ûL ©1705. Hatchets.ª /*****************************************************************/ /* Pilling 223a; Evans 1214 */ /* Copy text: NYPL, Readex microfiche. */ /* */ /* End-of-line hyphenation removed. */ /* Italicized portions between braces/curly brackets, where */ /* possibly significant. */ /* (Line initial) letters not reproduced fully are indicated as */ /* partly conjectural with (square) brackets. */ /* Paragraphs separated by double EOL sequence (a blank line) in */ /* lieu of indentation. */ /* Blank lines of copy text indicated by triple EOL sequence. */ /* */ /* Quotations on pp.1-2 are from Rom.13.4 and Rom.13.3, slightly */ /* modified to bring The Magistrate onto the scene. */ /*****************************************************************/ <1> The Hatchets, to hew down the Tree of Sin, which bears the Fruit of Death. OR, The LAWS, by which the Magistrates are to punish Offences, among the {Indians}, as well as among the {English}. Togkunkash, tummethamunate Matcheseongane mehtug, ne meechumuoo Nuppooonk. ASUH, Wunnaumatuongash, nish nashpe Nananuacheeg kusnunt sasamatahamwog matchesongash ut kenugke {Indiansog} netatupe onk ut kenugke {Englishmansog}. (asuh chohkquog.) THe LAWS are now to be declared, O Indians, that you may {Hear and Fear, [a]nd no more do Wickedly.} The Word of God sayes, {Rulers are a Terror [to] Evil Works}: And, {The Magistrate is the Mi[n]ister of God unto thee for Good}. O Indians, If you do Evil, you must be a[fr]aid of these Punishments from the {Magistrate}. WUnnaumatuongash yeuyeu noowahteauwahuwam, woj kenaau Indiansog! {Nootamook, [w]abesegk, kah matta wong ussek matchesonk}. Wussin Wittinnowaonk God, {Nananuacheeg [m]atta wabewehteauoog wutch ne wanegik, qut wutch <2> ne machuk:} Kah {Nananuwaen n nih Wittinneumoh God wutche ken, wutche wanegek}. Woi kenaau Indiansog, aseog ne machuk, wabesek yeush Onkapunaongash {wutche Nananuwaenuut}. I. If any Man wilfully Blaspheme the Holy Name of God; Father, Son, or Holy Ghost; or deny or reproach the true God, His Creation or Government of the World; or Deny, or Reproach the Holy Word of God, in the Old or New Testament: The Magistrate may Either Imprison him (not more than Six Months,) until he find Sureties for the Good Behaviour; Or he may set him in the Pillory, or Scourge him, or bore him thro' the Tongue with a Red Hot Iron; or set him on the Gallows with a Rope about his Neck. It must be done, at the Discretion of the Court of Assize. I. Howan wekontamoe Blasphemuaont (asuh kehkomau) wunneetupanatamwe oowesuonk God, Wutooshimau, Wunnaumoniin, asuh Wunneetupanatamwe Nashauanit, asuh Howan kohkonnoowau asuh kehkomau wunnamuhkutee God, Ukkeztauonk asuh oowunnanawunnumooonk Muttaok; asuh howan kohkonnoowau asuh kehkomau wunnetupanatamwe wuttinnoowaonk God ut nukkone kah wusku Testament. Nananawaen woh asuh ukkuppishagkinouh (matta moochke onk netqutta tahsuoh nepausoh) <3> no pajeh namehteau Quoshomunishuaeninuoh wutche wunneniyeuonk; asuh woh upponamouh ut Pillory; asuh woh wuttattagkomouh; asuh poahkussohham weenan weeche nashpunnae (asuh chikohtagkee) missechuog; asuh woh upponamouh kehchequabenittimuk weeche pemeneahtinash ut uppuhkukqut. Yeu mos asemuk, nashpe kehcheiyeue wussittumwaenuh. II. If any Man Swear or Curse Profanely. The Magistrate must either Fine him Five Shillings; Or set him in the Stocks, (not more