat,/ /pomishonat./ Go away, go out, /Monchish,/ /sohhash./ I govern, or did, /Nunnaunauwinyeuwam,/ /-wap./ We govern, or did, /Nunnƒnauwinyewamun./ To govern, /Nanauwinyeu”nat./ To be governed, /Naunuwinittinneat./ A governour, sovereignty, /Sontim,/ /sontimìonk./ Dominion, power, strength, authority, /Nananuinumooonk,/ /menuhkesuonk,/ efficacy, substance, /menuhkesuonk./ [sic] A tribunal, or judgment seat. /Wussittumìe, appuoonk./ I am going home, /Nummonchashum./ Do we go, or stay, /Sunnunnmonehemun,/ or /nenutappinn***/ I am ready to go, /Nuppahtis moncheenat./ I will make you go, if you dont, /Kuttiyumaush moncheenat, mat monchean./ To be green, /Askkosquesi@nneat./ I grieve, or did, /Nunnooham./ We grieve, or did, /Nunnoohuwamun,/ /-nonup./ To grieve, /Nooheu”nat./ To be grieved, /Noohittinneat./ To grind, /Togguhhumunat./ To grin, /Neeskonneonk./ I groan, or did, /Nuttouahkonto@am, nuttouohhom./ We groan, or did, /Nuttouahkont“wamun,/ /-nonup./ To groan, /Auahkontoo”nat./ To handle, /Weogkinumu@nat./ I was hanged, /Nukkehchikquabsip./ To be hanged, /Keechequepsinneat./ A ladder, /Tahkoosowontuk./ I hasten, or did, /Nukkinuppe, usseem./ We hasten, or did, /Nukkinupp‰mun,/ /-nonup./ To hasten, /Wapantamu@nat./ I am in haste, /Nìwƒpƒntam./ [p.55] I hate, or did, /Nutjish“ntam,/ /-up./ We hate, or did, /Nutjishontamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To hate, /Jishontamu@nat./ To be hated, /Jishanittinneat./ I have, or had, /Nummahche, nutahtou./ <194> Thou hast, thou hadst, /Kummahche,/ /kuttahtoup./ He hath, he had, /Noh mahche, noh ahtou./ We have, we had, /Nenauun nummahche, nuttahtomun./ Ye have, ye had, /Kenau kummahche, kuttahtomwoo./ They have, or had, /Nag mahche, nag ahtoog./ To have, to be had, /Aht\”uu@nat./ I will, or would have, /Nen nont, asuh woh nuttƒhtou./ I had rather, /Ane woh tappeneam./ I heal, or did, /Nunneetskeh,/ /-huwap./ We heal, or did, /Nunneetskehhuamun./ To heal, /Netskehhu”nat./ To be healed, /Netskessinneat./ Heal thou, heal us, /Netskeh,/ /-kinnean./ Heal them, /Netskeh nag./ Let him heal, /Netskehhuach./ Let him heal us, /Netskehhikquttuh./ I hear, or did, /Nunnì"tam,/ /-up./ Thou hearest, or did, /Kunnìtam,/ /-up./ He heareth, or did, /Noh nootam,/ /-up./ We hear, or did, /Nunnìtamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ Ye hear, or did, /Kenìtamumwì./ They hear, or did, /Nag nìtamwog. Hear thou me, /Ken nìtah./ To be heard, /Nootoadtinneat./ To hear, /Nìtamunat./ To hearken, /Kuhkehtamunat./ To hedge, /Wokonoossinehk”nat./ I hedge, /Noowohkonnoostinehteam./ [p.56] I hide, or did, /Nuttattahtome,/ or /nupputtogqueem./ We hide, or did, /Nuttattaht”mun,/ /-nonup./ To hide, /Attahtouu@nat./ To be hid, /Attashshittinneat./ I hinder, or did, /Nootamehhu@wam./ We hinder, or did, /Nootamehhuwamun./ To hinder, I hinder you, /Wuttamhu”nat,/ /kootamehhish/. To be hindered, /Wuttamhittinneat./ To hiss, /Maunuw”nat./ He hisseth, /Noh m“noo@wau./ I hold, or did /Numminuhkinnum./ We hold or did, /Numminuhkinumu@mun./ To hold, /Menuhkinumu@nat./ I hold my peace, /Ne nutteashshoo@won./ To hold ones peace, /Nehitta@shannumunneat./ I hope, or did, /Nuttanno@ous,/ /-up/. We hope, or did, /Nuttannoousumun,/ /-nonup./ Thou hopest, or didst, /Kuttann”ontam,/ /-up./ <195> He hopes, or did, /Noh annoƒusu./ Ye hope, or did, /Kuttannoausmwoo./ They hope, or did, /Nag annoousuog./ Hope in God, /Ann“ossish ut Godut./ To hope, /Annoosunneat./ To be hoped, /Annonittinneat./ We did hope, /Nuttann””simunnonup./ Let him hope, /Noh anno¢sitch./ Let us hope, /Anno”sittuh./ Hope ye, /Anno”seg./ Let them hope, /Annoosihittich./ Hope thou in me, /Ken ann””seh./ Dost thee hope? [sic] /Sun ken kuttanno”us?/ Dost he hope? [sic] /Sun noh annoossu?/ Do we hope? /Sun nuttano”simun?/ Do ye hope? /Sun kuttanno”simwoo?/ Do they hope, or expect? /Sun neg anno”suog?/ [p.57] I [am] hungry, /Nukkodtup./ I am hot, or was, /Nukkissƒpis./ We are hot, or were, /Nukkissƒpessu@mun./ To be hot, /Kussuppesinneat./ Fervency, or heat, /Kissopetteahƒonk./ I howl, or did, /Nummishont”oahpuhs,/ /-up./ We howl, or did, /Nummishontìahpuhsu@mun./ To howl, /Mishontooahpuhsinneat./ I hunt, we hunt, /Nuttahchun,/ /nuttahchumun./ To hunt, /Achanat./ I hurt, or did, /Noowoskheuam,/ /-huap./ We hurt, or did, /Nìwoskheuamun,/ /-n“nup./ To hurt, /Woske@heu”nat./ To be hurt, /Woskehhittinneat./ I imitate, or did, /Nuttiannƒu,/ /-omp,/ We imitate, or did, /Nuttiannauomun,/ /-n“nup./ To imitate, /Aiannauonate./ To be imitated, /Aiann”attuonk./ I increase, or did, /Nen nummisseet,/ /-up./ We increase, or did, /Nummissetu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To increase, /Missekinneat./ To be increased, /Nummissegkinneat./ I intreat, or did, /Nunnƒnompa@nwam,/ /-wap./ We intreat, or did, /Nunnannompanwamun,/ /-nonup./ To intreat, /Nunnƒmpanwonat./ To be intreated, /Nannompassittinneat./ I intreat you, /Kenƒnompassu@wunmnì./ I joyn, or did, /Nummoso@gqueem./ We joyn, or did, /Numm“sogqu‰mun,/ /-nonup./ To joyn, /Mosogqu‰nat./ It irketh, or troubleth, /Noowƒntammuhhikqun./ It jerketh, or suddenly twitcheth, /Teadche wuttotkkon./ <196> I itch, /Nen nukkisseeppeis./ To itch, /Kuss‚ppe@sinneat./ [p.58] Keeping, or (observation), /Nƒnƒwehtoonk./ I keep, /Nunnƒnaueehtoo,/ /-up./ We keep, or did, /Nunnƒnauehteomun,/ /-nonup./ To keep, /Nanƒwehteouu@nat./ To be kept, /Nanauwunnittinneat./ Keep thou me, /Nanƒwanumeeh./ I am kept, /Nunnanauwinnit./ Let us be kept from sin and danger, /Nanauwinnitteatuhwutch matche seonganit kah nunnukquat./ I kill, or did, /Nunnishteam,/ /nunnishteap./ We kill, or did, /Nunnishiteamun,/ /-nonup./ To kill, /Nishehk”nat, nunishonat./ One stab, /Nukqutomashaonk./ To be killed, /Nushshittinneat./ I have been kind, /Nen nummahtche womoaus./ To be kind, /Womosinneat./ Be kind to me, /Kitteamonteƒnu@meh./ I kiss, or did, /Nutchipwutt””nap./ We kiss, or did, /Nutchipwuttìnapoowamun./ To kiss, /Chipwuttìnapoo””nate./ To be kist, /Chipwuttoonapwuttinneat./ To knit, /Mittassehk”nate./ I knock, or did, /Nutchohchunkquttahham./ We knock, or did, /Nutchohchunkquttahhomumu@n./ To knock, /Chohchunkquttahhamu@nat./ I know (understand), or did, /Nìwateo,/ /-up./ Thou knowest, or didst, /Kìwƒteonun,/ /-nap./ He knoweth, or did, /Oowƒteonun,/ /-nap./ We know, or did, /Nìwƒteomun,/ /-n“nup./ Ye know, or did, /Kìwƒteomwì,/ /-wop./ They know, or did, /Nag wahteoog./ To know, /Wahteonu@nat./ To be known, /Wahhittinneat,/ /wahitteauu@nat./ Make him to know, /Wahteauwah./ Make me to know, /Wahtouwahhe./ Let him know, /Unnƒnum,/ /wahteouu@nat./ Make us to know, /Wahteauwahinnean./ [p.59] How do you know, /Tohkuttinnewahteoun./ I will make ye to know, /Kìwahteauwahush./ Know thou, /Wahtouish,/ or /wawagk./ Know her, or let him know, /Wahtou noh,/ /noh wahteoitch./ Let us know, /Wahteouuttuh./ Know ye, /Wahteoook./ Let them know, /Wahteauhittich./ To be known, /Wahteouu@nat./ I know thee, /Kìwahhish./ I know him, /Nìwaeh noh./ <197> I know you, /Kìwahinumwì./ I know them, /Nìwaheƒog./ Thou knowest me, /Kìwaheh nen./ Thou knowest him, /Kìwaeh noh./ Thou knowest us, /Kìwahimun./ Thou knowest them, /Kìwaheaog./ He knows me, /Noowahik./ He knows thee, /Koow„hik./ He knows him, /Nohoowahe@uh./ He knows us, /Noowahikqun./ He knows you, /Koowahikkoo./ He knows them, /Oowahe@uh./ We know thee, /Koowahinumun./ We know him, /Noowaheo–n./ We know you, /Koowahinnu@mun./ We know them, /Koowaheon“nog./ Ye know me, /Koowahimwoo./ Ye know him, /Koowaheau./ Ye know us, /Koowahimun./ Ye know them, /Koowaheauw”og./ They know me, (well enough), /Neg nutt„ppe wahikquog./ They know thee, /Nag koowahikwog./ They know him, /Oowaheauwoh./ They know us, /Noowahikqunn”nog./ [p.60] They know you /Koowahikoow”og./ They know them, /Negoowaheƒuh./ I did know thee, /Koowahinnup./ I did know him, /Noowaheoppan./ I did know you, /Koowahinnumwop./ I did know them, /Noowaheopanneg./ Thou didst know me, /Koowaheip./ Thou didst know him, /Koowaheopan./ Thou didst know us, /Koowahimu@n¤onup./ Thou didst know them, /Koowaheopanneg./ He did know me, /Noowahiku@pan./ He did know thee, /Koowahikuppan./ He did know him, /Oowaheopah./ He did know us, /Noowahikqunnonup./ He did know you, /Koowahikkoowop./ He did know them, /Oowaheopannuh./ We did know thee, /Koowahinumunnonup./ We did know him, /Noowahean”nup./ We did know you, /Koowahinumun./ We did know them, /Noowahean”nuppanneg./ Ye did know me, /Koowahimwop./ Ye did know him, /Koowaheopan./ Ye did know us, /Koowahimunnonup./ Ye did know them, /Koowaheawoppanneg./ They did know me, /Koowahimwop./ <198> They did know thee, /Koowahikuppanneg./ They did know him, /Oowahea@“pah./ They did know us, /Noowahikqunnonuk./ They did know you, /Koowahikkoowop./ They did know them, /Oowaheowoppah./ [p.61] Imperative Mood. Let me know thee, /Pƒkoowahish./ Let me know him, /Panoowaeh./ Let me know you, /Pakoowahinnumwoo,/ Let me know them, /Panoowaheaog./ Do thou save me, } /Wadchanneh./ Do thou trust him, } /Unnohtu@kquah./ Do thou deliver us, } /Pohquohwhussinnean./ Do thou hear them, } /Kennootamwontamau./ Let him know me, /Pa-noowahikq./ Let him know thee, /Pa-koowahikq./ Let him know him, /Pa-ìwaheauh./ Let him know us, /Pa-noowahikqun./ Let him know you, /Pa-koowahikkoo,/ Let him know them, /P„-oowaheuh./ Let us know thee, /Pa koowahinumun./ Let us know him, /Pa noowaheaun./ Let us know you, /Pa koowahinumun./ Let us know them, /Pa noowahean”nog./ Let them know me, /Pa noowahikquog./ Let them know thee, /Pakoowahikquog./ Let them know him, /Pa oowaheuh./ Let them know us, /Pa-noowahikqun./ Let them know you, /Pakoowahikkoo./ Let them know them, /P„ nah oowaheuh. I wish I did know thee, /Napehnont wahmnnon/ If you knew me, /Tohneit waheog./ If I did know thee, /Tohneit wahinnon./ To know thee, /Koowahitteanat./ To know me, /Noowahitteanat./ To know him, /Oowaheanat./ To know us, /Noowahikqunnanonut./ To know you, /Koowahikqunnanonut./ To know them, /Oowaheannat./ I dont know thee, /Mat koowahinneoh./ Thou dost not know me, /Matta koowahe@uh./ [p.62] I dont know him, /Mat noowaheouh./ We dont know you, /Mat koowahinnoomun./ I did not know thee, /Mat koowahinnoop./ I wish I did not know thee, /Napehnont mat wahinnooou./ If I did know you, /Tohneit wahinnogus./ Not to know you, /Mat koowahikkoonat./ <199> Not to know them, /Mat oowaheanat./ Dost thou know? /Sun koowateoh./ Doth he know? /Sun oowatauun./ Do I know? /Sunnoowateoh./ Do we know? /Sunnoowahteomun./ Do ye know? /Sunkoowahteomwoo./ Do they know? /Sun oowahteouunnau./ Dost thou know me? /Sun koowaheh./ Dost thee know him? /Sun koowaeh./ Does he know us ? /Sun noowahikqun./ Do you know them? /Sunkoowaheaog./ I labour, or did, /Nuttan„^kous,/ /-up./ We labour, or did, /Nuttanakousimun,/ /-n“nup./ To labour, /Ana@kousinneat./ Labour thou hard, /Menehkee, anakasish./ I lament, or did, /Nummomu@ttam,/ /-up./ We lament, or did, /Nummomuttamumun,/ /-nonup./ To lament, /Momuttamu@nate./ To be lamented, /Momuttamìonittinneat./ Does he lament much, /Sun moocheke momuttammoo./ To languish, /M“che@konae@onk./ I laugh, or did, /Nuttahhaneehtam,/ /-up./ We laugh, or did, /Nuttahhaneehtamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To laugh, [laughing,] /Ahhƒnu”nat,/ (/ahhanu@onk./) To be laughed at, /Ahh„nehtoadt–onk./ To be lawfull, /Naumatuwaeyeuoonk./ It is lawfull, /Ne naumutuwae@yeu./ [p.63] I lead, or did, /Nussogkompaginnu@wam./ We lead, /Nussogkompaginnuwamun./ To lead, /Sogkompaginnu”nat./ To be led, /Sagkompaginittinneat./ To lean on, /Ompattissinn‹nat./ I leap, or did, /Nukqueeshshom,/ /-shomp./ We leap, or did, /Nukquesshomun,/ /-nonup./ To leap, /Queesh”nat./ I learn, or did, /Nunn‚ehthtou,/ /-up./ We learn, or did, /Nunneehtuhtoumun,/ /-nonup./ To learn, /Nehtuhtauu@nat./ To be learned, /Nehtuhtauwahittinneat./ Learn me if you can, /Nohtuhtauwahke, tap‰num n./ Can you learn me, /Woh kenehtuhtouw„he./ I learned them, /Nunneehtuhtouwahea@og./ They learned us, /Nag nunnehtuhtouwah‹kqun./ To leave off, to finish, /Ahqueht”uu@nat kestouunat./ I leave, or did, /Nunnukodtum,/ /-up./ We leave, or did, /Ninn£kodtumumun,/ /-nonup./ To leave, /Nukodtumu@nat./ To be left, /Nukkonittinneat./ Leave me to myself, /Unnea ne wassompadtamma./ <200> I lessen, /Nupp‰\‰hta\un./ To lessen, /Petouu@nat./ To be lessened, /Pehittinneat,/ Do not lessen your gains, /Ahque peto\unach kutanuhumì@onk./ Let me, /Unanumeh monchenat./ I lick, or did, /Nunnoonoosquadtam,/ /-up./ We lick, or did, /Nunnoonoosquadtamu@mun,/ /-n“nup./ Do you lick, /Sun kenoonoosquadtamumwoo./ To lick, /Noonoosquadtamu@nate./ I am lifted up, or was, /Nen nuttasshi@nit teap./ [sic] We are lifted up, or were, /Nuttashinnitteamun./ /-nonup./ To lift up, /Tashunumu@nat./ To be lifted up, /Tashinittinneat./ I dont like, /Matta nuttapeneumun yeuwag./ To linger, or delay, /Mani@nn‰onk quogquohqueonk./ [p.64] Where you live, /Tonnoh kìto@hkeem./ I live at Ponds, /Kitteaumit nooto@hkeem./ They lived for him, /Nag uppommtamwanshouh./ By Gods blessing I am yet alive, /Nashpe God oonanitteaonk, asq nuppomantam./ New life, /Wuske pomantamìonk./ Vain, or wicked living, /Tahnìche pomantamìonk./ I lose, or did, /Nìwanteo,/ /-up./ We lose, or did, /Nìwanteomun,/ /-nonup./ They lose, /Nag wan‰hteoog./ To loose, /Wanehteou@nat To loosen, to slacken, /Nashwƒgomp nmu@nat./ I am loud, or vain, /Nummatche tohnoochayeuoo./ To be loud, /Toh noocheyeuwinneat./ A voice, /Wadtauwohtonkqu@ssonk./ I love, or did love, /Nìwomontam,/ /-up./ We love, or did love. /Nìw“montamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ They love me, /Neg nìwomonukquog./ Thou lovest him, /Ken kìwom”nnop./ He loveth thee, /Noh kìwom”nuk./ Dost thou love me, /Sn kìwom“seh./ To love, /Womoausinneat./ To be loved, /Womonukquissinneat./ I love you, or thee, /Kìwomonnu@sh./ I love you all, /Kìwomonnumwo wame./ He loves me, /Nìwomonnuk./ He loves him, /Oowomonnuh./ He loves us, /Nìwomonnu@kqun./ He loves you, /Kìwomonnukkooo./ He loves them, /Oowomonnuh neh./ I love a man, /Noowƒmƒn wosk‚tomp./ I love a book, /Nìwom“ntam wussukhonk./ <201> I love a woman, /Nìwomon } muttumwus./ /Wom¢s } [p.65] I love thee, /Koowomonish ken./ I love him, /Noowomon unnoh./ I love you, /Koowomonunumwoo kenauau./ I love them, /Noowomonn”og nag./ To love us, /Womossinnean./ Love, {subs.} /W“m“nitt\onk./ I ly, or did, /Nuppannì@wam,/ /-wap./ You ly, or did, [sic] /Kuppannì@wam,/ /-wap./ He lyes, we ly, /Nohpannì@au,/ /nupannìwƒmun./ Ye ly, they ly, /Kuppannìw„mwì/ /nag pannoowaog./ To ly, a ly, /Pannìw”nat,/ /pannìwaonk./ To be belyed, /Pannoowahittinneat./ To ly along, (I ly,) /Nussommogquissin nnnat./ I ly along, /Nussummogqussin./ To ly hid, /Sepsinnat puttogqu‰nat./ I make, or did, /Nuttiyam, nukkeesteo,/ /-up./ Thou makest, or didst, /Kuttiyam, kukkeesteo,/ /-up./ We make, or made, /Nuttiyamu@mun,/ /nukkesteomun./ They make, /Nag ayimwog kesteoog./ To make, I will make you, /Ayimu@nat,/ /kuttiyumaush./ To be made, {mark Imp.