ûL ©1625 Rosier. Word listª /***********************************************************/ /* Hakluytus Pvsthumus or Purchas his pilgrimes. 1625. */ /* part IV, p. 1667, lines 15-42. */ /* Copy text: Early English Books, reel 973-B. */ /* Relineated, with one entry to a line (roughly). */ /* For a modern edition and "A preliminary analysis" */ /* by Philip L. Barbour, see Quinn, David B., and Alison */ /* M. Quinn. (eds.) 1983. The English New England voyages */ /* 1602-1606. London: The Hakluyt Society. */ /***********************************************************/ {Words which I learned of the} Sauages, {in their Language}. Sunne or Moone, {Kesus}. Cod-fish, {Biskeiore}. A fish with hornes, {Manedo}. Lobster, {Shoggah}. Rock-fish, {Shagatocke}. Cockle-fish, {Hesucke}. Muskell, {Shoorocke}. Cunner-fish, {Tattaucke}. Crabbe, {Wussorasha}. Porpoise, {Muscopeiuck}. Plaise, {Anego}. Tortoise, {Romcaneeke}. Pease, {Vshcomono}. Tobacco, {Tomoch}. A leafe, {Mebeere}. A weed, {Cashterush}. A Firre tree, {Seteock}. A stone, {Nabscurr}. A Bowe, {Shoanor}. An Arrow, {Tobood}. Barke of a tree, {Mashquere}. Water, {Shamogoon}. Sand, {Cheemuck}. Crowe, {Cagagoose}. Haire, {Messer} or {Meris}. A beard, {Nicowur}. A Beare, {Rogsoo}. Beauer, {Paneah}. Otter, {Nymemano}. Rat, {Sanuke}. Polcat, {Pocamka}. Cat, {Pushuck}. Fallow Deere, {Coribo}. Hogge, {Madoso}. Red Deere, {Moosurr}. Tkey tell vs of other beasts, which they call, {Tasquus}, {Pisho}, {Narsim}. Teeth, {Ibider}. A hand and finger, {Breecke}. A Naile of the hand, {Cushe}. A legge, {Codd}. A foot, {Musseete}. Plum-tree, {Epsegan}. Strawberry, {Pishoa}. Gooseberry, {Shewanor}. Cherry tree, {Espegononino}. Corant tree, {Asheemena}. Rashberrie, {Kiskeemy}. A lippe, {Metoan}. Fire, {Squida}. The maine Land, {Bemoquiducke}. Sea, {Shoubbe}. Father, {Wado}. Sonne, {Vsto}. Wane of the Sea, {Toboogg}. Pitch and Tallow, {Poco}. Wilde Rose, {Minusheck}. Birch, {Pasquar}. Sword, {Edagawancke}. Mountaine, {Machoucke}. Winde, {Puckchawsen}. Bloud, {Pagƒgocun}. Red Paint, {Woroman}. Blacke Paint, {Cogosho}. A Dogge, {Remoose}. A Ship or Boat, {Quiden}. An Oare, {Wuttohoganor}. A Garnepo Fly, {Chussuah}. Bread, {Paune}. Raine, {Soogoran}. A nose, {Peech-ten}. An Axe or Hatchet, {Tomaheegon}. A Knife, {Quodogon}. Oake, {Askabesse}. White Bone, whereof they haue Chaines, Girdles, Bracelets, {Speesone}. The Cheeke, {Canoah}. A Shirt or Coat, {Tenoganuke}. The Chinne, {Queh}. An Eye, {Sheesuck}. Eylid, {Momon}. Forehead, {Scottoquah}. An Eare, {Fawwucke}. A fish-hooke, {Makeecon}. A Rainbow, {Shomogon}. The Names of their chiefe Gouernours, whom they call {Sagomoh}. 1. {Bashabez}. 2. {Abatuckquishe}. 3. {Bdahanedo}, one of them we haue. 4. {Abokeesussick}. 5. {Shurokinit}. 6. {Psaheno}. 7. {Mentoelmet}. 8. {Ageemohuck}. 9. {Mawermet}. 10. {Chanacoboin}. 11. {Amilquin}. 12. {Muasacoromoneete}. These dwell vpon the Maine, and weare an ornament of white bone vpon their head; and Chaines, and Bracelets, and Girdles, and haue their skinne garments laced with them. The Names of our {Virginians}. {Bdahanedo}, Brother to the {Bashabes}. {Amooret}, his Brother. {Satacomoah}. {Maneduck}. {Scikaworrowse}.