than Two Hours.) If any Man do that wicked thing over again, at the same time, in the hearing of the same witnesses. The Magistrate must Fine him Twelve-pence for every Oath after the first: Or, set him in the Stocks Three Hours. II. Howan chadchekeyeuit asuh matchinae ma[t]anumont nishkeneunkque: Noh Nananawaen pish wutayimauouh oadtehteauunate napannatahsuash Shillingsash; asuh pish upponamouh ut Stocksut [] matta anue onk neesinash Hoursash. Howan wonk usseit yeu matchseae teag, ne [n]an ahquompiyeumut, kah ne nan wauwaenuog wunnootamuneau; neit Nananawaen pish wutayimauouh oadtehteauunate piuk kah neesinash ompskotash wutche nishnoh chadchekeyouonk mahche negonnae; asuh pish upponaumouh ut Stocksut 'swinash Hoursash. <4> III. If any Man be Drunk; The Magistrate must Fine him Five Shllings, to the use of the poor of the Town: Or, Set him in the Stocks; (not more than Three Hours.) If that Man be Drunk again; the Magistrate must punish him after the like manner over again; and also make him lie in Gaol, till he find Sureties bound in Ten Pounds, for the Mans good Behaviour. Or scourge him, not more than Ten Stripes.) And if an Indian have any Strong Drink in his custody, (except Cyder made of the Fruit of their own growth,) the Drink shall be seized for the poor of the Town. And the Indian examined before a Justice. And the Englishman that sells the Strong Drink to the Indian, shall be Fined Forty Shillings for every Pint. III. Noh Kogkeissipam. Nananawaen pish wutayimauouh oadtehteauunate napanna tahshinash Shillingsash wutche auwohteaonk neg kuttumungeyeuog ne ut otanit; asuh pish upponamouh ut Stocksut (matta anue onk swinash Hoursash.) Tohneit ne nan Wosketomp kogkeissipam wonk neit Nananawaenin pish wutonkapunouh wonk neane negonne, kah moocheke pish oowadchanumouh ut ahhut kuppishagkinittimuk no pajeh namehteau Quoshomunishuaeninnuoh ut piuk poundtuo[o]ash wutche wunneniyeuonk; Asuh pish wuttattagkomouh (matta anue onk piuk tattogkodtuongash.) <5> Kah Howan Indian ohtog menuhki wuttattamoonk tohneit matta Cyderoo ayimuk wutch nehenwonche ummeechumuongash (asuh Applesash) Yeu wuttattamooonk ne ohtunk ne pish amaunumuon wutche auwohteaonk ukkuttumungeyeuog ne ut otanit: kah yeuoh Indianoh pish natootomauau nashpe nananawaenuh: Kah yeuoh Englishman noh magou ne menuhki Wuttattamoonk en Indianut, pish oadtohteau yauinchag Shillingsash wutche nishnoh uppinteum. IV. If any Man profane the Lords-Day, by Work or Play. Magistrate is to Fine him Five Shillings; or to set him in the Socks, or put him in the Cage; (not more than Three Hours,) or Imprison him Twenty Four Hours, or Scourge him; (not more than Ten Stripes.) IV. Howan nishketeadt Sabbathdayik (ukkesukodteum Nussontimomum Jesus Christ) nashpe Anakausuonk asuh nashpe pohmpooonk. Nananawaen pish wutayimauouh oadtehteauunate napanna Shillingsash; asuh pish upponamouh ut Stocksut, asuh pish upponamouh ut Cageut matta anue qunniyeuoouk onk swinash Hoursash) asuh pish ukkuppishagkinouh neesnechag kah yaue Hoursash asuh pish wuttattagkomouh matta moochke onk piuk tattagkodtuongash.) V. If any Man be Riotous, and break the Peace; or utter Threatening Speeches. <6> The Magistrate must commit him unto Prison, till he find sureties for his good Behaviour; and take away his Weapons. And if any Man break the peace, by Striking; The Magistrate must fine him; (not more