} /Ayimoadtinneat kehkinne@asek, wuttonnees./ I marry, or did, /Nooseentam,/ /-up./ We marry, or did, /Nooseentamu@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To marry, /Wussentamu@nat./ I am married, (the woman,) /Noowetauattam./ ---- (the man,) /Nummittumwussissu./ To be married, /Wetouadtinnate wetouak”nate./ I dont mean that, /Matta kutt„unìh ne./ [sic] I dont mean that, /Matta nuttoutamì"un./ The meaning of it is, /Ne nawwutt„mmun./ I mean, /Nuttauu@ttam./ I measure, or did, /Nen nukqutto@hwhous./ We measure, or did, /Nukqutwhosumun,/ /-n“nup./ To measure, /Qutwhosinneat./ To be measured, /Quttuhwhonittinneat./ [p.66] Measure that, /Quttoohhush ne./ I meditate, or did,. /Nunnatw”ntam,/ /-up./ We meditate, or did, /Nunnatwontamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To meditate, or consider, /Nutwontamu@nate./ In regard or respect, or considering, /Ne wannehpeh, natwontamog./ To milk, /Senunumu@nat sogk”donk./ I mingle, or mix, /Nukkinukk‹num./ We mingle, or mix, /Nukkinukkinumu@nan./ To mingle, /Kinukkinumu@nat./ <202> To be mingled, /Kinukkinnosinneat./ A mixture, /Kenugkiyeuonk./ I mistake, or did, /Nuppuht„ntam,/ /-up./ We mistake, or did, /Nuppuht„ntamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To mistake, /Puhtantamu@nat./ Dont mistake me, /Mat nuppuhtantammoo./ Mistaking, /Puhtantamì@onk./ To be mistaken, /Puhtantamunat./ I move, or did, /Nutantse@ap,/ /-up./ We move, or did, /Nutantsepu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To move, to move one's house, /Antsapinneat,/ /ontsaht„uunat./ I mourn, or did, /Nen nummou,/ /-oop./ We mourn, or did, /Numm“umun,/ /-n”nup./ To mourn, /Mauwinneat./ I murmur, or did, /Nummìmìskì@wam./ We murmur, or did, /Nummwmìskìwamun./ To murmur, /Mìmooskìw”nate./ To mutter, /Mìmìsquenìw”nat./ I must, nen nont, [sic] /Nummìsquenoowam./ I name, or did, /Nìwesuonkanehk”ntam,/ /-up./ We name, or did, /Nìwesuonkanehkontamu@mun./ To name, /Wesuonkanehk”nat./ To be named, a name, /Wesuonkanuhkonittinneat,/ /wesuonk./ To neglect, /Mishanantamunate./ To nod, /Nomomuhquoshsh”nat./ I nourish, or did, /Nuttassan,/ /nuttass„nup./ We nourish, or did, /Nuttassanu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To nourish, or be nourished. /Kessikk‚hhu”nat./ [p.67] I obey, we obey, /Nunnoosw‰tam,/ /-u@mun./ To obey, /Nooswetamu@nate./ To be obeyed, /Nooswetoadtinneat./ Obey thou me, /Ken nìsw‰tah./ Obey God, /Nìswehtau manit./ Obey always, /Nìswehtash yayadchee./ A servant, (Vide, p.19.) /Wuttinnumin./ Reverence, obedience, duty, /Qushaonk,/ /nìswetamìonk./ I obtain, or conquer, or did, /Nussohkos,/ /nussohkussup./ We obtain, or did, /Nussohkossu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To obtain, /Sohkussinneat./ To be obtained, /Sohkoattinneat./ I offend, or did, /Nummatchenehhuu@am,/ /-huap./ We offend, or did, /Nummatcheneh-huamun,/ /-nonup./ To offend, /Matchenehhu”nat./ To be offended. /Matchenehhittinneat./ If you offend me, /Tohneit matchenehh‰an./ It is offered, or sacrificed, /Seephausu./ I open, or did, /Nìwoshwu@num,/ or /nuppohquƒnam./ <203> We open, or did, /Nìwoshwunu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To open, /Pohquanumu@nate./ To be opened, /Woshwunnosu@ut./ I wish the door might be opened, /Napeehnont e@squont pohquan“sik./ Open the door, /Pohquanich usquont./ He ordained the means, /Kuhquttumauop aninnumoadtu“ngash./ I overcome, or overcame, /Nutt„nnu@wun,/ /-omp./ We overcome, or did, /Nuttanuwuno@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To overcome, or conquer, /Anuwinnuonat./ To be overcome, victory, /Sohkausuonk./ I owe, or did owe, /Nuttinuhtukqahwhit,/ /-teap./ We owe, or did, /Nuttinuhtukquah,/ /-whitteamun./ To owe, /Unnohtukquahwhittinneat./ I am in your debt, /Kuttinnohtukquahe./ A debt, /Nummontuhquahwhuttuonk./ A penny, wages, or reward, /Ompskod,/ /onkquatonk./ Tribute, dues, /Unnontukquahamìongash,/ /ompeteaonk./ [p.68] I paint, or did, /Nuttannogk‹num,/ /-up./ We paint, or did, /Nuttamogkinumu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To paint, /Annogkinumu@nat./ To be painted, /Annogkinnittuonk./ I am pale, /Noowomppahkisham./ To be pale, /Wompohkish”nat./ Why art thou so pale, /Toh wutch mene wompohkesean./ I pant, to pant, /Sauuhkissinneat,/ /nussauu@hkis./ [sic] I pardon, or did, /Nuttahquontous,/ /-up./ We pardon, or did, /Nuttahquontossi@mun,/ /-nonup./ To pardon, /Ahquontamunat./ To be pardoned, /Ahquontamooadtinneat./ Pardon me sir, /Ahquontƒmah sontim,/ To patch, /Meshashshi”nat./ I pay, or did pay, /Nuttoadthks,/ /-up./ We pay, or did, /Nut“adtuhkussi@mun,/ /-nonup./ To pay, to be paid, /Oadtuhk”nat./ To cause to be paid, /Oadtuhkossuwahu“nat./ Pay me now, /Oadtuhkah eyeu./ Payment, /Oadtehteaonk./ To pierce, /Pannuppeetahhamu@nat./ I perceive, or did, /Nuttogw„ntam,/ /-up./ We perceive, or did, /Nuttogwantamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To perceive, /Ogwantamu@nat./ To be perceived, /Ogquontamooadtinneat./ I permit, or did, /Nuttin ni@tteam,/ /-teap./ To permit, permit me, /Unnan£kk”nat,/ /unanumeh./ Permission, /Ummugkìnaittu@onk./ I perswade, or did, /Nunnupweshan,/ /-omp./ <204> We perswade, or did, /Nunnupweshashsìwamun,/ /-nonup./ To perswade, /Nupweshashsì”nat./ To be perswaded, /Nupweshamittinneat./ How do they perswade, /Uttuh nag wuttin nupweshassìoonau./ Perswasion, /Nupweshashsìwaonk./ To pitch ones tent, /Matchekekompatt‹nat wetu./ [p.69] I pity, or did, /Nukkitteamonteanitteam,/ /-teap./ We pity, or did, /Nukitteamonteanitteamun./ To pity, /Kitteamonteane@k”nat./ To be pitied, /Kitteamonteonittinneat./ I play, or did, /Nukkissau@ous,/ or /nuppuhpum,/ /-up./ We play, or did, /Nuppuhqu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To play, /Puhpinneat,/ or /kussauausinneat./ Boys will play, /Mukkitchogqu@issog nont puhpu@og./ I please, or did, /Noossekitteƒh./ We please, or did, /Noosekitteahe“mun,/ /-nonup./ To please, /Wussekitteahhu”nat./ To be pleased, /Wussekkitteahhittinneat./ Pleasure, (Vide, p.8.) /Tapeneamìonk./ I shall plow to-morrow, /Pish noowonohchaham saup./ To plow, /Wonohchuhamu@nat./ I pluck, or did, /Nukkodtu@hkom,/ /-up./ We pluck, or did, /Nukkodtuhkomu@mun./ To pluck, /Kodtuhkomu@nat./ To polish, /Wussinnuwontamu@nat./ I am polluted, or was, /Nishkoneu¤kquis,/ /-sup./ To pollute, /Nishketouu@nat./ To be polluted, /Nishkenunkquissinneat./ I am poor, /Nummatchek./ He is poor, /Noh matchekì./ To pour, to be poured out, /Sìkenumu@nat,/ /sìkonitt\onk./ To prate, /Kogkeeht\‹imu@nate./ I pray, or did, /Nuppeƒntam,/ /-up./ We pray, or did, /Nuppeantamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To pray, /Peantamwansh”nat,/ or /nannƒmpanw”nat,/ or /peantamunat./ Pray always, /Pent„mìk nagwutteae./ I pray, or intreat you, /Kenƒnompassumush./ To press, or oppress, as a log falling on, /Sinukkitchuhhìw”nat./ To be oppressed, /Sunnukkitchahwhittinneat./ I prick, /Konnittihquomu@nat./ To be pricked, /Sessinnittinneat connnittikquoni@ttinneat./ [p.70] I procure, or did, /Nutahchuueehteom,/ /-up./ We procure, or did, /Nutahchìwehteomun,/ /-nonup./ <205> To procure, /Ahchooehteouu@nat./ To be procured, /Ahchìehhittinneat./ To profane, or pollute, /Nishkenunkqueteouu@nat./ I promise, or did, /Nukquoshshoam,/ /-wap./ We promise, or did, /Nukquoshowƒmun,/ /-nonup./ To promise, a promise, /Quoshow”nat,/ /quoshodtuonk./ To be promised, /Quoshshodtinneat./ You promise well, /Kìne quoshow„mwì./ I prove, or did, /Nukqutchhwam,/ /-wap./ We prove, or did, /Nukqutchhuwamun,/ /n“nup./ To prove, /Wunnamwƒteouu@nat,/ &c. To prop, or uphold, /Kutcheethamu@nat./ I provide, or did, /Nukquoshou[e]htam,/ /-up./ We provide, or did, /Nukquoshouehtamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To provide, /Quoshouehtamu@nat./ Provide for me, /Quoshoueehta@mah./ Provision, /Aninumoadtuo¤k./ Providence, or foreseeing, /Nanƒwantamì@onk./ I provoke, or did, /Nummì@mì"squeh./ We provoke, or did, /Nummìmìsquehhuwamun./ To provoke, /Mìmìsquehhu@onat./ To be provoked, or vexed, /Mosquehhittinneat./ I punish, or did, /Nussƒsamitahhì"am,/ /-ap./ We punish, or did, /Nussasamatahhìamun,/ /-nonup./ To punish, /Sasamatahhì”nat./ To be punished, /Sasamatahwhuttinneat./ He will cause us to be punished, /Noh pish susamatahhìwahuwau./ To purge, or purify, /Pahketeauu@nat./ I put, or did put, /Nuppìnum,/ /-up./ We put, or did, /Nuppìnummun,/ /-nonup./ To put, to be put, /Pìnumu@nat./ To put off, to put on, /Aumanumu@nat,/ /ogquinneut./ I put on, /Wunnogquann‰onk./ [sic] [p.71] Propositions, /Pakodtuttumooonkash./ I quench, or did, /Nuttahtƒppo@dtou,/ /-up./ We quench, or did, /Nuttahtappadtomun./ To quench, /Tahtippadtauu@nat./ [sic] To be quenched, /Uhtapattauunat./ I quarrell, /Nummattuhteam./ I am quiet, or was, /Nummaninnap,/ /-up./ Be thou quiet, /Maninnapish./ Let him be quiet, /Maninnapitch./ Let us be quiet, /Maninnapi@ttuh./ Be ye quiet, /Maninnappeg./ Let them be quiet, /Manninaphittich./ Will you be quiet, /Sunwohkummaninapu@mwoo./ To be quiet, /Maninnapinneat./ To quiet, /Mahteanno@nat./ I rage, /Nunnishquet./ <206> To rage, /Nishqu‚ki@nneat./ To rain, it rains, /Sìken”nat,/ /tìken”nni./ [sic] Does it rain, /Sun sìke@non./ How long has it rained, /Tohuttooche nate sokononk./ I read, or did read, /Nuttogk‰tam,/ /-up./ We read, or did, /Nuttogketamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To read, /Ogketamu@nat./ Can you read? /Sun woh kuttogh‰tam./ [sic] To be read, /Ogkemitteanat./ [sic] Victuals are ready, /Quoshwohta metsuonk./ I am ready (or wait) to go, /Nukquƒshwap, nuppahtis moncheenat./ I resolve, or decree, /Nummahtahni@ttam,/ /nukkesantam.// A decree, /Uppogkodkontantamìonk./ I refuse, or did, /Nussekene@am,/ /-up./ We refuse, or did, /Nussekeneamu@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To refuse, /Sekeneamu@nat./ To be refused, /Sekeneaattinneat./ I rejoice, or did, /Nummishkouƒntam,/ /-up./ We rejoice, or did, /Nummishkouantamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To rejoice, /Mishkouantamu@nat./ [p.72] I remember, or did, /Nummeehquƒntam,/ /-up./ We remember, or did, /Nummeehquƒntamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To remember, /Mehquantamu@nat./ To be remembered, /Mehquanittinneat/ Remember thou me, /Mehquanu@meh./ Remember thou, /Mehquontash./ A memorial, /Mehquƒnumaonk./ Conscience, or remembrance, /Mehquontamwutteahƒonk./ I repent, or did, /Nuttaiuskoi„ntam,/ /-up./ We repent, or did, /Nuttaiuskoiantammun,/ /-nonup./ To repent, /Aiuskoiantamu@nat./ Repent of sin, /Aiuskoiƒntash matches‰onk./ To be repented, /Aiuskoianittinneat./ I return, or did, /Nukquishkeem,/ /-up./ We return, or did /Nukquishke@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To return, /Quishk‰nat./ To be returned, /Quishkinittinneat./ I revenge, or did, /Nuttannì"tome./ We revenge, or did, /Nuttannìteomun,/ /-nonup./ To revenge, revenge, /Annìto”¤nat,/ /annotaonk./ To be revenged, /Annootoattinn‰at./ To roar, to roast, /Mishontoo”nat,/ /apwonnat./ Roast the meat, /Appoosish weyaus./ To rob, /Mukkookinnu”nat./ To be robbed, /Mukkookinnittinneat./ To be rotten, to rowl, /Pisseahqu”nnat,/ /ompooch‰nat./ <207> I rub, /Nummumukqunum./ To rub, /Umukquinumu@nat./ I rule, or did, /Nussogkompagennuwam,/ /-wap./ We rule, or did, /Nussogkompagennuwamun./ To rule, or lead, (lead), /Sƒgkompagennu”nat./ To be ruled, /Nanauinittinneat./ How do ye rule, or govern, /Uttuh kuttinne nanauonnuonat./ I run, or did, /Nugquogqueem,/ /nugquogkeep./ We run, or did, /Nugquogqu‰‰mun,/ /-nonup./ To run, /Quogqu‰‰nat./ Run thou, and come, /Quogqu‰we, kah peya„usee./ Run thou to me, /Quogquewe peya”sseh./ I will make you run, /Kukquogquewahinumwoo./ To sacrifice, a priest, /Seephausinneat,/ /sephausuaen./ To be sacrificed, /Sephausittinneat./ To sail, I sail, /Seppaghamu@nat./ To satisfy, /Tapeneauwahu”nat./ I am satisfyed, /Nuttapeneauwa‰tum./ Are you satisfyed, /Sun kuttapeneauaetumwoo./ To be satisfyed, /Tapeneauwaetinneat./ We will make you satisfaction, or we will satisfy you. /Kuttappenˆauahinnumwoo,/ /pishkittappeneuwahinumun./ Be thou satisfyed, /Tapeneauƒ‰tush./ Let me be satisfyed, /Tapeneauwuhitteatuh./ Let him be satisfyed, /Tappeneau„hinnaeh./ Let us be satisfyed, /Tapeneauaehitteatuh./ Be ye satisfyed, /Tapeneauaetook./ Let them be satisfyed, /Tappeneauwaetehhittich./ I say, I said, /Nissim,/ /nuttinnìwap./ What you say, /Teagua kissim./ We say, /Nissimun,/ /nuttinnìwamun./ We said, or did say, /Nissimunn”nup./ To say, /Unnìw”nat./ I scatter, or did, /Nussew\„uhteam,/ /-up./ We scatter, or did, /Nusse\„uhteamun,/ /-n“nup./ To scatter, to be scattered, /Seauhk”nat./ To scratch, I scratch, /Neehnekinnu”nat,/ /nukkitchkeem./ I search, or did, /Nunnattinneahteam,/ /-up./ We search, or did, /Nunnattinneahte„mun,/ /-nonup./ To search, /Nuttinneahk”nat./ Search me, /Nattinneahk”sse./ To season, /Tappepukquanehk“nat./ I see, or did see, /Nunnaum,/ /nunnaumìp./ Behold, /Chuh namuk./ [p.74] We see, or did, /Nunnaumu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To see, to be seen, /Naumu@nat,/ /amanisuoni@ttinneat./ Dost thou see? /Sun kenƒum./ Do they see us? /Sun nunnauqunnonog./ <208> I seem to be weary, /Nudttogqueneunkqs sauwunumuk./ I seek, or did, /Nunnatti@nneah,/ /-whomp./ We seek, or did, /Nunnattinneahwhomun,/ /-nonup./ To seek, /Nattinneahwh”nat./ To be sought, /Nattinneahwhittinneat./ I sell, or give, or did sell, /Nummƒg,/ /numm„^gup./ We sell, or did, /Nummagu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To sell, to be sold, /Mƒgunat./ I send, or did, /Nunn‚k¢ncham,/ /-ap./ We send, or did, /Nunnekonchhuw„mun,/ /-n”^nup./ To send, /Monchaannìnonat,/ or /nekonchhuonat./ To be sent, /Annoonittinneat./ Send me if you dare, /Annì"sseh mat quttamìan./ I will separate you, /Pish kutchippinnumumwì./ I separate, /Nutchippunnwam./ To separate, /Chippinumu@nat./ To be separated, /Chippinnittinneat./ I serve, or did, /Nìtininnme@koss,/ /-up./ We serve, or did, /Nìtininme@kossimun,/ /-nonup./ To serve, /Wudttininme@kossinat./ To be served, /Wuttinnumuhkoattinneat./ A servant, (Vid. p.19.) /Wuttinnumin./ I will shake you, /Pish ken‰nemuhk”nish,/ To shake, /Nenemuhk“nat./ I shake, or tremble, /Nunnukki@shshom./ I shave, to shave, /Nuppeeghum,/ /peeghumu@nat./ To be shaved, /Mooswittinneat./ Will you be shaved, /Sun woh kuppeegwhitteamwoo./ To shear (sheep), /Moosommnat./ To morrow I will shear, /Saup nummoossoowam./ I show, or did show, /Nunn”htin,/ /-omp./ [p.75] We show, or did, /Nunnƒhtitteamun,/ /-nonup./ To show, /Nahtuhk”nat./ Show me your house, /Nahtuhseh keek./ I shine, or did, /Nìwossum,/ /-up./ We shine, or did, /Nìwohsamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To shine, /Wohsumwinneat./ The sun shineth, /Nepƒz (kesu@kquish) wohsum./ I shun, or did avoid, /Nukquisu@hkom,/ /-up./ We shun, or did, /Nukqussu@hkomu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To shun, /Quss£hkomu@nat./ To be shunned, /Quishshuhkau”nat./ I shut, or did, /Nukkuphƒm,/ /-up./ We shut, or did, /Nukkuphamu@mun,/ /-nonup,/ To shut, to be shut, /Kuppohhamu@nat./ Shut the door, /Kupp”hhash u@squont./ I am sick, or was, /N[u]mmohtchi@¤am,/ /-up./ <209> We are sick, or were, /Nummohtchinƒmun,/ /-nonup./ Are you sick? /Sun kummohtchi@nam./ To be sick, be is sick, /Mohtchin”nat,/ /mohchinnai./ I am silent, /Nutchequ@nnap./ To be silent, /Maninussinneat./ I sing, or did, /Nukkuttìhu@mom./ We sing, or did, /Kukkuttuhumo@mun,/ /-n“nup./ Can you sing, /Sun kenauan kukketìhumomwoo./ To sing, /Ketoohumo@nat./ I sin, or did, /Nummatchesem,/ /-up./ We sin, or did, /Nummatchese‰mun,/ /-n“nup./ To sin, sin not, /Matches‰nat/ /matches‰kon,/ I sit, or did, /Nunnummƒttap,/ /-up./ We sit, or did sit, /Nunnummattƒppu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To sit, sitteth, /Nummattƒpu@nat,/ /appu./ To be skillfull (or knowing,) /Wahteouu@nat./ Are you skillfull, /Sun kìwahteomwoo./ I sleep, or did, /Nukk”^ueem,/ /-up./ [p.76] We sleep, or did, /Nukkƒuemun,/ /-nonup./ To sleep, sleep, /Kau‰nat,/ /ka–eonk./ To be sleepy, /Kodtukquomunat./ Didst thou sleep well, /Sun koowet\‰ekouem./ Sleep thou, let him sleep, /Kuttinnanum kauish./ Let us sleep, sleep ye, /Unanuminneankauish./ Let them sleep, /Kauehhittich./ I slide, /Nappummechˆsham./ To slide, to slip, /Nutt ìnikquissinnu@nat./ I smell, or did, /Nummin“ntam,/ /-up./ We smell, or did, /Numminontamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To smell, /Menontamu@nat./ Sneezing, snorting, /Annuonk/ /nanagkìonk./ To sneez, /Sannegkooonk./ To snow, it snows, /Muhpìoinneat/ /muhpì"wi./ Does it snow, /Sun muhpì./ It does not snow, /Matta moohpinnì./ I sob, or sigh, /Nunnohtumup./ To sob, or sigh, /Nohtimwinneat./ To be sold, /Magkì-wonittinneat./ I am sold, /Nummagkoo”nit./ Is he sold, /Sun noh magun./ Was he sold to him, /Sun unu@nnumoadtinne„s./ I sow, or plant, /Nuttohkeehteam./ To sow, or plant, /Ohkeehk”nat./ To be planted, /Ohkehkonittinneat./ When do you sow your ry, /Ahquompi kuttohketeam kuttanni./ To sow, or sew ones cloaths, /Ushquamu@nat monag./ I spare, or afford, or did, /Nummag,/ /-up./ We spare, or did, /Nummƒgu@mun,/ /-nonup./ <210> I am sparing, /Nìwohquaniteam./ To spare (or preserve,) /Ahteauu@nat./ To be spared, /Wadchanittinneat./ I speak, or did, /Nukkehetì"kom,/ /-up./ We speak, or did, /Nukkehetooko@mun,/ /-nonup./ To speak, /Ketìk”nat./ To be spoken, /Kuttoohkonat./ [p.77] I shall speak, /Woh nìweogqu@ttum./ He speaks well, or } /Noh wunne keketì@kau./ Is fair spoken, } /Wouwunnapw„wan./ I am mischievous, or spitefull, /Nissuke./ I spit, or did, /Nutteesk”uous,/ /-up./ We spit, or did, /Nutteskououssmun,/ /-nonup./ To spin, to spit, to be spiteful, /Tattuppunnohk”nat, /eskaousinneat./ To sprinkle, I sprinkle, /S\‰aohk”nnat/ /nusse\„uhteam./ I did sprinkle, (Vid. Scatter,) /Nusseƒuhteap./ He was sprinkled, /Noh sea£kauop./ To be sprinkled, /Seauhkoattinneat./ To stagger, or reel, /Chachanni@sshaonk./ A drunkard staggers, /Koghesippamwa‰nin chan‹sshau./ Staggering, or reeling, /Chanehchashauonk./ I stand, or did, /Nunnepì,/ /-up./ We stand, or did, /Nunnep”mun,/ /-n“nup./ To stand, stand you away, /Neponunneat amakompauish./ I stay, or did, /Nuppahtis,/ /-up./ We stay, or did, /Nuppahtsi@mun,/ /-n“nup./ To stay, or wait, /Pahtsinneat./ Stay for me, /Pahti@ssish wutch nen./ I steal, or did, /Nukkummìt,/ /-up./ We steal, or did, /Nukkummìtu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To steal, to be stolen, /Kummìt‹nnat,/ /kummìtinneat./ Why did you steal, /Tohwaj Kummìtìm“mwì/ I step, or did, /Nuttontƒn‰htip./ /-up./ We step, or did, /Nuttohontaneeht‹mun,/ /nonup./ To step, /Ontaneehkinneat./ To stick to, /Pissogquomwinneat./ It sticks to, /Pissogqommì./ I am stiff, /Nutchetaues./ To be stiff, /Chetauesinneat./ I stink, or did, /Nummatchimunkqus,/ /-sup./ We stink, or did, /Nummatchimunkqussi@mun./ To stink, /Matchimunkqussinneat./ I am stirred up, /Nummomontinit./ To stirr up, /Mumm“ntinnu“nate./ [p.78] He stirred him up, /Noh mammontinwop./ They stirred us up, /Nag nummamontinkqun./ To be stirred up, /Mommontinni@ttuonk./ I stop, or did, /Nuttogk”gkem,/ /-up/ <211> We stop, or did, /Nuttogkogk‰mun,/ /-nonup./ To stop, to be stopped, /Togkogk‰nat/ /togkogkinnittinneat./ Stop your course, /Togkogki@nish kuttinniyeuonk./ I stretch out my hands, /Nussummogkinnitch„em./ To stretch, /Summƒgkinumnat./ To be stretched, /Summogkinnittuonk./ He stretcheth a great way, /Noh summ„gke noƒdtit./ I strike, or did, /Nuttogko@m,/ /-omp./ We strike, or did. /Nuttogkomo@mun,/ /-nonup./ To strike a stroke, /Togkom”nat tatteaonk./ I strive, or did, /Nut[]chekeayeuiteam,/ /-teap./ We strive, or did, /Nutcheƒyeuteamun,/ /-nonup./ To strive, /Chekeaiyeuk”nat./ I am strong, or was, /Numme@nuhkes,/ /-up./ We are strong, or were, /Nummenuhkeesi@mun,/ /-nonup./ To be strong, /Menuhkesinneat./ Strength, His, /Menuhkesìonk,/ /-um./ To study, /Natwontamu@nat./ Do you study much, /Sun kenatwontam mìche@ke./ I stumble, to stumble, /Nuttogkissitt„ssin/ /togkissittassininat./ To stuff, /Cheethamu@nat./ I suck, or did, /Nunnìn,/ /nunnìnup./ We suck, or did, /Nunnìnu@mun,/ /-nonop./ To suck, /Nìninneat./ A child sucks, /Mukkoies nìn“ntam./ I suffer, or did, /Nutchequin‰‰htam,/ /-up./ We suffer, or did, /Nutchequineehtamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To suffer, /Chequineehtamu@nat./ To be suffered, or born, * * * * /Nutchequnehtam wuttanehpunnaonk./ I suffer affliction, [p.79] To sup up pottage, &c. /Nummoohqu”nat./ I suppose, or imagine, /Nuttinantam,/ /nuttogquantam./ We suppose, or did, /Nuttinantamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To suppose, to imagine, /Unnnantamu@nat,/ [sic] /ogquantamu@nat./ To be supposed, (Vid. Think,) /Unantamunat./ To swear, /Chachekeyeu”nat./ I can swear truly, /Woh sampwe nutchadchekeyeuwam./ I sweat, or did, /Nukkissitt„sh”m,/ /-p./ We sweat, or did, /Nukkissittash”mun,/ /-nonup./ To sweat. /Kissittash”nat./ I swell, to swell, /Numm”kques,/ /mogquesinneat./ He swelleth, /Noh mogquesu@wi./ The rivers swell, /Sepuash tahshemì@ash./ Men swell, /Wosketompaog mogquesuwog./ I swim, or did, /Nuppumosì@weem,/ /-up./ We swim, or did, /Nuppumosì@we@mun,/ /-nonup./ <212> To swim, /Pumosooenat./ Can you swim, /Sun woh kuppum“sì@wemwì./ I take, or did, /Nunnemu@num,/ /-up./ We take, or did, /Nunnemunu@mun,/ /-nonup./ Did you take it, /Sun kenem£numu@nas./ To take bribes, /Nemunumu@nat magìongash./ They taking, (for communicating,) /Nemunukeeg./ To tame, (see Keep,) /Nanneuchteouu@nat./ Can you tame him, /Sun woh kenƒnnauwissu@wah./ To be tamed, /Nannauwussuwaheonat./ I cannot tarry, /Mat woh ne nuttappo@wun./ To tarry, /Ne appinneat./ I taste, or did, /Nukqutche@htam,/ /-up./ We taste, or did, /Nukqutchehtamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To taste, /Qutcheehtamu@nat./ To be tasted, /Quttchuhpwonittinneat./ [p.80] I teach, or did, /Nukkuhkìtumwehteam,/ /-teap./ We teach, or did, /Nukkuhkìtumwehteamun,/ /-nonup./ To teach, /Kuhkìtumwehk”nat./ Will you teach me, /Sun woh kukkuhkootu@mah nen./ I am taught, /Nukkuhkootumonteap./ Thou art taught, /Kukkuhkootumonteap./ He is taught, /Kuhkootumauop./ We are taught, /Nukkuhkìtumonteamun./ Ye are taught, /Kukkuhkootumonteamwoo./ They are taught, /Kuhkootumau”panneg./ I was taught, /Nukkuhkootumonteap./ Thou wast taught, /Kukkuhkootumonteap./ He was taught, /Kukkootumauop./ We were taught, /Nukkuhkootumonteamunnonup./ Ye were taught, /Kukkuhkootumonteamwop./ They were taught, /Kuhkootumau”panneg./ Be thou taught, /Kuhkootumonteash./ Let me be taught, /Kuhkootumaiinnach./ Let him be taught, /Kuhkootumauunach./ Let us be taught, /Kuhkootumonteatuh./ Be ye taught, /Kuhkootumonteag./ Let them be taught, /Kuhkootumauunach./ Are you taught to read, /Sun kutogketamwahitteamwoo./ I wish I might be taught, /Napehnont kuhkootumaiimuk./ When I am taught, I will teach you, /Uttuh annoohkuhkootumma\‹mi, neit pish kuktahkootumam./ When they are taught, /Uttuh annooh kuhkootumauu./ I am not taught, /Mat nukkuhkootumonteoh./ We are not taught, /Mat nakkuhkootumonteon./ Not to be taught, /Mat kuhkootumauoun./ <213> [p.81] To be taught, /Kuhkootumauonat./ Doctrines of men, /Wosketompae kuhkìtumuehteaongash./ A minister, or schoolmaster, /Kuhkìtumwehtea‰nin./ Ministers, text, /Nohtompeantog,/ /quenshitteank./ I tear, /Nunnegunum./ To tear, /Nenekik”mu@nat./ I tell, or did, /Nuttino@nchim,/ /-up./ We tell, or did, /Nuttinonchimu@mun,/ /-nonup./ We are sold, /Unnoowomoo./ To tell, /Unnonchimwinneat./ To be told, /Unnonchimook“attinneat./ I cannot think, /Mat nuttinautamoo./ I think, or did, /Nuttinantam,/ /-up./ What you think, (See Pronouns, p.33.) /Toh (or teagua) kuttinantam./ Methinks, /Nuttogquantam./ To think, (see Suppose.) /Unnantamunat./ To be thought, /Unantununat./ A thought, { /Unantamooonk./ { /Unnantamìonk./ I thirst, or did, /Nukk¢hki@ttìn,/ /-up./ We thirst, or did, /Nukkuhkittoonu@mun,/ /nonup./ To thirst, /Kuhkittìnu@nat./ I threaten, or did, /Nukquogquoht”wam,/ /-wap./ We threaten, or did, /Nukquogquohtowamun./ To threaten, /Quogquohtouw”nat./ To be threatened, /Quoquohtunttinneat./ I throw down, /Nuppenoohkonat./ To throw down, /Penohk”nat./ Can you throw him, /Sun woh kussa@m£hkon./ I throw away, he throws, /Nuppƒketam,/ /paketam,/ Dont throw, /Ahque pahketash./ I thrust (into a thing,) /Nutcheke pethinum./ To thrust, /Neppi@nnittinneat./ Thrust him from you, { /Nehpinumìk nehpi@nnìk wutch kenau./ It thunders, /Pattohquoh„nni./ To thunder, /Pattohquoh„nnat./ I touch, or did, /Nummissi@num,/ /-tip./ We touch, or did, /Nummissinumu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To touch, /Missinumu@nat./ I can't translate, /Matta w¢h nukquishkinnu@mun./ [p.82] I tread hard, /Nukqussukquannek./ To tread on, /Taskuhkou”nat./ He treads upon him, /Noh wuttahta@skuhkauh./ I tremble, or tingle, or did, /Nunnukkishom,/ /-p./ We tremble, or did, /Nunnukkissh”mun,/ /-nonup./ To tremble, or tingle, /Nunnukkissh“nat./ <214> My flesh trembleth, /Nìweyaus nunnukisshau./ I trust, or did, /Nuppapaht„ntam,/ /-up./ We trust, or did, /Nuppƒpahtuntamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To trust, /Papahtantamu@nat./ To be trusted, /Papahtanittinneat./ I try, or did, /Nukqutchiteo,/ /-up./ We try, or did, /Nukqutchteomun,/ /-nonup./ To try, to be tryed, /Qutchteouu@nat./ Trials, or attempts, /Qutchehe@teoonmgash./ I turn, or did, /Nukquinppem,/ /-up./ We turn, or did, /Nukquinupp‰mun,/ /-nonup./ To turn, to be turned, /Quinupp‰nat./ I try, or did, /Nuppissaunuqnum,/ /-up./ To ty, /Pissaunuqunumnat./ To vex, (see Provoke,) /Moomìsquehhu”nat./ I view, or did, /Nukkeehke@neam,/ /-ap./ To view, to be viewed, /Kihkinneaattaonk./ To take a view, /Kuhkinassinneat./ I vomit, or did, /Nummena@ttam,/ /-up./ To vomit, /Menattamu@nat./ He vomits, /Noh menattam./ I vow, /Chadchekeyeuae nukquoshouam./ Vows, /Quoshowaongash,/ or /chadchekeyeuae quoshaumuaongash./ I urge, or did, /Nutchetimmu@wam,/ /-wap./ To urge, to be urged, /Chetimu”nat./ I am urgent, /Nutchekewe, chetimu@wam./ [p.83] An use, (or a sermon,) /Auwohchaonk,/ I use, or did, /Nuttauohteam,/ /-teap./ We use, or did, /Nuttauohteamun,/ /-nonup./ To use, to be used, /Auwohk”nat./ Use me well, /Wunniyeuw„he./ To wail, or howl, /M“muttami@we mishontì"onat./ To wait for, /Nuppahti@ssu”nat./ They wait, (vid. Stay,) /Pahtsìog./ I walk, or did, /Nuppumwu@sham./ We walk, or did, /Nuppumwusha@mun./ To walk, or go, /Pomish”nat./ Endeavouring to walk, /Kodpomushahettit./ Walk uprightly, /Pomi@shon sampweseae./ I wander, or did, /Noowoow”n,/ /-nup./ Wandering, or going astray, /Wauwonnu@onk./ He wanders, (i.e. is lost,) /Noh nanwsshau./ They wander, /Nag wawonnu@og./ I want, or did, /Nukquenauwe@hhik,/ /-up./ We want, or did, /Nukquenawehhiku@mun,/ /-nonup./ To want, /Quenauehhikqui¤at./ To be wanting, or defective, /Nìnat,/ or /quenauat./ They want, /Nag quenauwehquog./ <215> I am warm, or was, /Nukkesì"ap,/ /-up./ We are warm, or were, /Nukkesìsi@mun,/ /-nonup./ To be warm, /Kesìsinneat./ Warm yourself and depart, /Auwƒsish kah monchiesh./ To warm, /Auwaesinneat./ I wash or did, /Nukkitisum,/ /-omp./ We wash, or did, /Nukkitisippattomun,/ /-nonup./ To wash, /Kitti@ssumwinneat./ Be thou washed, /Ken kittissu@mwish./ To be washed, /Kittissumwunneat./ Baptism, /Kutti[che]ssumooonk./ I saw a woman washing and cleansing cloaths, /Nunnau mittu@mwus kuttisupatto kah pompahke@to monagu@nash./ [p.84] To waste, /Mƒhtshottouu@nat./ He wastes himself, /Noh mohtahkonnau wohhoguh./ To be wasted, /Mohtahkonittuonk./ To wear cloaths out, /Ompattamu@nat,/ /auwohkonat./ I wear, /Nuttauwohteam./ To wear out, /Nummahtompattamu@nat./ I did wear, /Nummahche ompattam./ They would wear, /Nag woh ompattamwog./ I am weary, (very,) /Pogkodche nussouu@num./ To weary, or make weary, /Souunumwahu”nat./ To be weary, /Souunumnat./ To weave, /Monagkeneehk”nat./ I weep, or did, /Nen nummome./ We weep, or did, /Nenauun numm“mun./ To weep, weeping, /Mouinneat,/ /-moonk./ To weigh, /Quttompagkìto”nat./ Weighing, /Quttompaghìto”nk./ I weigh, /Nuttehkequin./ He weighs by the pound, /Noh quttompaghìto nashpe qutt””heg./ To be weighed, /Quttomppaghootosinneat./ I am wet, or was, /Noota@gkes,/ /-up./ We are wet, or were, /Nootagkessi@mun,/ /-nonup./ To be wet, /Wuttagkesinneat./ To whet or make sharp, /Keekodtauu@nat./ I am willing, or was, /Nìwek”^ntam,/ /-up./ We are willing or were, /Nìwekontamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ Are you willing, /Sun koowekontammwoo./ He is not willing, /Noh mat weekontam./ To be willing, /Wekontamu@nat./ Being made willing, /Wek“ntƒmwaheoncheg./ I am wise, or was, /Nìwa„ntam,/ /-up./ I would be wise, /Nukkod waƒntam./ Wouldst thou be wise, /Sun woh kìwa„ntam./ Ye are, or were wise, /Koowƒƒntamumwì,/ /-wop./ <216> To be wise, /Waantamunu@nat,/ (Vid. Grammat. p.26.) ^* [p.85] I wish, or did, /Nunnontweƒntam,/ /-up./ We wish, or did, /Nunnontweantamu@mun,/ /-n“nup./ They shall wish, /Nag pish nontweantamwog./ To wish, (like /waantam/), /Nontweantamu@nat./ To be wished, /Nontweantamwinneat./ I wipe, or did, /Nutjeeskham,/ /-up./ We wipe, or did, /Nutjiskhamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To wipe, /Jiskhamu@nat./ To be wiped, /Jishwhissinneat./ To wither, or pine away (as a tree,) /Nuppìpassinneat./ I wither, I am lean, or pine away, /Nuttonnanwissinneat. A tree withers, /Mehtuk nuppì"ta./ I wonder, or did, /Nummohcha@nantam,/ /-up./ We wonder, or did, /Nummohchana@ntamu@mun,/ /-nonup./ To wonder, /Mohchantamu@nat./ I work, (vid. Labor,) /Nuttanna@kous./ A good work, /Wunne anakausuonk./ How do we work, /Uttuh nuttinanakausinnean./ He workt for me, [sic] /Nutanakausuea@tunk./ I worship, or did, /Nìwowussumwam./ To worship, /Wowussumu”nat./ We worship, or did, /Nìwowussumuw„mun./ Worship God, /Wowussum God./ To be worshipped, /Wauwussittinneat./ To wrest, or misinterpret, /Matche quishkinumu@nat./ I did not misinterpret, /Mat nuppƒhogket„moo./ I can write, /Woh nìsoohqohham./ Can he or they write, /Sun noh, nag wussoohquohhamwog./ Can you write, /Sun woh kìsìhqì"hham./ To write a book, /Wussìhkhamu@nat, wussukqu@ohhonk./ To be written, /Wussoohquohwhassin./ I yield, or did, /Nunnì"sweem,/ /-up./ We yield, or did, /Nunnìswemun,/ /-nonup./ To yield, /Noosw‰nat./ Yield yourself to me, /Nìsw‰tah nen./ [p.86] I am zealous, /Nummanin‹sse menehkinit./ Be thou zealous in a good cause, /Manin‹ssish ut wunn‰gen unniyeu@onk./ /* ^* This reference is to Eliot's Indian Grammar, which will be found in the Historical Collections, vol. ix. Second Series. Edit. */ <217> He is a zealous man, /Noh maninissu@e menehkenitteae wosketomp./ Thou art zealous, /Kummaninissue menehteantam./ We are zealous, or were, /Nummaninissimun./ Ye are zealous, or were, /Kummaninnissumwoo./ They are zealous, /Nag maninissuog./ Zeal, /Maninissuonk./ Welcome, /Koonepeam./ You may take it for granted, /Ahque chanantah./ What do you say, /Toh kuttinnoowam,/ or /kussim./ Why will you go, /Tohwutch monchean./ What is the Indian word for fire, /Uttuh yeu Indianne kuttooonk wutch chikkoht,/ or /nootau./ Tell me how it was, /Usseh uttuh „nagis./ How much must I give you for those feathers, /Toh kuttina¤noohhumauish, koopeeu@nnog./ Dont trouble yourself about it, /Ahque wuttamooontash ne papaume./ When will you come again, /Ahquomppak wonk kupp‚yam./ Participles. [p.87] Abounding, adorning, { /Missechì@onk./ { /Unnoohhoosì@onk./ Adorned, /Wunnoohwh¢sinneat,/ Advising, advised, /Kogkahquttue,/ /kogkakt\‹mau./ Affording, afforded, /Ununum“adtu@onk./ Affrighted, /Kuttijshanittu@onk./ Fearing, /Quehtammoo@onk./ Afraid, /Wapsuontamooonk./ Abounding, subs. /Mooch‹kohtooonk./ Amazing, amazed, /Keannontu@pah./ Amending, amended, /Aianukk”^oooonk./ Growing angry, /Neken mosquantamoo@onk./ Anointed, anointing, /Sussequenittu@onk./ Answering, answered, /Namppoohamoo@onk./ Appearing, appeared, /Nogquissinneat./ Appointing, appointed, /Kehteimau,/ /kuhquttum„uwì./ Arising, risen, /Omohk‰onk,/ or /omohkej./ Armed, /Kenhoosu@nash, kenhoosu./ Arriving, arrived, /Missohkomukhi@numooonk./ Asking, asked, /Wequttum,/ /wequttum„uau,/ or /nottoohumwehteai./ Aswaging, aswaged, /Wuttogque@noi./ Attempting, attempted, /Qutchehhu@au,/ /qutchehhean./ Awaking, awaked, /Toohkenu@au,/ /toohke@nau./ Banishing, banished, /Quossoohkasu,/ /quossoohkauau./ Being, /Nenih,/ or /wann‰peh./ Bearing, born, /Menehtea@ntam./ <218> Beating, beaten, /Sasamƒtahhoì"nat./ [p.88] Becoming, (or decent,) /Tappeneunkquissinneat./ Begetting, begot, /Wouwunnechannu@onk./ Begun, /Kuttche./ Beheld, beholding, /M”ni@nneam,/ /m“ninneƒmonk./ Believing, believed, /Wunnamptƒmun,/ /wunn„mptam./ Bent, /Wonkkenƒsu./ Benummed, /Mat waammattamooonk./ Bewaring, /Nunnukquanumìonk./ Binding, bound, /Kishpinno“nk,/ /tohtogkuppis./ Biting, bitten, /Sagkepoo@au,/ /sagkepwoosu@onk./ Blaming, blamed, /Wutchimau./ Blessing, blessed, /Wunnanittu@onk,/ /wunnamu@mau./ Blinding with smoke, /Choquassmuk./ Blotted, /Jeshhamoo@onk./ Blowing, /Pootantamoo@onk./ Boiled, /Nummattohkukqu”ssu./ Born, /Netu,/ /nechƒnat./ Bragging, /Mishsho”oonat./ Breaking, broke, /Poohqui@sshau./ Breathing, /Nƒnƒhshonat./ Bringing, brought, /Pasì@wou,/ /patt”hsu,/ /pattouu@nat,/ or /kessi@kkehhittuonk./ Brought up, or educated, /Pasoowou,/ /kenunn”^su./ Built, /Wekukko@ssu,/ /kessu@kkehhe@au./ Burning, burnt, /Chikkossohsu,/ /chikkohtta,/ /mohttitta./ Burying, Buried, /Pìskinittuonk,/ /pìskinnous./ Buying, bought, /Adt“wau,/ /taphumun./ Calling, called, /Wehkok”muk,/ /wequtteamo@oonk,/ * * * * /Tashshin„ssu./ [p.89] Cast off, /Pogket”hsu./ Cast down, /Penohkƒ”su./ Caught, /Tohquinumu@nat./ Ceasing, /Mahtea‰onk./ Changing, changed, /Ossoowunumì"onk./ Charging (a gun), charged, /Mechimuhko@nuh./ Chastising, chastised, /Sasamƒtohwhou,/ Cheated, cheating, /Assookekomwoo,/ /assook‰ho./ Cherishing, cherished, /Kesoosummu@au,/ /kesoosu@mau./ Chiding, /Nishqu‰mau./ Choakt, choaking, /Pashshì"nnu,/ /-onk./ Claiming, claimed, /Pekchenunna@uau./ Coming, /Peyƒonk./ Comforting, comforted, /Taphu@au,/ /taphe@au./ Commanding, commanded, /Annoote@amoo,/ /annoonau./ Committing, committed, putting, &c. /Poonum“adtu@onk./ Compassing, compassed, /Pannupsh„ìnk./ <219> Compelled, /Chek‰we,/ or /chekshanittuonk./ Complaining, /Wuttoowƒonƒonk./ Condemning, condemned, /Awƒkomponnae,/ /wussmau./ Confessing, cdnfest, /Sumppooau,/ /pohkoo@au./ Confuted, /Wuttamhe@au./ Consuming, consumed, /Mohtchikkiss”o\„e./ Convincing, convinced, /Pogkodchimuƒonk./ Covering, covered, /Onkwhussu./ Counselled, /Kogkahti@mau./ [p.90] Created, /Kesiteossu./ Crying, /M“ì"onk./ Cursed, cursing, /Mattƒnu@mat./ Cut, cutting, /Nenehkiss“su./ Dancing, /Mattwakkƒonk./ Daring, dared, /Aiahchmau,/ /assookek”mau./ Deceiving, deceived, /Assookekodte@amoo./ Dedicated, /Mƒgu@nat en God–t./ Defending, defended, /Kenohham“adtu@onk./ Delighting, delighted, /Wokontamooonittu@onk./ Delivering, delivered, /Pohquowhunittu@onk./ Demanding, demanded, /Wehquttumì@onk,/ or /nohnatittumooonk./ Denying, denyed, /Quenìau,/ /quenooonittin./ Departing, departed, /Amƒeonk,/ /amƒeai./ Deserving, deserved, /Sompwe attumunumoo@onk./ Desiring, desired, /Kodtantamu@nat,/ /kodtantam./ Despising, despised, /Jeshantamunat,/ (to be chief,) /nishananumukqussinea@t./ Devising, devised, /Natwontamu@nat./ Devouring, devoured, /Mohtchuppì"e./ Digging, digged, /Anoskhamunat,/ /noohko@hteahha@mì"onk,/ /wonohk”nat,/ /wƒnahteau./ Dipping, dipped, /Quogkinn“su@e./ Dispatched, /Montshanittu@onk./ Dissembling, dissembled, /Omppuwussu@e,/ /omppuwussu./ Dividing, divided, /Chachappinumu@nat./ Doing, done, /Assemuk,/ /ussonash,/ /ussenap,/ /usseonk,/ /mahtche-ussen./ Doubting, /Chanantamu@nat./ [p.91] Drawing, drawn, /Wuttonchittauu@nat,/ or /wussaumotummoo./ Drinking, drunk, /Kogkewau,/ /wuttattamu@nat,/ /kodkewau./ Eased, /Anunumauwaˆtì"onk./ Eating, /Metsinneat./ Embracing, embraced, /Womosu@e,/ /ukkehchik,/ /quaittuonk./ Emptying, emptyed, /Sequnumu@nat./ Encouraged, /Menehk‚wuttoantamì@onk./ <220> Enduring, endured, /Quo missontamu@nat,/ (quache) uss‰onk./ Enjoying, enjoyed, /Wekontamooontamu@nat./ Enquiring, enquired, /Pohkodtootumuhk”nat./ Entring, entred, /Petitteontamì@onk./ Enticing, enticed, /Wƒwetimu@onk./ Establishing, established, /Menuhketouu@nat./ Esteeming, esteemed, /Wuttooantamu@nat,/ /wuttooa¤tam./ Excelling, excelled, /Anukomu@nat,/ /anukomì"moo./ Exhibited, /Quoshwunnumauut./ Falling, fallen, /Penishshau,/ /penishshaai./ Failing, /Nooninnuw”moo./ Fastened, /Sonkkeketouwunat./ Favouring, favoured, /Tappenˆaattuonk./ Fearing, /Quittamu@nat./ Feeding, fed, /Meetsuontamunat./ Feeling, felt, /Mehquinumunat./ Fighting, /Mekonittuonk,/ /ayeuuttu@onk./ Filling, filled, /Numwohtouu@nat./ Finding, found, /Nameehtouu@nat./ Flowing, /Tomokkonnuooo./ [p.92] Flying away, fled, /Wuss‰moo,/ /wussemoo@wi./ Flattering, flattered, /Wouwekoowa@onk./ Following, followed, /Assuhkom-moo-mo@o,/ or /mooe./ Forbidding, forbidden, /Quttehk”nat,/ /quahtinnittimuk./ Forementioned, /Quosshoue,/ /missohhamu@nap./ (p.96.) Forgetting, forgot, /Wanantamu@nat./ Fortifying, /Menehketa\u@nat./ Gathered, gathering, /Mohm“wunmu@nat./ Getting, gotten, /Ahchuehtounat./ Giving, given, /Magkoo,/ /magkun./ Glad, /Weko¤tam./ Going, went, /Pumushsh„onk,/ /monche./ Governing, governed, /Nanauunummì@onk./ Grieved, or grief, /Noohittu@onk./ Groaning, /Auwohkontoow„onk./ Handled, /Weogkehtauu@nat./ Hanged, hanging, /Waƒshanittu@onk,/ /wawasshattauunat./ Hastening, hastened, /Wapantamì@ˆ./ Hating, hated, /Sekeneamì@onk./ Having, /Ahtunkeeg,/ pl. /ahtouu@nat./ Healing, healed, /Netskesu@onk./ Hearing, heared, /Nootamoo@onk./ Hedged, /Wakaunoos./ Hiding, hidden, /Puttogqu‰onk./ Hindering, hindered, /Wuttamteo@onk./ Hoping, /Ann“oassonk./ <221> Howling, /Mishontìwƒp“su./ Hung, /Kehchiquepsu./ Hunting, hunted, /Adtchanittu@onk./ [p.93] Hurting, hurt, /Woskehhonat,/ /woskesu./ Imitating, imitated, /Aiannau”nat./ Increasi@ng, increased, /Missetu@onk./ Inlightning, /Wequaiyeuk„uont./ Intreated, /Nanompanw”nat./ Joyning, joyned, /Mosogqu‰onk./ Keeping, kept, /Nanauehteouu@nat./ A well kept sabbath, /Wunnunnanƒwehtosoo@e sab./ Killing, killed, /Nishittu@onk/ /nishshauai./ Kissing, kissed, /Chipwuttoonnapwuttu@onk./ Knocked, /Chohchohquttahhamì@onk./ Knowing, known, /Wahteaue,/ /wateouonk,/ /wahittin./ Labouring, laboured, /Anakausu@onk,/ /anakausu./ Lamenting, lamented, /M“muttamì@onk./ Languishing, /Mohtchikanaˆonk./ Laughing, /Ahanu@onk./ Leading, lead, /Sagkompaghonau./ Leaning, /Ompattissinnì@onk./ Leaping, /Queqeshau./ Learning, learned, /Nehtuhtouu@nat./ Leaving, left, /Nukkodtumu@nat./ Lessened, diminished, /Peohteouu@nat./ Lifting, lifted, /Tohshinumu@nat./ Living, /Pomantamu@nat./ Losing, lost, /Wunne@hteo@onk./ Loving, loved, /Womontam,/ /womonnau./ Lying wickedly, /Pannì@au matchetì"e./ Making, made, /Ayumu@nat,/ /ayum./ Marrying, married. /Wetouadteau,/ /kekompau./ [p.94] Measuring, measured, /Quttuhhumu@nat./ Meditating, /Nutwontamo@ˆ./ Mingling, mingled, /Kunukkinnƒsu./ Mistaking, mistook, /Pehtantam,/ /puhtantamoo@onk./ Moving, moved, /Momonch‰onk,/ /antsappu,/ /ontappuonk./ Mourning, /M“ìonga@ne./ Murmuring, /Moomooskoo„^onk./ Naming, named, /Wesuonkanuhk”nat./ Nigh to, /Passìoheyeuut./ Nourished, nourishing, /Sohkommoosoo”nat./ Obeying, obeyed, /Nooswetamì@onk./ Obtaining, obtained, /Wuttahtimumì@onk./ Offending, offended, /Wuttamhu”nat./ Opening, opened, /Woshwunummì@onk./ Ordained, /Ukkuhquttmun./ Conquering, overcome, /Sohk“u@onk,/ /sohkoattin./ <222> Owing /Nohtukquahwhuttu@onk./ Painting, painted, /Annogk‰onk./ Panting, /Sauuhki@ssu@onk./ Pardoning, pardoned, /Ahquontamì@onk./ Paying, paid, /Oadtehk”nat./ Perceiving, perceived, /Ogquantamu@nat./ Permitted, /Unanukk”nat./ Perswading, perswaded, /Nuttinantamw„hit./ Pityed, pitying, /Kitte@amongkeneadtinne./ Playing, well played (to any thing,) /Puhpu@onk wannahu@neh./ Pleasing, pleased, /Tapeneunkque./ Polluting, polluted, /Niskhetounat./ Praying, /Peantam”^‰/ [p.95] Pressed, oppressed, /Sunukkitchahhooonat./ Preventing, /Amaunnumunate,/ (take off.) Procuring, procured, /Ahtaunat./ Profaning. /Neshketouu@nat./ Promising, promised, /Quoshshowo@nat./ Proving, proved, /Wunnomwatauu@nat./ Providing, provided, /Quoshshouehtam./ Provoking, provoked, /Moosquantamhuo@nat./ Punishing, punished, /Sasamatahhooo@nat./ Purged, or purified, /Pompahke@to pahhetouu@nat./ Putting, put off, /Pooonumu@nat,/ /aumƒnumanat./ Quenching, quenched, /Onthamu@nat,/ /onttapattauu@nat./ Quieting, quieted, /Maninishu”nat./ Raging, /Kogkewe mosquantam./ Raining, /Onn”h quat./ Reading, read, /Agketamunat./ Refusing, refused, /Sekeneamì@onk./ Rejoicing, /Mishkouantamooonk./ Remembring, remembred, /Mehquantamu@nat./ Repeated, /Pehpeta@we./ Repenting, repented, /Aiuskoiantamu@nat./ Reserved, /Wadchanoog./ Returning, returned, /Quishk‰nat,/ /quishke./ Revealing, /Wahteauwahteauwo@nate./ Revenging, revenged, /Annoot”nat,/ /annoota@onk./ Reviled, /Nukkehkonut./ Roaring, /Mishontoow„onk./ Roasting, roasted, /Apw”nnat,/ /appoosinne[at.]/ Robbed, /Mukkookinittinneat./ Rubbing, rubbed, /Mummukquinu@mun./ Ruling, ruled, /Nohnouwinittonk./ Running, out-runned, /Quogqu‰nat./ Sacrificing, sacrificed, /Seephausinneat./ Satisfying, satisfyed, /Tappenauwahusoomo@ouk./ [p.96] Saying, /Noowau./ <223> Said, /Unnoow„onk,/ /unnooonat./ scattering, scattered, /Se„uhk”nat,/ /sewohham./ Searching, searched, /Nattinohk”nat./ Seasoning, seasoned, /Tappetouu@nat./ Seeing, saw, seen, /Naumooonk,/ /nunnau./ Seeking, sought, /Nattinneohteaonk./ Selling, sold, /M“mƒgun,/ /mƒgun./ Sending, sent, /Annoonittin,/ /ƒnnoonau./ Separated, separating, /Chippinumnat./ Serving, served, /Wuttinnmun,/ /wuttininnumo@hkou./ Shaking, /Tottauh”hkon./ Shamed, /Ogkodchi@nat./ Shaved, /Mooswossinneat./ Shewing, /Nƒhtuhk”nat./ Shining, /Wossumwinneat./ Shunning, shunned, /Quishshuhkomu@nat./ Shutting, shut, /Kuppohkamunat./ Thing signified, /Kuhkinneasimuk./ Singing, /Ketookam”nat./ Sinning, /Match‰senat./ Sitting, /Nummƒttappinneat./ Sleeping, /Kouenatkaueonk./ Sliding, /Toonikquissinnat./ Smelling, smelt, /Menonttamunat./ Sowing, sown, /Ohkehk”nat./ Sparing, spared, /Magunap./ Speaking, spoken, /Kuttooonat./ Forementioned, /Negonne,/ /keketookontamu@gkish./ (p.92.) Spitting, /Suhquinneat./ Sprinkling, sprinkled, /Seauhkonat,/ /toouhteae./ Staggering, /Mat kuhkenau‹shoo./ Standing, stood, /Nepouinneat./ [p.97] Staying, /Pahhuonat./ Stealing, stole, /Kummootoo@wonk./ Stinking, /Matchemonkquat./ Stirred up, /Wogkonu@nnau./ Stopping, stopt, /Kuppohwh”nat./ Stretching, stretched, /Summagkinumu@nat./ Striking, to be stricken, /Togkomo@nat,/ /togkodtinneat./ Striving, strove, /Pogkodche,/ /aiyeuk”nat./ Studying, studyed, /Natwontamunat./ Stumbling, /Togkissi@ttassinnat./ Sucking, suck'd, /Noonì@wonk,/ /noonu@nat./ Suffering, suffered, /Wuttamehpinna@onk./ Supped up, /Numuhquonnat./ Supposed conditions, /Ponamì"e wunnatwontamìongash./ <224> Supposing, supposed, /Unnantamunat./ Swearing, sworn, /Chachekeuwaonk./ Sweating, /Kussittannammonk./ Swelling, or swoln, /Mogquesu@onk,/ /mogquesu./ Swimming, /Pumm“soow‰nat./ Taking, took, /Mauminnat,/ or /nemunumunat./ Tamed, /Nannauhu”nat./ Tarrying, /Pahhuw„onk./ Tasting, tasted, /Qutchtamunat./ Teaching, taught, /Kuhkootumko@nnat./ Tearing, torn, /Tannogkukkomu@nat./ Thinking, thought, /Unantamì@onk./ Thirsting, /Kuhkittìno@we./ Threatning, threatned, /Quoquohtow”nat./ Thrown down, /Punuhk”nat./ Thrusting, /Nehqunumu@nat./ [p.98] Touching, touched, /Missunmnat./ Treading, /An”hquisshaonk,/ /onahquissha@nat./ Trembling, trembled, /Nunukkishshaonk./ Troubled, /Wuttamantamoo@onk./ Trusting, trusted, /Papahtantamoo@onk./ Trying, tryed, /Qutchehteouu@nat./ Turning, turned, /Quishk‰nat./ Tying, tyed, /Kishpinnauunat./ Unspeakable, /Matta masshommoomu@kish./ Vexing, vexed, /Moomoosquehhu”nat./ Viewing, viewed, /Pahke,/ /kuhkinneamunat./ Visible things, /Naumu@kish teanteaguas./ Vomiting, vomited, /Menattamunat,/ /menattam./ Urging, urged /Chekeyim”nat,/ /chetimuonat./ Using, used, /Auwohk”nat./ Waiting, /Pahtsuontamu@nat./ Walking, /Pomsh”nat./ Wandering, /Nanwushsh”nat./ Wanting, wanted, /Quenauwehhau./ Warming, warmed, /Appissumnat./ Washing, washed, /Kuttu@ssumu@nat,/ /kuttisupatto./ Wasting, wasted, /Mahtshattouu@nat./ Wearing, worn, /Ompattamu@nat./ Wearying, wearied, /Souunumooonk,/ /sauunmunat./ Weeping, wept, /Mì"oonk,/ /mouwinneat./ Weighing, weighed, /Quttompaghootì"onk./ Wishing, wished, /Nontwew”nat./ Withering, withered, /Mussupassì"we./ Wondering, /Wouwonnuonk./ Worshipping, worshipped, /Wouwusssummu”^nat./ Writing, written, /Wussukwhosu,/ /wussoohquo@hhamooonk./ Yielding, yielded. /Nooswenat,/ or /nosweonk./ <225> [p.99] The Creed. Wunnampitamì@onk. /Noonampi@tan God wame manuhk‰sit wutìshi@mau, noh kezhi@tunk kesuk kah ohke; kah noonampi@tan Jesus Christ ummohtoo@meeghe”nche nussontim”mun noh wompe@quo”muk nashpe wunnetupantamwe nashau„nit netu”nont penomp„\‰ Maryhoh chequneeht„mup ut agwe Pontius Pilate pummetunkuppinnautup, nuppìp kah pìsk‹nop womi@supe en Chepiohkomu@kqut, nashikqun”gok noh omo@hke wonk wutch nuppnat kah wa„be en kesu@kqut kah na wut„ppinadt wuttinnoh k„unit God wame manuhk‰sit wuttìshi@mau, nawutch pish peyau wussum“nut nan‰swe pomanto@gig kah nƒpu@kig--Noonampi@tam ut wunn‚tupant„mwe nashau„nit, nìnampi@tam ut mamu@sse wunn‚tupantamwe moˆuwehkomonganit kah umm”oohkƒmaonga¤nì wanetupant“gik, kah ahquontamoadt\onk matcheseong„sh kah muhhogkì"e omu@hkeonk kah micheme pomantamìonk ut kesukqut. Amen./ 1708. [p.100] A Talk between two. /Keketokionk nashauenesooog./ P. Well met, friend, how do you do? /Wunne nogkishk“adtu@onk, netomp, toh kuttinukkˆte@am./ M. I am pretty well, and ready to serve you. /Nuttanu@kk“ wunnikk‰te@am kah nukquƒshwap kootininnumukouun./ P. When did you come from home, or town? /(Koo) uttuhhu¤ooh koomu@mus kuttiyeuonganit asuh kuttootƒnat./ M. Two days ago. /(Nam.^+) nesukquin”gkod./ P. Is your wife and children well? /Sunkummittu@mus kah kenechƒnog wunniyeuog./ M. I have no children, but my wife is sick. /Mat noomukkoiy‰umoo, qut nummuttu@mwus mohch‹¤nai./ Q. Is it a healthy time in your place? /Sun wunnuhketeaonk„^nnu ut kootohkeonkanit./ A. Yes, generally. /Nux ut “m¢g wame./ Q. How many miles do you live from hence? /(Nat.^+) nƒtahshemilesu@oo attanuppomantƒmun wutch yeuut./ A. I dont know. /(Np.) mat noowƒehte“oo./ Q. How far are you going? /(Nt.) uttoh unukku@hquat ne ay“an./ A. To Connecticut. /(Np.) ut Quinnehtukqut./ Q. When do you come back? /Nahkuttunnooh quishkem./ A. In a little time. /Ut tiahqui ahquompi./ P. You should not run about. the country; it is not good to be lazy or idle? /Mat wunnegonnnoh kuppum“shumat ut wuttohtim“no@iash; mat wunnagunnnìh nonogq[ush.]