than Twenty Shilings:) and make him come under a Bond with sureties for the Peace. Or, the Magistrate may bind him over to answer it at the next Sessions of the Peace. Or, the Magistrate may set him in the Stocks, or put him in the Cage, (not more than three Hours,) or, he may Imprison him Twenty Four Hours; or he may Scourge him, (not more than Ten Stripes.) V. Noh ayik wogkoueonk kah pohkshadtunk wunohteaonk, asuh quogquohtoadt. Nananawaen pish ukkuppishagkinouh no pajeh namehteau Quoshomunishuaeninuoh wutche wunneniyeuonk kah pish amaunum wuttogkodteg asuh wutauwohteaongash. Kah Howan pohkshadtunk wunnohteaonk nashpe Togkomuwaongash: Nananawaen pish wutayimauouh oadtehteauunate (matta moochke onk neesnechag Shillingsash) kah namehteauunate Quoshomunishuaeninnuoh wutche wunneniyeuonk. Asuh Nananawaenin pish neemun Quoshomunishuaeninnuoh onk pish nampooham wutche yeu matcheseonk ut anaquabit moeuwehkomonk Justicesesog wutche ne County. Asuh Nananawaen pish upponamouh ut Stocksut, asuh ut Cageut (matta anue qunniyeuoouk <7> onk swinash Hoursash) asuh pish ukkuppishagkinouh neesnechag kah yaue Hoursash: asuh pish wuttattagkomouh (matta moochke onk piuk tattagkodtuongash. VI. The Punishment of Murder, shall be DEATH. VI. Onkapunaonk wutche Nusheteaonk pish Nuppooonk. VII. To conceal the Birth of a Bastard Child, and endeavour to conceal the Death of it, (whether it were born dead or no,) is a Crime that will be Punished with Death. (Except the Mother can make proof, by one Witness at least, that the Child was born really Dead.) VII. Adtautauunate wunnekuonk Nanwetu kah adtahtauunate Nanwetu nuppooonk (Sun neekit napuk asuh matta) ne Matcheseonk kah Wutonkapunaonk, pish Nuppooonk (tohneit ohkasoh matta tapenumoo pohquttumunate nashpe pasuk Wauwaenuh, wunneechanoh wunamuhkuttee neekit napuk.) VIII. A Rape shall be Punished with Death. VIII. Wosketomp menuhkenont kah wehpamont mittamwussissoh pish nuppoo. IX. Buggery shall be Punished with Death. <8> IX. Wosketompt noh wehpamont puppinashimwoh, noh pish wunamuhkut nushau. X. To have Two Husbands, or Two Wives, (Except where the Husband and Wife have been absent for three Years, and have not heard of one another; or, expect there has been a lawful Divorce:) It shall be Punished with Death. X. Noh ohtog neese wessukoooh, kah noh ohtog neese ummittamwossoh (toh neit matta ahquompi wessukiin, kah ummittamwossis matta moappeog (asuh moahettit) wutche nishwe kodtumwae kogkodtumwae; asuh tohneit matta ohtoooog pogkenittue wussukwhonk neaunak naumatuonk) pish onkapunauau weeche Nuppooonk. XI. If any Man be found a Bed with another Mans Wife, they shall both of them, be severely Scourged: (not more than Thirty Stripes.) Except it appear that one party were meerly surprized. And then the Punishment of that party shall be Abated. XI. Howan Wosketomp namhit ut kouwee wutapineat weeche ummittamwussissit noh wusso, naneeswe yeug pish menuhki sasamatawhoog (matta moochke onk swinchag tattagkodtuongash: qut tohneit pasuk matta wekontamoe netatuppe kouwe[u], neit yeuoh matta pish onkapunauau. <9> XII. Adultery being proved before the Justices of Assize, the Man and Woman shall sit on the Gallows an Hour, with a Rope about their Neck. And in the way from thence to the Gaol, they shall be Scourged, (not more than Forty Stripes.) And they shall wear a Letter, {A.} Sewed on their upper Garments on the Back or Arm, in open View. And as often as they appear without it, they shall be Scourged Fifteen Stripes. XII. Mamussuonk pohquttumuk ut anaquabhettit kechiyeue Wussittumwaenuog, naneeswe wosketomp kah mittumwossis pish mattapuog ut ahhut kehchquabinittimuk pasuk Hour, weeche pemehnehahtinash ut uppuhkukooout: kah ut ummayut pomushauog wutch kehchequanittimuk en kuppishagkinaekomukqut pish sasamatawhook (matta moochkeonk yauinchag tattogkodtuongash.) Kah pish ohtoog wulletereum, {A}. tog[k]ugquomuk ut waabe wuthogkooonganooout, asuh ut uppusquanooout asuh ut wuhpittenoowout, ut wunnaumunaout onkatogeeg. Kah uttoh tohshit nompe papaumshaog wanne yeu wullettereum, {A}. pish sasamatawhoog piuk kah napanna tattagkodtuongash. XIII. Incest, or the Marriage of People too near a kin, (by the Law of God, in the Eightteenth Chapter of {Leviticus},) is to be punished, like Adultery; and the marriage to be declared null. <10> And if the people afterwards converse together as Man and Wife, or continue to dwell in the same House, it shall be punished like Adultery. XIII. Noh weetauomont pasootauwmoncheh (neane wussukwhosik ut piuk kah swosuk Chapterut Leviticus) pish onkapunauau netatuppe Mamussuonk: kah weetauwadtuonk matta tohhentuppanoo. Kah tohneit yeug missinninnuog weetauoog neane wessukiin kah ummittamwossis; asuh tohneit nagwutteanumwog moae ayineat ne nan wetuomut, yeu Matcheseonk pish onkapunauau neane Mamussuonk. XIV. Fornication ! must be Punished, either with a Fine (not more than Five Pounds;) or, with Scourging; (not more then Ten Stripes.) XIV. Nanwunoodsquawonk pish onkapunauau, asuh weeche wuttoadtuhkonaonk matta moochkeonk napanna uppoundtuooash) asuh weeche sasamatawhuttuonk (matta moochke onk piuk tattagkodtuongash. XV. If any Man Steal, he shall pay Three Times the value to the owner. Or, make satisfaction by Service, for such a Term, as the Court shall assign. <11> And he shall be either Fined, (not more [t]han Five Pounds;) or Scourged; (not more [t]han Twenty Stripes.) XV. Kommootowaen pish oadtuhkau (asuh [n]ompenumau) nishwe tahshu; asuh mos [t]aphumun nashpe wuttinneumunneunk wutche ahquompiyeum ne Justiseseog pish annooteamwog. Kah Kommootowaen asuh pish oadtuhkau matta moochke onk napanna Poundtuooash; asuh pish wussasamatawhoouh matta moochke onk neesnechag tattagkodtuongash.) XVI. If any Man break Open any House, Barn, Shop, or Vessel, to Steal; or, if he Rob, in the Field, or on the high-way, he shall be Branded, and pay Threefold Damages. If he do so a Second Time, he shall sit on the Gallows, an Hour, with a Rope about his Neck. And be severely Scourged; (not more than Thirty Nine Stripes.) And pay Treble Damages. If he do so a Third Time, he shall be put to Death. XVI. Howan pukquonteadt asuh wetu, asuh upbarnkomuk asuh upshopkomuk, asuh kuhtoonogq, kommootinate; asuh noh mukkookinnuwaenuit, asuh ohteahkonit, asuh ut mayut, <12> yeuoh pish manuhkiswut, (asuh kuhkinneausuonk ponamut) nashpe ksompishkittae moowohshog: kah pish oadtehteau nishwe tahshe. Tohneit yeuoh wonk nahohtoeu netatuppe ussu, neit pish mattappu ut kehchequabinittimuk pasuk Hour weeche pemeneahtinash ut uppuhkukqut; kah pish menuhki wussasamatowhouh matta moochke onk swinchag kah paskoogun tattagkodtuongash) kah pish oadtehteau nishwe tahshe. Tohneit yeuoh wonk nishwe nompe natatupppe usseit, pish nushau. XVII. If