/ /* ^+ The abreviations /Nam./ and /Np./ stand for /Nampìham“onk,/ i.e. `Answer'; and /Nat./ and /Nt./ for /Natìtommuhteaonk,/ i.e. `Question'. Edit. */ <226> M. I want much to see my friends in those parts, and I hope that will excuse me, /Nukquenauehhik nauonat netomppaog ut yeush aiyeuongash kah nutan“ous woh noonommaianumit./ P. Nay, I beg your pardon for calling you idle? /Qut koowehquttumauish ahquontennu wutch nussu”nk kenono@gques./ A. I intend to mind my ***, when I come home. /Numiss”ntam nanauehteouu@n nìtamantamooonk peyau *** nekit. [p.101] Q. Who teaches you on Lords day? /Howan kukkuhkootumong ut ukkessukodtu@mut Lord./ A. A very good Indian. /Ahche wunnetoo@ˆ Indian./ Q. Do all the Indians come to meeting? /Sunwame Indiansog peyƒg ut m“ˆonga@nit./ A. No, some stay away. /Mat, n“whitche mat nogquissog./ Q. Do you want any books? /Sun qukquenauehkikumwawussoohqu***./ A. Yes, a certain new book. /Nux, ai„nne wuske wussookquohon***./ Q. Are you willing to be good? /Koowek”ntam woh koonetu@nat./ A. Yes, but I have a wicked heart. /Nux, qut nuttoht“ matchetoo@we metah./ P. You must pray to God to make it good? /Mos kuppoantamae God onk weh ì"neto”ahta@ui@nat./ Q. How often should I pray? /Noh toh tashe nuppeantam./ A. Pray always, that is, at all convenient times be ready to that duty. /Peantash nagwutteaˆ ut wame wunn“hteashaˆ ahquompi quoshwƒpish wutch ne noosoetamoo./ P. But I must work sometimes. /Qut m“s nuttanƒkous m“ma@nish./ M. Yes, so you must, but then you may lift up your heart to God. /Nux, ne woh kuttissen qut neit woh kuttashunum kuttah en Godut./ Q. Will you work for me a day or two? /Koowekontam kuttanunnah pasuk kesu@kkodasuh nes./ A. Yes; what will you give me? /Nux, tohkuttinonkquƒtah nen./ P. I will pay you honestly. I will satisfy you. I would have my garden digged. /Pish nont kuttonkwattou***. Pish kuttappenauwohhush. ***kodtantam nuttuttnohkteaon nokkuthumune./ [p.102] P. Have you any plants in it? Yes. /Sun ku@ttohtou ahƒhkehte mu@kik nƒut? Nux./ P. Let me shake you by the hand, and (I pray) tell me what news. /Unanumeh sogkiniteh„ne kentcheg, –sseh toh anit–nkquok./ A. I hear the French are much beaten, and that the Indians are discovered coming down upon us. /Nuttinìtam punachmonog sohttohwhok, kah Indiansog washa@og peyƒg kukquentunkquin“nog. <227> P. It is well they are discovered. /Ne wunnegen nag ne oow„shƒnnau./ Q. That is true. /Ne wunnomwƒonk./ P. But it may be I shall hinder you, if I stay any longer, /Qut ammiat tuh kootam ehhish toh neit kooche yeu app‰on./ Q. I am in haste, and want to be going. /Noowapƒntam kah nukkodtƒntam monchenat./ R. Well I wont detain you much longer. /“u, mat kootƒmehh‹nnook kooche wonk./ Q. Fare you well. /Nehunshshash,/ or /wunn‹ish./ R. Good night to you. /Wunnegen koononkquissinoo@onk./ R. Good morrow to you. /Wunnegen koowompan issinno@oonk,/ or /wequa@sinno@oonk./ Adverbs, Pronouns, &c. [p.103] Antiently, /Nukkonneyeuk./ Badly, /Match‰yeue./ Basely, /Mattohkomai „shsha./ Bitterly, /Wesogke@yeu./ Blindly, /Pogkinum“e./ Bountifully, /Missˆkin,/ or /musshimmechimue./ Brutishly, /Puppunashsh‹mwe./ Calmly, /“wwepinne./ Carefully, /Nannauant„mwe./ Chastly, /Maninissu@e./ Cheerfully, /Wekont„mwe./ Chiefly, /Nahnaneyo@ue./ Cleanlily, /Pahkeye@uˆ./ Clearly, more clearly, /Pahkee,/ /anue pohkiyeu./ A sting, /Chohkhhoo./ Commonly, /Wek”nche./ Contingently, /Neenwoncheyeu@e./ Covetously, /Nì“swe./ Craftily, cunningly, /Pogkodche,/ /kuhkena@ue./ Cruelly, /Uhquant„mwe./ Courteously, /Wom“su@e./ Daintily, /Wekontamweneunkquad./ Darkly, /Pohkinniye@ue./ Dearly beloved, /Mishshoadte womƒnukqssu./ Differently, /Mat nahnƒne./ Doubtfully, /Chanantamo@ee./ Earnestly, hastily, /Wapantamo@e./ Easily, /Nukkmme./ Effectually, /Menuhkesue./ Elegantly, /Wunnenonkqua@tte./ <228> Emptily, /Mohtchiy‰ue./ Enviously, /Iskonousse./ [p.104] Equally, /Tattuppeye@ue./ Especially, /Nahnaunne, nanpehyeu./ Eternally, /Michemohta@e./ Excessively, /Mìchekeye@uuk./ Fairly, /Pahkeyeu@e./ Faithfully, /Pƒpahtant„mwe./ Falsely, /Pannìw„e./ Famously, /Wunnegenne./ Filthily, /Matchiy‰ue./ Firmly, /Menukoht„e./ Fitly, /Tapiye@uˆ./ Foolishly, /Mattammagqwe./ Forcibly, /Chekew„e./ Formerly, /Chenohkommu@ˆ./ Freely, /Nannƒuwe./ Fruitfully, /Mishshumm‚chumme./ Fully, /Numwae, pƒshanne./ Generally, /Ut omog wame./ Gently, /Man‹nne./ Gladly, /Wekont„mwe./ Greatly, /Mishe./ Greedily, /Kogkeneunkqusse./ Guiltily, /Kesohk”adt„mwe./ Happily, /Wunniyeu@e./ Hardly, /Auohk”nche,/ or /siogkod./ Harshly, /Uhquompanumoadtu@onk./ Haughtily, /Petuanumo@oˆ./ From hence, /Wutch yeuu@t./ Highly, /Quinhque./ Holily, /Sampweseƒˆ./ Honestly, /Papahtawumukquisse./ How far, /Uttoh unnuhku@hquat./ Honourably, /Quittianumukquisse./ Humbly, /Maninusse./ Imperfectly, /Mat pahkeyee./ [p.105] Industriously, /Wouwuttoowussu@e./ Intirely, /Mamusseyeue./ Inwardly, /Unnƒmmiyˆue./ Joyfully, /Mishkouant„mwe./ Justly, ignorantly, /Sampwe,/ /assoote@./ Kindly, knowingly, /Wunneneehhuƒˆ,/ /wat„mwe./ Largely, /Papahchiye@ue./ Lastly, /Momachisheue./ Lately, /Pas”owe, m„jjshey‰ue./ Lazily, /Nƒnnogquesu@e./ Learnedly, /Nehtuhto@e./ Lightly, /Nonganne, meshanant„mwe./ <229> Loathsomely, /Jeshant„mwe./ Loosely, /Kukko”mwe./ Lustily, or lustfully, /Memohkesue,/ /matchekodtantamu@./ Manifestly, /Nahtitte@ae./ Meanly, /Meshanne, meshanant„mwe./ Meerly, /Wutcheye@uˆ./ Mercifully, /M”nanittea@e./ Mildly, /Ununƒnum“e./ Miserably, /Kuttumonkkeyeu@e./ Modestly, /Ogkodchu@e./ Nakedly, /Poshkisse./ Narrowly, /Nƒppiyeue./ Naughtily, /Matchen”qu„tˆ./ Nearly, /Pƒsoocheye@u‰./ Neatly, /Tappeneunkqu„tˆ./ Necessarily, /Quenauadte./ Newly, /Wuskeye@ue./ Nobly, /Kogkitt„mwe./ Obscurely, /Siogkode./ Oftentimes, /Moocheke ahquompiy‰uash./ Ordinarily, /Nonagwutteae./ Outwardly, /Woshkecheye@ue./ [p.106] More plainly, /Kooche papahkìwona./ Plainly, /Piuhsu@kk‚ye@ue./ Pleasantly, /Wekontamwutteƒhh„e./ Plentifully, /Moochekeye@ue./ Poorly, /Matchekko@oe/ Presently, immediately, /Teanuk,/ /teanooh,/ or /kenuppeye@ue./ Prettily, (any thing that makes laugh,) /Pissekkeye@u‰./ Privately, /Kemeyoˆ./ Prodigally, /Mìgkemogkoo‰./ Profanely, /Matchese„ˆ./ Profitably, /Wunomppamukquiss‰./ Properly, /Pƒpƒsununkqu„te./ Prosperously, /Wunuhkommi„^ˆ./ Proudly, /Petuanum“ˆ./ Publickly, /Pohqu„\‰, pohquaweyeue./ Purely, /Wunnegenne./ Quickly, /Te@anuk,/ or /kenppe./ Rarely, /Wunn”^htuh wunn‰gen./ Rashly, /Mat natwontamìe, chuhchukque./ Readily, /Quoshsh”ue./ Rebelliously, /Cheketƒmoeye@ue./ Resolutely, /Kesƒnum”ˆ./ Rightly, /Sampweye@ue./ Roughly, (a coat not soft,) /Koshkeye@ue./ Roundly, /Petukquiye@uˆ./ <230> Rudely, /Tohnoach‚ye@ue./ Sadly, /Kuttmung./ Safely, /Nƒnauwiy‰ue./ Saucily, /Aiuskeye@u‰./ Seasonably, /Wunne utto”che./ Secretly, /Kemey‰ue./ Seldom, /Chek‰we./ * * * * /Nanauƒnt„muwe./ [p.107] Severely, /Pogkodcheye@ue./ Shamelessly, /Mat ogkodchu@e./ Sharply, /Keniye@ue./ Shortly, /Ompetag, ompehchikquinogok./ Simply, since, /Assutu@e,/ /mahche./ Sincerely, /Metahhìwae, sumpwuttoohae./ Softly, /N¢“hke yeu@e./ Solemnly, /Quttocheyeuìash, nƒgna ossoowunum”ooonk kah kenauun yeu ossoowunum”oonk ut nahog piuhs[u]kkeyeu‹kish./ Soundly, /Pahkewunnegen./ Straightly, /Sampwesumogunn“su./ Strongly, /Menuhkesu@e./ Suddenly, the times, /Tiadcheye@ue,/ /ahquompiyeuash./ Surely, /Pogkodche nenit./ Sweetly, /Weko@nne./ Swiftly, /Kenupsh„e./ Tenderly, /Nahtwantamwe./ Terribly, /Unkquenenkque./ Thankfully, /Tapƒdtontumu@we./ Thinly, /Wuss„ppe./ Treacherously, /Wunnomppukohte@a./ Truly, /Wunumuhkute@yeu./ Vainly, /Tohnì"che./ Valiantly, /Kenompp„e./ Verily, /Wunnamuhkut./ Unsavourily, /Mat weekonnnnou./ Unwillingly, /Matwekont„mwe./ Usually, /Wameyeue, yoyatcheh./ Wantonly, playingly, /Pohpˆ./ Weakly, /Noochumwesu@ˆ/ Willingly, /Wekontamo@e./ Wholly, entirely /Mamu@ss‚ye@u‰./ Wickedly, /Matchese[ye]u‰./ Wildly, /Chatchepissu@e./ Wisely, /Waantamo@ey‰ue./ Wittily, /Wunnogkinniantam”e./ Wofully, /Uttae./ Wonderfully, worthily, /Mohchantamwe,/ /tappeneunkquissu@e./ <231> [p.107b] Wonderfully, /Mohchant„mwe./ Worthily, /Tappeunkquissu@e./ Wildly, /Chachepisu@e./ Pronouns. I, thou, /Nen,/ /ken./ He, him, /Noh,/ /nƒgum./ In him, /Ut noh./ We, us, /Nen„wun,/ /neanauun./ Ye, you, /Nek,/ /kenau./ They, them, /Nagumau, nag, nahog./ Those, these, /Yeug, yeush,/ /neeg./ Of him, or her, /Wutch nƒgum./ To him, or her, /Ut nƒgum./ From, or with him, /Wutch nashpe nagum./ Of them, or those, /Wutch nahog./ To them, to those, /Ut nahog,/ /ut yeug./ By, or with those, whose son, **** Vid. p.1. 2. ^(a) My, mine, /Nee,/ /nen./ Thy, thine, /Ne,/ /kittihe./ Whomsoever, /Howan ƒnantam./ Your, yours, /Yeu, kenau./ His, hers, /Noh, ne./ Whence, or whereby, /Nish nashpe, yeu nashpe, sing./ Our, ours, /Yeu, nenauun./ Not that (house), not that (man,) /Matta he,/ /matta no./ Which, that, /Uttuh yeu,/ /ne./ Thyself, himself, /Piuhsu@kke ken./ Himself, herself, /Piuh su@kke nagum./ Whose, /Howae, howƒwuttihe./ [p.107c] Ourselves, /Nuhhogkanonog./ Yourselves, /Kuhhogkawoog./ Themselves, /Wuhhogk„woh./ Yourself, /Kuhhog./ I myself, /Nen nuhkog./ You yourself, /Kenau kuhhogkawo@og./ He himself, &c. /Noh wehk”guh./ Their own, /Wunnehen wonche./ These men, which, which, pl. /Yeug,/ /uttiyeu,/ /uttiyeush./ This man, /Yeuoh./ This thing, /Yeu./ These things, /Yeush, nish./ Bring him with you when you come, /Passìuk noh wechekenau uttuh annooh peyauog./ Bring my coat, /Patauish nuppet***./ Beware of men, /Nunnukqussuos wosketomp./ /* ^(a) The pages here referred to are wanting in the Ms. Edit. */ <232> Beware of the sea, /Nunnukqussuontash kehtah./ The dog is cold, /Annum sonkquesu,/ or /quosquatchu./ The book is old, /Wussoohquohhonk sonkqui./ Come hither, /Peyau yeuut./ Command your man, and do the thing yourself, /Annoos kittinninnum, ussisk ne teag nehenwouheken./ To commit one man to another, /Ahtuhtooonat pasuk wosketomp en onkatoganit./ To commit a sin, /Ussenat teagwe matcheseonk./ Make him to know, /Noh wahtouwahinach./ Make me to know, /Nenwahtouwahinneach./ Make me rich, /Wenauekhinneach./ [p.107d] Victuals are ready, /Quoshwohta metsuonk./ I am ready to go, /Nuppahtis moncheenat./ How long have you stayed, /Nohkittinukìquetteam./ I will make you go if you wont, /Kuttiyumaush moncheenat, mat monchean./ Make him to know, /Wahteauwah./ Make us to know, /Wahteauwahinnean./ I will make thee to know, /Kìwahteauwƒhush./ Good, better, best, /Wunne, koche winnit, or wunnegen./ Greater, greatest, /Anue missi, nemossag./ ---, longest, /Nachuk, ane@qunnag./ Sweet, /Weekam./ Little, least, sweetest, /Peawe,/ /nanpehpeawag,/ /weehoh./ Most handsome, /An wunnissit./ All alone, another man, /Nonsiyeu,/ /onkatog woske./ Any man, any wood, /Nanwi woske,/ /nanwe wuttuhgunash./ Evil of sin, black man, /Machuk matcheseonk,/ /mooasue woske./ Evil of punishment, /Ne machuk sas unetahwhottuonk./ Black cloth, /Mì"ak monag./ An easy lesson, /Nukkumat k”kod nahtuh./ Easy tempered, /Nukkamme unnittoahhƒonk./ Empty of grace, /Mahchi wutch kitteamonte***./ A gentle cow, /Nanausue kouish./ He is gray before he is good, /Noh womppuhqua asq wawunitìk./ Much, more, most, /Moocheke, kooche./ Pale man, /Wompishkauonk wosketomp./ A pretty thing, /Pissehkinneunkquat ne teagwaj./ Their envy, /Wutiishkauoussuongannoo./ [p.108] /Wussukquo@hhonk wutch Indian./ Reverend Sir. It was so late when I came to Plimouth that night when you did look, I should have called, that I ventured to pass by you, hoping it would not much displease you, since it was a long time that I had bin from my place and family, yet I beg your pardon this time. I will be as good as my word; you shall see me next Monday night, if weather permit to travel with my family and I intend to tarry one day with you; weather has bin so bad I could not do what I had to do here. Speak a good word for me to Mr. Thomas, that he may not be much concerned about his money, for the Honourable Mr. Sewall doth intend to treat * * * about the debt. Your humble servant, * * * * * <233> Quohtianu@mit S“ntim, Nowutt£ppuhk”dtup ne payai Ompa„m ne n”hkok nuttau”mpƒm‰ohp woh nunnaua@tche peti@tteap, nukqutchete@aup kuppƒmkauu¤inat nuttan”os¡p woh mat mìche@ke kenochikkìun yeuwutche quinni ahquompi nateah nugk”dtum nuttiyeuonk, kah nutteashinninn‰onk, onch nìweqttum kuttahquontomonk yeu ahquompi, nont pish nutissen ne anìw ...mp pish kunn„weh wonk monoak, wun-nonkì@uk wunn¢hquok pummuittƒi@nat nutteashinninn‰onk, kukkod wet“mish pasuk kesu@kod; momattohquo@ttup newaj nìnnnnum uss‰nat ne koduseyeu ut unnì"wash wunn‰nuhkìw„onk en Sontim Thomas wutch nen woh mat wussaume wuttamantam””k wutch wutteagwash newutche quohtianumukqusse Sontim Sewall pish ìweogquttum„uon ne nohtuh quahwhitti‹onk: Agwappehtunkqu‰an Kittinni@nume. Jno. Nemumin. [p.109] Adverbs. Always, /Nagwutteae./ Abroad, again, /Touwissh„e,/ /wonkanet, onk, or wonk./ Alike, almost, /Tƒtu@ppeneu@nkquot,/ /omo@gpeh./ As though, /Onatuh, or ne„ne,/ Certainly, to day, ever, /Tohk“, mat chanantamo@e, yeu kesu@kod./ Even as, formerly, /Ne n‰ane,/ /chenohkommu./ A great way off, /Noadtit./ How, further, from hence, /Uttuh,/ /onk,/ /yeu wutch./ Here, ho holloo, ill, /Yeuut,/ /wohwatì@wau,/ /matche./ Hereafter, /Pishompe@tak pogkodche./ Indeed, lastly, /Neni m“mi@ches,/ /momachisheue./ Lately, learnedly, since, /Nateah, or kumma, or paswu, nehtuht”e/ Lo, little, /Kusseh,/ /ogkosse./ Moreover, mostly, /Nƒn“,/ /nanpehne./ Tomorrow, /Saup./ Much, more, /Mìche@ke,/ /kìche./ Namely, /Nahnane, wesuongane./ <234> Never, /Mat micheme, asnu@kqut, or matta nam kqut./ Not, no, not at all, /Mƒtta, mattnequt, ahque./ Now, /Yeuyeu, eyeu./ By no means, nigh, /Matta weh ne@nanìh passì"che./ Not only, /Matta webe, or webeyeue./ Perhaps, /Ammiat, pogquƒtche./ Rather, /Anue./ Scarcely, separately, /Awƒk“nche,/ /chippinneunkqussu@e./ Sometimes, so, /Neuh, moma@nish, nem‰hkuh, nenìhque, neƒneyeue./ Together, thence, /Moywe,/ /nauwitch./ Truly, then, /Wunnamkqut,/ /neit./ There, therein, thus, /Neku@s,/ /naut,/ /yeuunni./ Valiantly, to the uttermost, /Umukquomp„e,/ /panppe./ Unawares, very, /Tiadche, ahche, pehtuh,/ Why, whence, /Tohwaj,/ /tonnohwitch./ Whither, whether or no, /Tonnoh, tonno@hut sun ummatta./ Where, well, within, /Tonnoh,/ /winnit,/ /unnomi@yeu./ When, (every where,) /Ahquompag, nohhannì, or tohhunna, (nishonnut.)/. Yesterday, /Wunnonkou./ The day before yesterday, /Neesukquinogkod./ Yet, yea, well, /Nux,/ /wunnekin./ [p.110] Conjunctions. And, also; or, /Kah;/ /asuh./ Neither, either, /Mattane,/ /nanwe./ But, for, as, /Qut,/ /waj,/ /ne„ne./ For which cause, /Newaj./ Because if, /Newutche, tohn‰it./ Whilst, unless, /Asqhuttìche,/ /kittmma./ So that, /Ne ennih, or nemehkuh ne, waqui@nnìh./ Until, otherwise, /N“pajeh,/ /onkatoga@nit./ Besides, although, /Onkatuk onkne,/ /tokan”gque./ Therefore, inasmuch, /Newutche,/ /y“wutche,/ Yet, least, even, /Oneh,/ /ishkont,/ /naish,/ /Qut onch,/ sometimes is used, for but, because, yet so, but also, but even, nevertheless. Interjections. O brave, /Wunnahu@nneh, or wekohtea./ O dreadful, /Misshe unkqueneunkquat./ Fy upon it, /Konshake@nuh, or chah./ O, wo, /Quah, woi, unkquanu@mukquat./ Ah, /Oowe, wesomkuh./ <235> [p.111] Prepositions. Against, at, /Kodnu@shau, or ayeukauntu@e,/ /ut./ About, after, /Waene, wewe@ne,/ /nahohtoeu, or wuttate./ Among, above, /Kenugke, witche, waabe,/ Before, or in presence, /An„quabit, anaquabeog, pl./ I walked before his house, /Nuppomsham anaquohtagwek./ Be fore, /Quoshou@e, negonnummi@yeu./ Between, /Nash„ue./ Beneath, /Nanashou@e, agewe, or ohkiyeu./ Besides, nigh, /Kìtne, chonchippe, keeshkhe./ Behind, beyond, /Wuttat, or wuttommiyeu, unnuke onko@ue./ By, or through, /Nƒshpe, nashp‰ne./ For, from, /Wutche, nawutch,/ (from a town.) In into, /Ut, ut ne./ On this side, /Wuttoshimaiyeu./ On the further side, other end, /Ut onkowe, ohqu„e./ Of, out of his house, /Wutch, wekit./ Out of, /Wutche yeu./ To, towards, or that way, /En, nenogque./ This way, /Yeunogque./ Until, under, /Nƒpaj,/ /agqwe./ Upon, /Woskeche./ Without, /Matta nashpe, and matta wutche./ Without father, /Mat wuttooshe./ Without life, /Mat pomantamoo./ With, /Wutche./ Spoken of, ‰ viz. /Missahhamunash, q./ (i.e. nene,) 1707, /Wohkukqu“shin./ [p.112] When 2 or 3 O together, how to be pronounced? /Massachusett,/ an hill in the form of an arrow's head. /Nequt,/ a thing that is past. /Pasuk,/ a thing in being. /Wuske kiteh‹sshik kuhkootumwehteaonk nootamook wuttinnoowaonk God kah quaqu„shwek attumunumu@nat ne ansoohkwhosik ut Luk: 16, 26; at wohkukquoshik kuhkoo; eyeu kummahche nootamumwoo wanegig wuttinnoowaonk God atohneit menuhke nanauwehteauog nashpe ummonanitteaonk God pish koonanumitteamwoo micheme. Let us sing to the praise of God, Psal. 23. /Kuttìhumontuh en wawenomaonganit God./ [p.113] Sentences. /Kuttìongash./ 1. Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him when thou hast chosen. /Manu@nssish ut pepenaonat ketomp; qut an\e manunussish osìwunn”nat noh-hannì mahche pepena@uonche./ <236> 2. Let it not trouble thee that some others have lived longer than thyself; not the length of thy life but the goodness of it will render thee happy, (or is the measure of thy happiness.) /Ne wuttamehhukkì"kon nawhutche onkat“ggig seepeepomantamì"og neit ken; mat ne sahgteag kukkitteaonk qut wanegkuk, ne winnet pish kìniyeuont„mun (asuh ne quttì"honk wutch kìniyeonk.) 3. If thou hast lived well, thou hast lived long enough, if thou hast not lived well, thou hast lived too long. /Tohneit wunnetìe pomanta@man kusseeppee keteaonk tƒpi; tohneit mat wunnetì@e keteaan kìs”mee seeppee pomantƒm./ 4. Make not other men's sins thine by imitating them, nor thine, other men's by teaching them. Do nothing in which thou wouldst not be followed. /Ayimì"hikon onkatt”gig wosketompaog ummatcheseongash ken, nashpe musontamu@nat nesh, asuh ken onkat”gig wosketompaog nashpe kuhkìtumau”nat nish. Uss‰konteag utt‹yeu mat woh asuhkomì"an./ 5. Follow nothing of which thou canst not well justify the doing. /Assuhkomì"kon teag uitt‹yeu nooninman pap„nee sampwee nehtinneat usseonk./ 6. Measure not thy self by what men say of thee. They may mistake thee, and it is their sin not thine. /Quttìho@hkon kohhog nashpe toh„nukqu‰an wosketompaog; nag woh puhtantamì@og wutoh ken kah ne umatcheseong„nnì matta ken./ 7. Love nothing in this world too well, no, not thyself. Think the pleasure of this world either sins, or the occasions of them. /Wommoto@hkon teag ut yeu mutta@ohkeit wuss„mee mat matta kohkog. Mehquontash tapeneamìongash yeu mutta@oh keit, asuh matcheseongash asuh nish wƒchiyeuontamukish./ [p.114] 8. Do what thou art commanded, and dont make what others do the rule of your actions; never think it too soon to repent. /Ussish toh anee anoonumuk, kah matta toh aseeh‰ttit onkatt“gig; unnantamoohkon wussƒmee konupp‚yˆuì en aiuskoiantamu@nat./ 9. Reckon nothing which thou hast thine own, nor nothing which thou doest at thine own disposing. /Wunnompiskunnummì"kon teag utt‹yeu ƒhta@uan ken nehenwonchee; asuh teag utt‹yeu uss‰an ut ken nehen wonchee kuppiohquttumìong„nit./ 10. Good works and a good death will lead to a good place. /Wunnanukausuongash, kah wunnee nuppooonk ne woh ussooweehteommoo en wunne ayeuong„nit./ 11. It is an easier matter to give counsell, than to follow it. /Ne anu\‰e nukkmmat kogkohkoow”nat onk neit asuhkomu@nat;/ <237> Sometimes we have known men fall into the same sins that they have counselled against. /moma@nish nìwahe“mun wosketompƒog pen‹sshaog en ne matcheseong„nit ayeuuhko¤ne kenìtamwehhittit./ 12. And since thou must shortly dy, be afraid to sin, and to order thy sins as thou mayst not be afraid to dy, that thy sins do not bring to a worse death, and that this death may lead thee to a better life. /Kah nate nont paswee nuppìan, quohtash matches‰nat kah unnehteƒuwash kummatcheseonk ne„nee woh mat quohtamì@an nuppnnat ne ut kum matcheseongash ahque pas”oquish en nishkinneonkque nuppìong„nit kah ne yeu nuppì"onk woh kussogkompanu@kqun en wan‰guk keteaonk./ 13. Thou art sure to see an end of this life. /Pahkee kìwa@uoh nƒmu@nat wohk£kquoshik yeu keteaonk./ [p.115] 14. And to order thy estate and thy soul, in thy health, that when thou comest to dy, thou mayest have nothing to do but to dy. /Kah wunn‚hteauush kuttohtì"nk, kah kukkoteahogkau, ut kummi@nnehk‚sinneat ne toƒnoo nuppìonk peyont, woh matteag kutt‹ssu qut webe woh kunnup./ 15. Confess that the good which thou recievest is not for thine own sake; nor the good which thou doest, by thine own power; it is the mercy of God that moves him to do for us, and that inables us to do that which pleaseth him. /Samppì@wash ne wanegkuk utt‹yeu adtumunnu@man ne mat nehenwonche ken, asuh wanegkuk uttiyeu ass‰an ne matta nashpe nehenwonchee kummenekesonk; ne ukkuttummonteane@teaonk manit ne ontsape@hukquit kuttuss‰ane@shukqunnan”nut ne tap‰num wohqueog uss‰nat wauw‚eke@hheakon./ 16. Humour no man for his wealth; do nothing sinfully to please any. /Wauwehke”gish matta wosketomp wutche wuttahennetimuk teagua; uss‰kon matchese„e, wussikke@teah”nat nanwee./ 17. What thou wouldest do, do it for thine own soul, that thy death may be the beginning of thy happiness, and not the end of it. /Toh woh ass‰an, ussish wutch nehenwonche kukketeahogkau ne kenuppìonk wohut kuttisshin kìniyeonk matta woh ne ut woh kukquoshsh‹nnì./ 18. Spend not thy time in exhorting others to the keeping of the commandments, and break them thy self. Measure not thy goodness by another's want of it, /Mohti@shadtoo”hkon kuttohquomp‹yeum kuhkìtumau”nat onkat“gig nanaehti@nnat anìteamìongash, kah ken kuppooqunnumu@nash./ <238> nor measure thy want of goodness by others' store of it. /Matta kukqutoohhmoo kìnetu@onk nashpe onka@tog ukquenauwehhukqunnat, asuh quttìhammì"hkon kukquenauwehkooonk wanegkuk nashpe onka@tog wuttohtoong„nit./ 19. Think only the present time thine, for that which is past is none of thine; and that which is to come, it is a question whether ever it shall be thine. /Unnƒntash webe oghsee ahquempi ken newutche utt‹yeu pau@mushomìki matta ken; kah newoh peyaumì@uk ne chanantamì@onk sun pish ne ken./ 20. Evil works, and an evil death will lead to a bad place. /Matchee anakaussuongash kah matchee nup pooonk ussooehte”mì en matchit ayeuwonk„nit./ 21. When a virtuous action is done, if there be any difficulty or trouble in it, it is quickly past, but the pleasure is perpetual; /Uttuh„unìh wunn‰gen asuh misshoatt\e uss‰onk uss‰muk, tohneit sioyohk asuh wuttam‰tooonkannook neteanuk p„amshamì,/ but on the contrary, if there be any pleasure in a wicked action it is quickly gone, and the sting and trouble remain for ever. /qut ne wekontamìontamì@onk nagwutteaey‚uì qut osso@okqua tohneit nawekontamìonkannuk ut ne teagwe matchetìe usseonganit, ne teanuk mohtshau kah ne wutchohkhìw„onk kah wuttam‰tooontamì@onk ne michemo@hta./ 22. The greatest sin not allowed, or repented of, will not hurt you, but the least sin not repented of will ruin you for ever. /Ne mohsag matcheseonk mat wekontamìotamomuk asuh aiuskoiant„muk, mat kìwoshikkìan, qut ne pawam‰sik matchesìnk matta aiuskoiantamìan ne kuppƒgwannonk micheme./ [p.119] 23. It is pleasant to be virtuous and good, for that is the way to excell many others. It is pleasant to grow better, for that is the way to excell our selves, &c. /Wekontamooonkannu@ì waneginn\e wunnetui@nate ne mƒgì en anukau”nat mìnaog onkatogig. Wekontamìonkannu@oo kooche kah kooche wunneti@nat ne mƒgì anukau”nat nuhhogkan”nog./ /Nequt muttannonganog ne sasuk pasukìog kah nishwo./ 1708. [p.118] A Dialogue. How does your wife, or husband do? /Toh unnuppomƒntam kummittu@mwus asuh k„suk./ What is the matter that Indians very often no speak true? /Toh waj unnak Indiansog mìche@ke nompe matta sampwe unnoowoì"og./ <239> Have you bin at Squantam lately? /Sun Squantam kuppey“mus p„swe./ Do the souldiers go to Canada? No. /Sun aiyeuehteaenog aog Canada; matteag./ Then they will do no good, but a great deal of hurt. /Neit nag pish matta toh unn‚ wunnes‰og, qut mìcheke woskeu@ss‰og./ Yes they will put the country to a great deal of charge. /Nux, nag pish mishe ”adtehkontamwog wuttohke”ngash./ Is not the fleet come ashore yet? /Sun chuppìnƒog asq koppaemu@nnoo./ Do you think they will ever come? /Sun kuttenƒntam nash pish pey“mì@ash./ It may be not. /Ammiate matteag./ Very likely not. /Ahche ogqueneunkquat matteag./ I believe they are gone to Spain. /Nuttinantam nag monchuk en Spain./ Why do you remove from Natick? /Tohwaj ontoota„n wutche Natick./ You will get more money there than at Sandwich. /Woh kummoochke wutteht‹num teagwas nƒut onk Moskeehtu@kqut./ My family is sickly there. /Nutteashinni@nn‰onk wuttit mohchinnon„op./ And were they healthy at Sandwich? Yes. /Kah sun nag wunne pomantamwushanneg ut Moskeehtu@kqut. Nux./ Dont you owe a great deal of money there? /Sunnummatta kummishontukquahwhutte@oh nƒ utt./ Yes, but I hope to clear it quickly. /Nux, qut nuttann“os nuttapoadtehk“nat p„sw‰se./ What if they would put you in prison? /Toh woh unni kuppu@shagkinukqu‰an./ Then they will hurt themselves and me too. /Neit nag woh woskehheaog wuhhogk„uh kah nen wonk./ It is very cold to day. /Mooche@ke tohkoi yeu kesukod./ Almost I freeze my ears and fingers. /N„hen togqutt\‹nash nuhtau”gwash kah nuppoohkuhqu„nitch‰gat./ [p.119] Why dont you get a thick cap? /Tohwaj matta ahchuehteoì"ou kohpo@gkag kah onkquontu@pape./ Because I have no money. /Newutche matta nuttohtìo teagwash./ And why dont you work hard? /Kah tohwaj mat menukƒnƒkaus‰an./ So I would with all my heart, but I am sickly. /Ne woh nuttussen nashpe manu@sse nuttah, qut numm”mohtehu@nam./ <240> But it may be work will cure you, if you would leave off drinking too. /Qut ammiate woh anakausuonk kukketeo@hhuk, tohneit wonk ohksippamw‰an,/ I think you give good advice, but let me work for you. /Nuttinƒntam kuttinunmah wunne kogkahqutt\onk kìwehquttumauish unnanumeh kutanakausuehtauununat./ How many years old are you? /Noh kuttea@she kodtum w”hkom./ Eighteen; and how old is that boy, or girl. /Piog nishwosuk; kah toh unnukkoohquiyeu noh nonkomp kah nonksq./ Why do boys of that age run about, and do nothing. /Tohwaj nonkompaog ne anoohquiitcheg pumomasha”g, kah matteag usseog./ You had better let me have him, and I will learn him to write, and read. /An wunnegik kuttinninumiin kah pish nunnehtu@hpeh wussukqu@ohamu@nat kah ogketamu@nat./ He shall want for nothing, neither meat, drink, cloathing, or drubbing. /Noh matteag pish quenauehhikkì asuh metsuonk wuttattamìonk ogkìonk asuh sasamitahwhuttuonk./ Idleness is the root of much evil. /Nanompanissonk wutchappehk mìcheke machuk./ Do you come, or else send him tomorrow early. /Pasoo asuh nekonchhuash saup nompo„e./ Dont forget your promise. /Wanant”hkon kìnìwaonk./ I am glad to see you. /Nìwekontam ne kenauu@nun./ Where have you been this long time? Hunting. And what did you find? /Tonoh kìmmus yeu qunnohquompi? Adchƒnat. Kah teagwas kenamiteoh?/ A fox or two. /Wonkqu@ssis asuh nees./ I believe so; these drams will ruine Indians and English. /Nuttinant„mun; yeush nukquttikkupsash pish papukquanhukquno”ash Indians kah Chƒh[quog.]/ [p.120] A great deal of praise that Indian deserves that keeps himself sober. /Mooche@ke wowenotuonk noh Indian woh ahto nanauehh‰ont wuhhoguh maninniyeuong„nit./ I wish such an one would come and set down on my land, I would be kind to him as long as I have any thing. /Nƒpehnont neahhenissit peyont kah appit nuttohk‰it. Woh nooneunneh t“ sƒhke ahtou nanwe teag./ Why do you deceive me so often? /Tohwaj wunnompuhkoss‰an ne tohshit./ I am forced to be worse than my word. /Nunnamhit nummatchiteo nukkuttìonk./ I am in debt. To who? /Nuttinohtukqu„hwhut. Ut howaneg./ <241> To a great many and they force me to stay and work with them. /Ut monaog kah nag chekewe nukkogkanunkquog - anƒkausuehtau”nat./ If it be not very much I will pay it. /Tohneit matta wuss“m‰nìk kuttoadtehteani@sish./ I am ashamed to tell you much; it is above 40 pounds. /Nuttohkodch kmishamauununate neatahshik; papaumˆyeuoo yauinchake poundyeuoo./ O strange! But Indians are not to be trusted any more. /Mohchanitamwe! Qut Indiƒnog mat wonk woh unnohtu@kquohwh“un kooche./ So they say, and I dont care. /Ne unnì"won kah matta nuttintupantamì"un./ Your house smokes, and so do I smoke, when I can get Tobacco. /Kek pu@kkutt„o kah nen nuppukkuttohteam uttuh annìh wuttoohpoìmweonish./ Will you smoke it now? /Sun woh kìtam eyeu./ Yes, and thank you too. /Nux, kah kuttabot“mish wonk./ Why dont you ask for what you want? /Tohwaj matta wehquttumì"an uttuh yeu quenauehhikqu‰an./ Because I am afraid you will be angry. /Newutche nìwabis kummosquantamu@nat./ Be very free always when you come to my house. /Mìcheke nukk¢gkitt„mwem payoa‹nish nekit./ Well, what have you got for dinner? /Neit teagwa kuttohto wutch pohshƒqu“pì@onk./ Pray give me some drink. /Kìwehquttumauish wuttattamw‰he./ Very much I want old coat and stockings. /Nukquenaue@hhik nukkon”gkì kah mutt„sash./ Why dont you come and preach every day? /Tohwaj mat nonche kuhkìtumauw‰og nishnoh kesukod./ [p.121] Your father came oftener than you do. /Kìshi moochikit pey„pan onk ken./ Because my father have a great deal more than I. /Newutche nìshi mìcheke aht”ai onk nen./ I have five pounds less than others that dont preach so often. /Nunn”gkos ohtom napannat„she poundyeuash onk onkatogig matta neta@hshe kukkìtumwehteahitteg./ Pray what is the reason for that? /Kìwehquttumauish tohwaj ne u@nnag./ I cant tell. /Mat nìwahteooo./ Will you help us husk to night? /Sun woh kuppohkogquttanumiumin yeu nuhkon./ No, I am going to a wedding. /Mat, nutt“mwetauwat\ong„nit./ Who is to be married? /Howan tohqunithittit./ Who married them? /Howan wuttohqunitheh./ The Indian Justice. /Indiane Nanuunnua‰nin./ <242> [p.122] Q. How shall I learn Indian? /Uttuh woh nittinne nehtuhtaan Indianne unnontìwaonk./ A. By talking with Indians, and minding their words, and manner of pronouncing. /Nashpe keketookau„onk Indiansog kah kuhkin„sinneat ukkittooonka@nnì kah wuttinnohquatumooonka@nnì./ Q. Is not Indian a very hard language to learn? /Sun mat Indianne u@nnontìwaonk siogkod nehtuhtauu@nat./ A. Yes, tis very difficult to get their tone. /Nux, ne ahche siogomomu@kquat ohtauu@nat wuttinontìwaonkannì./ Q. What do you think about me, do you think I shall ever learn? /Toh kuttinantam wutche (papaume) nen, sun kuttinantam pish nunnehtuhtauun./ A. I am afraid not very well. /Nen nìwabes mat papaneyeue./ Q. Would it not be better to preach to the Indians in English? /Sun ummat ayn-wanegig kuhkìtumauonau Indiansog ut wadtohkì"ne 'nontìwaonkanit./ A. Yes, much better than to preach in broken Indian. /Nux, moocheke kìche wunnegen onk neit kuhkìtumauonat ut nannohtoohquatumooonk„nit./ Q. Can the Indians understand the most that I say? /Sun woh Indiansog wahtamwog uttuh annìwai asuh unnontìwai./ A. Sometimes they can, and sometimes they cant. /Mom„ni@sh woh watamwog kah momanish woh mat wahtamìwog./ Q. What is the reason for that? /Tohwaj ne u@nnage./ A. Because you have some of your fathers words, and he learnt Indian at Nope, ^(a) and because you dont put the tone in the right place. /Newutche kuttahto nawhutche ukkuttooonkash kooshi kah noh nehtuhtoup wuttinontoowaonkannooo Nope Indiansog, kah mat kukkuhkenau@we poonummì wuttinnuhquatumooonk„noo./ Q. Did your father study Indian at Nope? /Sun