any Man receive Stolen Goods, from Servants, or Suspicious persons, he shall Restore and Forfeit the value over and above. And he shall double the value, where any part of the Stolen Goods has been made away. Or, else he shall be openly Scourged, (not more than Twenty Stripes.) XVII. Howan attumunont kommootomukish ummaumachiyeush wutche wuttineumunneunk aut wutche neg ogquanumutcheg Kommootowaenuog, yeuoh pish quishkinumau yeush ummaumachiyeuash kah uttoh anoadtik pish wonk oadtehteau: kah pish neesit piskeu oadtehteau, tohneit howane chippai nish kommootomukish ummaumachiyeuash <13> mahtsheau: asuh yeuoh pish woskeche wussasamatawhouh matta moochke onk neesnechag tattagkodtuongash. XVIII. If any Man Diminish or Counterfeit Money, he shall be set in the Pillory, by the space of an Hour. XVIII. Noh nonkoneheadt asuh eiyantukeiyeuadt Mony, Nananawaen pish upponamouh ut Pillory pasuk Hour. XIX. If any Man Publish a Lye, to defame or damage any Person, or make or spread false News, to Abuse and Deceive others: he shall be Fined, (not more than Twenty Shillings:) and find Sureties for his Good Behaviour. Or, he shall be set in the Stocks, (not more than Three Hours:) Or, he shall be Scourged, at the Discretion of the Justices. XIX. Howan wahteauwahuadt pannoowaonk mamishanumunate (asuh nukkehkomunate) asuh woskeheonate howane; asuh howan ayik asuh keketookau pannoowaongash asookekomunate onkatogkeeg, pish oadtehteau, (matta moochke onk neesnechag Shillingsash) kah pish namehteau Quoshomunishuaeninnuoh wutche wunneniyeuonk: asuh Nananawaen pish upponamouh ut Stocksut <14> (matta anue quinniyeuook onk nishwe Hoursash) asuh Justisesog pish wussasamatawhouh neaunak oowaantamoonk. XX. Rogues, Vagabonds, common Beggars, Lewd, Idle, Disorderly Persons, Stubborn Servants and Children, Wanton Persons, and such as provide not for their Families; Shall be sent to the House of Correction. --------------------------------------------- O Indians, Now you know the Laws, be- ware of Transgressing them. And, if Sin be thus Punished by the Magistrate, Consider what a terrible and Eternal Punishment, you will bring upon your selves from the hand of the Infinite GOD, if you Sin against Him. Consider, and make this Prayer unto God, {Lord, Pardon all my Sin, for the Sake of Jesus Christ, and, Lord, Preserve me, that I may not Sin against thee, and that I may not walk in the Pathes of the Destroyer.} XX. Kogkeompaenuog, Nanwaenuog, sasegenamwe wenshaenuog, nishkehkitcheg, mamuttanussue wuttinneumuneunk kah cheketamwe mukkiesog, nanwunoodsquaacheeg kah howan matta quoshauwehtamoog yeuh ut nehenwonche wekit, yeug kah neyanesitcheg pish ponamoog ut sasamatahoowaekomukqut. <15> Woi kenaau Indiansog! yeuyeukoowahte[o]mwoo Wunnaumatuongash, ahque panne[s]ehtamook. Newajeh Matcheseonk netatup[p]e onkapunauau nashpe Nananawaenuh, Natwontamook toh unkqueneunkque kah miche[m]ohtae onkapunaonk pish kuppaudtunk menutcheg matwohkukquoshinooe God, nagwutteanuman matchesenate ayeuuhkone Godoh. Natwontamook kah netatuppe peantamook Godoh, Woj Lord! {Ahquontamau wame nummatcheseongash newutche Jesus Christ;} kah, {woj Lord, wadchaneh onk matta woh nummatchesem ayeuuhkone kenaumatuonk kah onk matta woh nuppapomusham wutch mayut paguanuaenin.} ------------------------------------ BOSTON: Printed by {B. Green.} 1705. ------------------------------------