kooshi kod wahtamwus Indianne 'nontìwaonk ut Nope./ A. So I hear. /Ne nuttinnehtamunap./ And what is the difference between the language of the Island, and the main. /Kah uttuh unnuppenì@nat wuttinnontìwaonk ne munnohonk neit kohtohkomukìuk./ I cant tell, or dont know, only this I know, that these Indians dont understand every word of them Indians. /Mat woh nummissohhamìun asuh matta nìwahi@teo webe yeu noowahteauun yeug Indiansog mat wahtanooog uag Indiansog ut nishnoh kuttooonganit./ /* ^(a) The Indian name for the Island of Martha's Vineyard. Edit. */ <243> Pray tell me how to pronounce Indian right. /Nìwehquttum misso@hhamunat samp-wohquatumunat Indian./ I will do what I can about it. /Uttuh annoohque tapenum nuttissen./ Well, friend, I am sorry you are going away, but I hope it will be for the best. /Netomp nunnooantam asuh kunnousk”sseh nekummoncheonk, qut nuttann“os neanwanegig wutche ken./ I wish you may do and receive good where you are going, and I wish you a good journey. /Napehnont ussean kah attumunuman uttuh ayoan, napehnont wanegig kuppumwi@shaonk./ And I hope you will keep your self soberly and Christianly. /Kah nuttannoous pish kummaninnis kah Christiane kenanaueh kuhhog./ Try to keep your selves from those vices to which Indians are given, and which will bring the wrath of God and men upon you, viz. drunkenness, falseness, idleness, and theft, &c. /Qutch‚htau@ish kenanauehheo@n kuhhog wutche yeush Indiansog womantamwehhitticheh ne woh patonkque@an ummosquantamooonk God kah wosketompaog kenuhkukkonqu@nat, nahnane, kogkesippamoonk, assookekodteamooonk, nanompanissuonk, kumootooonk./ And God be with you, and bless you. Amen. /Kah God wetomu@kquish kah wunnanumkquish. Amen./ <244> APPENDIX. A FEW remarks have been already made, in the advertisement to this Vocabulary, upon the pronunciation of the Indian dialect contained in it. But while the proof sheets were under the editor's correction, and it thus became necessary to attend with minuteness to the syllabic divisions of the Indian words, he frequently experienced great difficulty in deciding where those divisions should be made. He therefore had recourse to an Indian Primer, which is believed to be one of those originally published by Eliot, and afterwards printed with the Catechism entitled `Spiritual Milk for Babes,' written by John Cotton, the grandfather of the author of this Vocabulary. This Primer contains numerous examples of Indian words, properly divided into syllables, as in our English spelling-books. These were found of essential service in understanding the orthography adopted by Eliot and Cotton; and it has been thought that they would make a useful addition to the present publication. They are accordingly subjoined. With the same view are also added different examples of the Lord's Prayer, in which the variations of orthography will deserve attention. The Editor has, upon the suggestion of his learned and respected friend, the Hon. Judge Davis, also annexed an entire Sermon, in English and Indian, written by the author of this vocabulary; and an Extract from one written by the same author, but accompanied with an Indian translation in the handwriting of his father, John Cotton. These will serve, at the same time, as specimens of composition in the language and of the style of preaching used in addressing Indian congregations of that period. In a note accompanying the Sermons, Judge Davis remarks: "According to a statement made by the Rev. Josiah Cotton, the number of adult praying indians, in 1703, in the county of Plymouth, was one hundred and three; their several places of residence were Kitteaumut, (Monument Ponds), and Jones' River, in Plymouth, Mattakees, in Pembroke, and at Titicut and Pachade, in Middleborough." To an account of his missionary services, among these people, in 1709 and 1710, Mr. Cotton subjoins the following note,--"In all 36 sermons, besides preaching several sermons in English, (which some of them understand better than the best Indian,) and besides hiring an Indian and paying him, to preach amongst them." <245> APPENDIX. Examples from the Indian Primer. /Wuttinnoowaongash pasuk Syllableseonk asuh Chadchaubenumooonk,/ --Words of one Syllable or Division. an Christ Lord keep asq God onch toh en kod onk woh mo moskq oosh ut mos mat koosh us may neen noosh yau na keen qut yeu ne nag pish qush nees kooch wage yeug nish noh week nah nux kah wonk wutch /Kuttoowongash neese Syllablesooooash asuh Chadchubenumooongash,/ --Words of two Syllables or Divisions. Ah-que Ahque Ah-tukq Ahtukq Ayn-woh Aynwoh A-num Anum A-nogqs Anogqs As-quam Asquam Ag-we Agwe Cha-gua Chagua Ke-suk Kesuk Mat-ta Matta Meh-tugk Mehtugk Mi-she Mishe Me-nutch Menutch Me-noot Menoot Na-gum Nagum Ne-pauz Nepauz Ne-qut Nequt Ne-wage Newage /Kuttoowongash nishwe Syllablesooooash asuh Chadchaubenumooongash,/ --Words of three Syllables or Divisions. A-nogq-sog Anogqsog A-nu-e Anue Muk-ki-ese Mukkiese Mat-che-tou Matchetou Ne-a-ne Neane Na-pan-na Napanna Ne-sau-suk Nesausuk O-na-tuh Onatuh <246> On-ka-tog Onkatog Pas-goo-gun Pasgoogun Punk-a-paug Punkapaug So-ka-non Sokanon Squont-a-mut Squontamut Ti-ad-che Tiadche Wad-chu-ash Wadchuash Wos-ke-tomp Wosketomp Yo-wut-che Yowutche Ke-suk-qut Kesukqut /Kuttoowongash yaue Syllablesooooash,/--Words of four Syllables. A-nin-noo-onk Aninnooonk Aus-kon-tu-onk Auskontuonk Mat-che-se-onk Matcheseonk Mit-tam-wos-sis Mittamwossis Oo-we-su-onk Oowesuonk Pan-noo-wa-onk Pannoowaonk Se-phau-su-onk Sephausuonk Wa-be-su-onk Wabesuonk We-nau-we-tu Wenauwetu /Kuttoowongash napanna tahshe Syllablesooooash,/--Words of five Syllables. An-no-o-su-onk Annoosuonk Ah-quon-ta-mo-onk Ahquontamoonk Che-pi-oh-ko-muk Chepiohkomuk Ke-too-ho-ma-onk Ketoohomaonk Pan-ne-us-se-onk Panneusseonk Po-man-ta-mo-onk Pomantamoonk Wa-an-ta-mo-onk Waantamoonk We-kon-ta-mo-onk Wekontamoonk /Kuttoowongash nequtta tahshe Syllablesooooash,/--Words of six Syllables. An-noo-te-a-moo-onk Annooteamooonk Ish-kau-a-nit-tu-onk Ishkauanittuonk Mo-na-nit-te-a-onk Monanitteaonk Nish-ke-neunk-qus-su-onk Og-que-neunk-qus-su-onk Pit-tu-a-num-oo-onk Pittuanumooonk Se-ke-ne-au-su-onk Sekeneausuonk /Kuttoowongash nesausuk tashe Syllablesooooash asuh Chadchaubenumoooonk,/ --Words of seven Syllables or Divisions, I-a-che-won-ta-moo-onk Kog-ke-is-sip-pa-moo-onk Kuh-koo-tom-weh-te-a-onk Wun-na-muh-kut-te-yeu-uk <247> /Kuttoowongash swosuk tahshe Syllablesash asuh Chadchaubenumooash /--Words of eight Syllables or Divisions. Meh-quon-tam-wut-te-a-haonk Um-mat-che-kod-tan-ta-moo-onk Wun-nau-mo-na-ko-nit-tu-onk. /Kuttoowongash pasgoogun tahshe Syllablesash asuh Chadchaubenumooongash,/ --Words of nine Syllables or Parts. Num-meh-quon-tam-wut-te-a-ha-onk Num-mus-que-nit-ta-moo-on-ga-nun Nus-soh sum-moo-on-ga-nun-no-nash Nut-tin-noo-wa-on-ga-nun-no-nash Noo-wa-be-su-on-ga-nun-no-nash Nus-seep-hau-su-on-ga-nun-no-nash /Kuttoowongash piogq tahshe Syllablesash asuh Chadchaubenumooongash,/ --Words of ten Syllables or Parts. Noo-wad-cha-nit-tu-on-ga-nun-no-nash Noo-we-nau-we-tu-on-ga-nun-no-nash Noo-we-to-mu-wa-on-ga-nun-no-nash Noo-wa-an-tam-oo-on-ga-nun-no-nash /Kuttoowongash nab nequt tahshe Syllablesash asuh Chadchaubenumooongash,/ --Words of eleven Syllables or parts. Nup-peh-tu-a-num-moo-on-ga-nun-no-nash Nun-nish-ke-neunk-qus-su-on-ga-nun-no-nash Num-mo-na-ne-te-a-on-ga-nun-no-nash Nut-og-que-neunk-qus-su-on-ga-nun-no-nash /Kuttoowongash naboneese Syllablesooooash asuh Chadchaubenumooongash,/ --Words of twelve Syllables or Parts. Nut-ai-us-koi-an-ta-moo-on-ga-nun-no-nash Noo-wun-na-na-won-ta-moo-on-ga-nun-no-nash Nuk-kog-ke-is-sip-pa-moo-on-ga-nun-no-nash Nuk-kuh-koo-tom-weh-te-a-on-ga-nun-no-nash Nut-i-a-che-won-ta-moo-on-ga-nun-no-nash Noo-nau-mo-nah-ko-nit-tu-on-ga-nun-no-nash Num-mat-che-kod-tan-ta-moo-on-ga-nun-no-nash /Kuttoowongash nabo nishwe Syllablesooooash asuh Chadchaubenumooongash,/ --Words of thirteen Syllables or Parts. Num-meh-quon-tam-wut-te-a-ha-on-ga-nun-no-nash /Kuttoowongash nabo napanna tahshe Syllablesuash asa Chadchaubenumooooash,/ --Words of fifteen Syllables or Parts. Nuk-kit-te-a-mon-te-a-nit-te-a-on-ga-nun-no-nash <248> THE LORD'S PRAYER. From Eliot's Bible. Matth. vi.9. From Eliot's Bible. Luke xi.2. (Edit. of 1680.) Nìshun kesukqut, quttianatamunach Nìshun kesukqut, quttianatamunch kìwesuonk. Peyaumìutch kìwesuonk, kukketassìtam¢onk kukketassìtam¢onk, peyaumìutch, kuttenantamooonk kuttenantam¢onk ne n nach ohkeit ne naj neyane neane kesukqut. Nummeetsuongash kesukqut kah ohkeit. Assamaiinnean asekˆsukokish assamainnean kokokesukodae nutasesukokke ^* yeuyeu kesukok. Kah petukqunneg. Kah ahquoantamaiinnean nummatcheseongash, ahquoantamaiinnean nummatcheseonganonash, neane matchenehukqueagig newutche nenawun nutahquontam¢unnonog. wonk nutahquoantamauounnonog Ahque sagkompagunaiinnean nishnoh pasuk nìnamontukquohwhonan, en qutchhuaonganit, webe kaki ahque pohquohwussinnean wutch sagkompaginnean en qutthehettuonganit, matchitut. Newutche kutahtauun qut pohquawussinnean ketassìtam¢onk, kah menuhkesuonk, wutch matchitut. kah sohsum¢onk micheme. Amen. From the Indian Primer. From the Indian Primer, p.26. (Edit. of 1720, p.13.) (Matth. vi.9.) Nooshun kesukqut quittianatamunach Nooshun kesukqut quttianatamunach koowesuonk, peyaumooutch koowesuonk, peyaumooutch kukketassootamooonk; kukketassootamooonk kuttenantamooonk; ne ennage kuttenantamooonk ne ennach ohkeit neane kesukqut. Nummeetsuongash ohkeit neane kesukqut. Nummeetsuongash asekesukokish asekesukokish assaminneane yeuyeu kesukok. assamainnean yeuyeu kesukok. Kah ahquontamaiinneeane nummatcheseongash Kah ahquontamaiinnean nummatcheseongash neane matchenukqueageeg neane matchenehikquegeeg nutahquontamauounnonog. nutahquontamauounonog. Ahque sagkompaginninnean Ahque sagkompagunniinnean en qutchishonganit, en qutchhuwaonganit, qut pohquohwussinean qut pohquohwussinnan wutch matchitut; newutche kutahtauun wutch matchitut. Newutche ketassootamooonk, kah kutahtauun ketassootamoonk kah menuhkesuonk, kah sohsumooonk menuhkesuonk, kah sohsumooonk micheme. Amen. micheme. Amen. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. From the Indian Primer. Quest. How many are the Nat. /Tohshinash Naumatuongash commands? God?/ Ans. Ten. Namp. /Piogquodtosh./ /* ^* An error of the press for /nutasekesukokke/, as it stands in the edit. of 1661. Edit. */ <249> Quest. What is the first? Nat. /Chagua negonnohtag?/ Answ. Thou shalt have no oth[er] gods before me. Namp. /Ummanittoomehkon onkatogeeg manittooog ut anaquabeh./ Quest. What is the second Commandment? Nat. /Uttiyeu nahohtoeu Anooteamooonk?/ Answ. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven Image, &c. Namp. /Ayimauuhkon kuhhog nunneukontunk, &c./ Quest. What is the third Commandment? Nat. /Uttiyeu nishwe Anooteamooonk?/ Answ. Take thou not the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Namp. /Neemunoohkon oowesuonk Jehovah Kummanittoom tahnooche./ Quest. What is the fourth Commandment? Nat. /Uttiyeu yaue Anooteamooonk?/ Answ. Remember the Sabbath day thou must keep holy. Namp. /Mehquontash Sabbath day woh kuppahketeauun./ Quest. What is the fifth Commandment? Nat. /Uttiyeu napanna tahshe Anooteamooonk?/ Answ. Honour thy father and mother, that thou mayest long live in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Namp. /Quttianum koosh kah kookas, onk woh kussepe pomantam ut kuttohkeit uttiyeu Jehovah Kummanittoom aninnumunkquean./ Quest. What is the sixth Commandment? Nat. /Uttiyeu nequtta tahshe Anooteamooonk?/ Answ. Thou shalt do no murder. Namp. /Nusheteohkon./ Quest. What is the seventh Commandment? Nat. /Uttiyeu nesausuk tahshe Anooteamooonk?/ Answ. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Namp. /Mamusehkon./ Quest. What is the eighth Commandment? Nat. /Uttiyeu swosuk tahshe Anooteamooonk?/ Answ. Do not thou steal. Namp. /Kommootohkon./ Quest. What is the ninth Commandment? Nat. /Uttiyeu pasgoogun tahshe Anooteamooonk?/ Answ. Falsely witness thou not against thy neighbour. Namp. /Pannoowae wauwaonuhkon ketatteamunk./ Quest. What is the tenth Commandment? Nat. /Uttiyeu piogque Anooteamooonk?/ Answ. Thou shalt not covet. Namp. /Ahchewontogkon./ A Sermon preached by Josiah Cotton (author of the preceding Vocabulary) to the Massachusetts Indians, in 1710. From the original manuscript. ACTS xvii.30. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent. Doctrine. IT is the plain and absolute command of God that all men and women should repent of their sins. <250> /Kuhkìtumwehhaonk. Yeu pahke wuttannìteamìonk God onk woh wame wosketompaog, kah mittumwussissog nont woh aiuskoiantamwog ummatcheseonganìoash./ Here you may ask this question, What is repentance, or what is meant by this word repentance? /Woh yeu kenattìtumwehkonau yeu nattootumwehteaonk, Teag aiuskoiantamooonk, asuh toh nauwuttamì yeu kuttooonk aiuskoiantamooonk./ I answer thus, repentance is a grace of the holy spirit of God wrought in the heart of a sinner, whereby he being filled with shame and sorrow for his former sins doth resolve to forsake them, and turn to God, and to become a new man. /Yeu nunnampoohumooonk, Aiuskoiantamooonk nekus nashauanittìe kitteamonteanittuonk God, anakausumoonk ut wuttohut matcheseaenin ne nashpe niskontog kah numwappehtunkqut ogkohtchooonk, kah nuantamooonk wutche nukkonne ummatcheseongash wonk mohtantog nont nunnuhkotumunash kah nukquinnuppem en Godut, kah nooshkosketompa./ I would make this more plain and easy: to your understandings, and therefore, consider these things which must be in that man that truly repents of his sins. /Woh yeu nuppahkettumu@nnah, kah woh nunnukkumehteaunah en kìwohtamooongannì, newutche natwontamog nish woh appehtunkqu@tcheh wosketomp noh wunaumuhkut aiuskoiantog ummatcheseongash./ 1. A man must be convinced of his sin, or else he cannot truly repent of it. (1) /Wosketomp nont woh uppogkodchumukqun ummatcheseonk asuh woh matta pahke aiuskoiantammì./ Now it is the work of Gods spirit to convince a man of sin. /Eyeu yeu wutanakausuonk wunnetupantamwe wunnashauanittooonoh God woh uppogkodchumon wosketomp ummatcheseonk./ Christ sayes his spirit shall convince and reprove for sin, by making him to see what a wicked thing sin is. /Christ unnìau nunnashƒnit pish pogkodchumau kah wutchumau wosketompoh ummatcheseonk pish pohquetum: John xvi. 8./ And makes him to see that for his sin he deserves to burn in hell forever. /Wunnoshaunittooonoh God uppogkodchumukqun wosketomp wutche matcheseonk wunnohtunkqun uttoh en matchetooe teagquassinyeu matcheseonk onk wunnohtankqun wutche ummatcheseonk tumohhìwau chikossuonkut chepiohkomukqut micheme./ Time was when the sinner could see no harm in the ways of sin. /Ahqaompiyeuop neadt matcheseaenin matta naumoop woskehhuwaonkut matcheseae mayut./ <251> But now he comes to see that he must be damned for sin, unless Christ will pardon it; /Qut eyeu n„um nont nooche pish awakompenam nummatcheseonk tohneit Christ mat ahquontamok:/ when God comes to work a change upon mans heart, he shows him that all evil in this world comes because of sin. /God anakausit ut kahpenìeehteog wuttuh wosketomp neit wunnohtinnoh wame machuk yeuut muttaohkeit peyamì webe nashpe matcheseonk./ And all evil in hell comes because of sin. /Kah wame machuk ut chepiohkomukqut pegamì webe nashpe matcheseonk./ The poor soul must come to see that he deserves the wrath of God for ever. /Kittumungke keteahogkau mos naum nont nuttumhooam ne ummìsquantamìonk God micheme./ He has lived without prayer and has committed abundance of sin, and it affrights him to think how great a sinner he hath bin. /Onk pomantam sepeohquompi qut mat nuppeantamì kah wuttussen monƒtash matcheseongash kah wutchepshanu@kqun mehquantamunat uttuhunnohque missi nummatchetìonk./ Now the sinner must be brought to see, and be convinced of his sins, or else he will never repent of them and turn from them. /Eyeu matcheseaenin nont pasoowau naumunat kah pohompottamunat ummatcheseonk, asuh mat woh nequt aiuskoiantammì kah quinuppehtamìunash./ 2. When a man truly repents he must not only see his sins to be very great, but he must also be very sorry for them. 2 Cor. vii.10. Isaiah lvii.15. (2) /Wosketomp panuppe aiuskoiantog matta webe naumì ummatcheseongash missiyeuash qut wonk missi nìantam wutche nish. 2 Cor. vii.10. Isaj. lvii.15./ When a man comes to consider how great a sinner he has b¡n, it pricks him at the heart, and makes him much sorry, so it was with them that Peter preached unto. Acts ii.37. /Uttoh adt wosketomp natwontog ummishe matcheseaennuonk nat noh wutche ohˆyeu ukkonukkehtohhukqun ut wuttahut kah ne mìcheke nanantamhukqunneaunagkup missinninuk Peter kuhkìtumauompah, Acts ii.37./ Wickedness now seems bitter, how sweet soever it had bin before. /Matchetooonk eyeu wesogkomomukquat toganogque wehonup negonne./ The sinner now sees that he has bin running away from God. /Matcheseaenin eyeu pohkompo@ttamkusseh nunnanukkonn”mus God./ That he has abused God's mercy, that he has cast off Jesus Christ, that he deserves to be destroyed, and this makes him very sorry. /Onk naum matta tohhentupantamì"mus ummonaneteaonk God, onk naum kusseh nuppapogken”mus Jesus Christ, onk naum kusseh nuttaphum pagquanittuonk onk yeu wuttiymonkqun missi nìantamìonk./ <252> 3. He that would truly repent of sin, must confess his sins; he, that would obtain mercy from God must confess his sins. 1 John i.9.3. /Noh kod pahke aiuskoiantog matcheseonk weh samppooau ummatcheseongash; noh kodtantog wuttattumunumunat monaneteaonk wutche Godut nont woh sampìau ummatcheseongash. 1 Ep.John i.9./ He must own him self to be a sinner and a great sinner. He must judge and condem himself for his sin. He must earnestly beg of God to pardon his sins. /Nont weh samppooaonoh wuhhoguh nont nummatchetum kah nen missi matcheseaenin. Nont woh wussumau kah pohkodchumau wuhhoguh wutche matcheseonk;/ If we have sinned against God or have done any wrong to man, we should freely make confession of it. /onk weh menuhke wehquttumauau Godoh onk woh ahquontamauo ummatcheseongash, tohneit matchenehog God asuh wosketomp nont woh hohpooe kussamppoowontamunan. xx. G. ****./ 4. He that would repent of sin, must also forsake all sins. Isah. lv.7. Prov. xxviii.13. 4. /Noh kodtantog aiuskoiantamunat ummatcheseonk nont woh nukkodtum wame matcheseonk. Isaj. lv.7. Prov. xxviii.13./ We must not only forsake sin for a little time, for one month or one year, but we must resolve that we will forsake sin for ever and ever. /Matta kenukkottumoo@mun matcheseonk oggosohquompi pasuk nepaz asuh pasuk kodtummìqut nont weh kummahtantamumun nont kenukkottumu@mun matcheseonk micheme kah micheme./ Some men when they are sick will promise to forsake sin, but when they are well, they will be worse than they were before; now such do not truly repent of sin, for if they did they would hate sin when they are well, as they did when they were sick. /Nawutch wosketompaog mahchinnahittit wunnìwaog nunnukkodtum matcheseonk qut quenau keteahittit anue matchetooog onk negonne, neƒnesitcheg matta pahke aiuskoiantamooog ummatcheseonkannì, tohneit panuppe aiuskoiantamhittit woh jishantamog matcheseonk ut oonekekonnaout, netatuppe onk ut mahchinn“nat./ 5. He that truly repents of sin, must not only turn from sin, but he must also turn unto God and resolve to walk in Gods ways, and to obey his word as God shall help him. 5. /Noh pannuppe aiuskoiantog ummatcheseonk matta woh webe, nukkodtumì matcheseonk qut onk quinnuppe en Godut kah kesantam nont nuppumsham God ummayut kah noswehtamunat wuttinanchemìkaonk God uttoh an tappunnumwohhukqut./ <253> Sin carrys the soul away from God; repentance brings back the soul unto God again. Isah. lv.2. /Matcheseonk ƒm„nau keteahogkau wutche Godut, qut aiuskoiantamìonk quehchìwu@nna keteahogkau en Godut wonk. Isaj. lv.7./ Thus we hear what repentance is, and the text tells us, and so do many other texts in the bible, that God commands and requires all men every where to repent. /Yeu kuttinne nìtamunan aiuskoiantamìonk neaunag onk, Yeu queenshitteonk kìwotumonkqunan, onk monatash quenshitteonkash ut Bibleut God annìteamì kah nuttauompamau wame wosketompaog nishnohut onk woh aiuskoiantamwog./ And now let us make some use of this text. /Kah eyeu auwohteatuh yeu kuhkìtumwehteaonk./ Use 1. Let us pray to God to send us his holy spirit to convince us of our sins, and to make us see how great sinners we be; for if we do not see and repent of our sins we shall be damned in hell fire for ever. /1. Auwohteaonk. Peantamauontuh God onk woh annìnau ìnetupantamwe wunnashauanittìmoh onk woh kuppog kodchimukqun wutche matcheseonk, onk woh kenaumumun nont missi kummatchetumun;/ God remembers all our sins though we have forgot them, and he will punish us if we do not repent. /tohneit mat naumoog kah aiuskoiantamooog nummatcheseonganunnonash pish kuttauakompanamun chepiohkomukqut micheme. God mehquantam wame kummatcheseonganunnonash toganogque wanantamog, kah pish kuttattumunumohhukqun tohneit mat aiuskoiantog./ And if we will now repent of our sins, God will pardon them, for Christ died to procure a pardon for repenting sinners. /Tohneit eyeu aiuskontamog kummatcheseonganunnonash God pish kutahquontamongqun, newutche Christ nuppoo onk woh aiuskoiantomoe matcheseaenuog ahtoog ahquontamoadtuonk./ 2 U. Let us be very sorry for our sins: blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. /2 Auwoh. Mishe nuantamuttuh wutche nummatcheseonganunnonash unnanumoog nag mooog, newutche pish miskouantamwaheoog. Matt. v.4./ 3. Let us be willing to confess our sins before God and man; if we do not, our case is sad. Psalm xxxiii. 5. /3. Wekontamuttuh sampooon kuhmatcheseonganunnonash anaquabit God kah wosketompaog, tohneit mat yeu usseog kuttinniyeuonganit matchit. Psal. xxxii. 5./ <254> 4. Let us resolve to forsake all our sins. Sin is a very great grief to God, and will undo our poor souls; O then dont let us love it. 4. /Nont nukkottumuttuh wame kummatcheseonganunnonash. Matcheseonk ne ummuttae nooh‹kqun God, onk ne papequanteomì keteahogkau, woi ahque ne womantamuttuh./ 5. Let us walk in God's way, obey his word, pray unto him for mercy and grace, and he will give us Christ here, and glory for ever. 5. /Ponishatuh ummayit God, nìswehtamuttuh wuttinnonchemohaonk, peantamauontuh wutche monanteaonk kah kitteamonteanitteaonk onk woh kuttinumongquu Christ yeuut kah sohsumooonk micheme nahohtoeu./ And now, to conclude, let us all make haste to repent of our sins and turn from them, and to turn to our good God, and then Jesus Christ will take away all our sins, and God will love us, and bless us, and do us good, and when we have finished a short life in this world he will take us up to heaven where we shall live for ever without sin, and without sorrow. Amen. /Kah eyeu maiish teanuk aiuskoiantamuttuh kummatcheseonganunnonash, kah nukkottumuttuh nish onk quinnuppetuh en Godut noh wunnetoog, neit Jesus Christ pish ƒmm„num wame matcheseonk kah God kìwƒmanu@kqun kah kìnanukqun kah kìne@nehh‹kqun onk mahtshonk yeu pomantamìonk yeuut muttaohkeet pish kenemunukqun en kesukqut micheme, adt pish pomantamog mat naumìun matcheseonk asuh nuantamìonk. Amen./ Extracts from a Sermon in English and Indian; the English part being in the hand-writing of Josiah Cotton, and the Indian in that of his father, John Cotton. I shall therefore from the words of my text, speak to you about death and judgment. /Yen wutche yeush kuttooongash ut nukquenshittnka@nit kukkenoonumwoo papaume nuppooonk kah wussittumooonk./ Which are very terrible things, and that that you ought to get for.[sic] /Uttuh nish unkquenunkqohish teagwa@ sinnukish, kah woh kukquashwemwoo wutche./ The truths or divisions contained in my text are these. /Wunn”mwa@onkash nish ahtagish ut nukquenshittunkanit yeushog./ 1. That God, the governour of the world, has appointed that men dy once. /1. God noh nanauunuk mattaohk mahtche kuhquttum wosktompaog pasukqut nuppunat./ 2. That after men are dead he will judge them. /2. Mahche wosketompaog nuppehhittit noh nah pish oosumuk./ <255> If men have lived well and soberly, then God will appoint them to happiness; if men have lived wickedly, then God will make them perfectly miserable. But, [sic] /Tohneit wosketompaog wunne kah maninnessue pomantamwehhittit, neit God pish nah ukkehteumuh en wunniyeuonganit, tohneit wosketompaog matchetooe pomantamwehhittit, neit God pish nah wuttiaymauuh wunnumuhkutte@y‰ue kittumongke@yuen./ 1. Dn. Death is the separation of the soul from the body. When the soul goes out, or departs from the body then the man is dead. /Nuppooonk ne chadchapehtauadtuonk keteahogkau wutch muhhogatt keteahogkau sohhogish asuh am„ehtogish muhhog, neit wosketomp nuppoo./ Now no man can hinder this separation; whensoever death comes all men must dy, high and low, rich and poor, the greatest sachem and the meanest persons. He that lives longest must dy at last. Thus Methuselah, that lived almost a thousand years, yet died at last. Gen. v.27, Ps. xlix.7,9. No man can save himself from death, or his brother. /Yeuyeu matta wosketomp tapenumoo wuttamehtauunat yeu chadchapeht”adtuonk uttuh annooh peyant nuppooonk wame wosketompaog mos nuppooog, quanonkquissitchegtioh quonkquissitcheg wenauetog matcheteaog masukkenukig sontim”og kah kuttumungke missinninnuog noh sepe pomantog mos nuppoo momaiish, yeu unnih Methuselah pomantogup omog nequtte muttannunkanne kodtumwae onch nupapan ut miish. Gen. v.27. Ps. xlix.7,9. Na matta wosketompanooh noh woh pohquohwhunont wuhhoguh wutch nuppooonganit yuh wematah./ Your forefathers, and our forefathers are dead, and therefore experience teaches us that we must also dy. Zech. i.5. No man can live forever till he has once dyed. /Negonne kooshoowog kah negonne nooshunn”nuk mahche nuppuk kah newutche wahtunteaonk nukkukkootumunkqunan mos nunnupmunn„nukuh. Zech. i.5. Wosketomp matta woh micheme pomantamooh napaj mahche pasukqut nuppuk./ Sickness, war, old age, and many other things make men dy. /Mahchinnaongash quent”adtuongash mohtantamooonk kah m”n„ash onkatoganish teagwasinish waj wosketompaog nuppehhittit./ So that very few attain to be 100 years old, thus sayes Moses. Ps. xc.10. /Nemehkuh a@ne ogkoss„oog nequt pasukk”o‰ kodtumwohogig yeu wussinneah Moses. Ps. xc.10./ All men must dy, or else be changed, and that is all one death. <256> /Wame wosketompaog mos nuppooog, asuh ossooweog kah ne yaneyeuoo nuppooonganit./ But here the question is, Why must all men dy? /Qut yeu nattootumwehteaonk tohwaj nuppehhittit wame wosketompog./ Ans. 1. All men must dy because they have sinned. /Namp.1. Wame wosketompaog mos nuppooog newutche nag matcheseupanneg./ Thus God threatened Adam and all his children, that if he sinned then they should dy, i.e. if he eat the forbidden fruit. Gen. ii.17. Rom. v.12. and vi.23. /Yeu en God quokquohtomau Adamoh kah wame wunnechannoh, tohneit mattchesehittit nag pish nuppooog, tohneit mechuk quahtinnittimuk mechummonk. Gen. ii.17. Rom. v.12. vi.23./ And hence it is, that little children that never actually sinned like Adam, must dy, because their first father sinned, and they in him. Rom. v.12,14. that is, infants or children. But, /Kah yeuwutche pewe mukkoiesog asquam uss‰„e matchesehhitteg neane Adam, mos nuppooog, newutche negonne ooshshoooh matchese kah nag ut nagum. Rom. v.12,14./ 2. Good men as well as bad must dy, that they may get to Heaven, for in this world they be not perfectly happy, nay oftentimes are very much afflicted. /2. Wunnetooe wosketompaog neane matchetooe mos nuppooog onk woh nag pey„uog kesukqut newutche yeu ut mutt„ohkeit nag matta pannuppe wunni‰og nag monatash ahquompiyeuash wuttamehpunnaog./ God therefore has appointed that they should dy, that so they may be free from sin and misery, and may be brought to heaven, where is fullness of joy. /God newaj ukkehteumuh en nuppo@nat onk woh nag chippeyeuooog wutch matchesonganit kah onkquan umooonganit kah woh paso@o”ogkesukqut ne ahtak p„shanne mishkquantamooonk./ All the afflictions of this life should put us in mind of death, which will come sooner or later, though we cant tell when, and therefore we should always watch and be ready. /Wame wuttamehpunnaongash ut yeu pom„ntamooonganit woh nummehquantamhikqunan nun nuppooonganun uttuh yeu pish payomoo uk kenuppe asuh quohque tokanogque mat noowahteo”onan uttuh nnooh kah newaj woh nagwutteae askoohwheteaog kah quoshwappeog./ After men dy they shall be judged. /Mahche wosketompaog nuppehhittitnag pish wussumoog./ As all men must dy so all men must be judged. /Neane wame wosketompaog mos nuppehhittit neane wame wosketompaog mos wussumoog./ <257> It is appointed for men to dy, no man nor person whatsoever shall escape the judgment of God. /Kuhquttohhe watch wosketompaog en nupunat kah na matta wosketomp asuh howan noh woh pohquohhog oosittumooonk God./  And this judgment shall be either private or publick, either immediately after every man's death, or at the last day. As soon as ever a man dyes his spirit or soul goes to God, and he orders whether it shall be happy or miserable, as in the forementioned, Luke xvi. /Kah yeu wussuttumooonk pish kemeyeu asuh pish pohqua‰yeu, pish teanuk quenau mahche nupuk nishnoh wosketomp asuh ut mo\sh ne kesukok quenau uttuh annooh wosketomp nuppukish, wunnaushaonk asuh ukketeahogkaunoh moncheoh en God ut kah noh oonohteanumauh, oonieninneat asuh ukkittimunkkeyeuenneat neane ut negonummishamooonganit ut Luke xvi./ But the general and open judgment shall be at the last day. Acts xvii.31. /Qut mamusse kah pohquaak wussittumooonk nupish unnih ut m”ma@\sh ne kesukok. Acts xvii.31./ Christ shall be the judge, for to him all power is given. And all men shall be brought before him and be judged. 2 Cor. v.10. /Christ noh pish wussuttum newutche noh unumauop wame menuhkesuonk, kah wame wosketompaog mos pasoo”og anaquabit wussumonat. 2 Cor. v.10./ And then all the world shall know how often we have bin drunk, how often we have broken Gods sabbath, how often we have stole and lyed and how many times we have bin guilty of any other sin. And not only shall wicked mens be revealed, but good mens actions shall be revealed to their very great joy and comfort. /Kah neit pish wame muttaohe wahteoog nishnoh nukkogkesupamooongmun nish noh nuppoohqunumo”onganun God wussabbathomash, nishnoh nukkummootooonganun kah nuppannoounonganun kah nishnoh ahquompi adt keskoadtamonus ononkatogish matcheseongash kah matta webe matchetooe wosketompaog wuttisseongannoo wahteoo”unqut wonk wunnetooe wosketompaog wuttusseonganoo pish wahtouwahhumen nash ummishkauantamo”onga@nnoo kah tapheaongannoo./ For Christ as he is God knows all things and he will make known what we are, whether we have bin sincerely good or hypocriticall; or openly wicked. Eccles. xii.14. /Newutche Christ noh God yeait noh wah tunk wame teagwasinish, noh pish, wahtouwahhuau uttuh anusseog uttuh en wunnumuhkut wunnatooog asuhaiantog koiyeu‰og asuh pohqua‰ matchtooog. Eccles. xii.14./